Madame Mao : the white-boned demon / Ross Terrill. -
Stanford : Stanford University Press,
1999. - 422 p.
Descritores: Biografia
Cota: 929(510)/TER|FO
HAMMOND, Richard J.
Portugal and Africa : 1815-1910 : a study in uneconomic imperialism / Richard J. Hammond. -
Stanford : Stanford University Press,
1966. - XV, [1], 384 p., [2] f. il. : il. ; 24 cm. - «(...) The present volume is the first in english to relate events in Portugal itself to developments in Portuguese Africa. It strives to make intelligible the portuguese view on imperial questions, a matter that has generally been neglected except by Portuguese Historians. (...)». A publication of the Food Research Institute, Stanford University.
Descritores: África lusófona |
Portugal |
Reino Unido |
História |
Imperialismo |
Colonialismo |
Cota: 5-11-57-30|BGUC