Pesquisa bibliográfica

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[227646]  Show Record 

Analysis of fish catches during the 1985 chobe fishing competition / Glenn S. Merron, Tom Sehemo
In: Botswana Notes and Records. - Vol. 19, (1987), p. 91-94
Descritores: África Meridional | Botsuana | Biologia | Política da pesca | Investigação haliêutica
Cota: PP957|AHM
[227647]  Show Record 

Observations on the abandoned Nqoba chanel of the Okavango delta / T. S. McCarth... [et al.]. - Ilustrado.
In: Botswana Notes and Records. - Vol. 19, (1987), p. 83-89
Descritores: África Meridional | Botsuana | Biologia | Investigação haliêutica
Cota: PP957|AHM
