Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 04 | 14 ms
[425825]  Show Record 

Studies on the exo erythrocytic cycle in the genus plasmodium / by R. S. Bray. - London : H. K. Lewis, . - VII, 192 p. : il.. - London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine memoir. 12)
Descritores: Malaria | Parasitologia | Parasitas | Plasmodios | Ciclos
Cota: Q-7|IHMT
[386624]  Show Record 

Studies on the exo erythrocytic cycle in the genus plasmodium / by R. S. Bray. - London : H. K. Lewis, . - VII, 192 p. : il.. - London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine memoir. 12)
Descritores: Malaria | Parasitologia | Parasitas | Plasmodios | Ciclos
CDU: 576.893.192.6
Cota: Q-7|IHMT
[386626]  Show Record 

The haemoflagelliates of sloths / by J. J. Shaw. - London : London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, . - X, 132 p. : il.. - London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine memoir. 13)
Descritores: Parasitologia | Tripanosomiases | Zoologia | Preguiças | Parasitas animais
CDU: 576.893.16
Cota: Q-7|IHMT
[425827]  Show Record 

The haemoflagelliates of sloths / by J. J. Shaw. - London : London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, . - X, 132 p. : il.. - London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine memoir. 13)
Descritores: Parasitologia | Tripanosomiases | Zoologia | Preguiças | Parasitas animais
Cota: Q-7|IHMT
