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[67004]  Show Record 
White paper on Irish AID. - Irlanda : Government of Ireland, . - 128 p. : il.
Descritores: Cooperação internacional | Irlanda | Apoio ao desenvolvimento | Desenvolvimento económico
Cota: 339 IRL|IPAD
[69157]  Show Record 
Paper, prices and politics : an evaluation of the swedish support to the Bai Bang project in Vietnam. - Suécia : Swedish Internacional Development Cooperation Agency, . - 173 p. : quadros ; 24 cm
Descritores: Indústria | Cooperação internacional | Suécia | Vietname | Bai Bang
Cota: 339 AV-IN|IPAD
[69158]  Show Record 

Paper, prices and politics : an evaluation of the swedish support to the Bai Bang project in Vietnam. - Suécia : Swedish Internacional Development Cooperation Agency, . - 236 p. : quadros ; 24 cm
Descritores: Indústria | Cooperação internacional | Suécia | Vietname | Bai Bang
Cota: 339 AV-IN|IPAD
[71216]  Show Record 
Guinéa-Bissau. Government/UNICEF
Strategy Paper / Government of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau e United Nations Children's Fund. - Bissau : Government of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau/UNICEF, . - 75 p. : graf. ; 30 cm. - Working Document
Descritores: Guiné-Bissau | Plano de desenvolvimento
Cota: 304:341.232(665.7)|BP|INEP
[72963]  Show Record 
Agency for International Development
Project paper : Guinea-Bissau trade and investment promotion : support project, no. 657-0021 / Agency for International Development. - [S.l.] : Agency for International Development, . - Pag. var. ; 28 cm
Descritores: Guiné-Bissau | Comercialização | Promoção do investimento
Cota: 339.1 (665.7)|BP|INEP
[72994]  Show Record 

Social soundness and wid analyses for USAD legal reform project paper / Carey Lifton. - Bissau : USAID, . - 61 p. : quadros, mapas, gráfico ; 30 cm
Descritores: Guiné-Bissau | Organização não governamental
Cota: 061.2 (665.7)|BP|INEP
[87008]  Show Record 

O "Working paper" do Secretariado Geral da ONU / A.S. Baptista
In: Brotéria. - Vol. LXXIX, nº 2-3 (Ag-Set. 1964), p. 180-186
Descritores: África lusófona | Política internacional | Organização das Nações Unidas
Cota: 344|IICT
[102406]  Show Record 
New paper : new M. P. and biggest-ever developments begin 1972 in Guinea
In: Portugal. - Vol. 2, n.º 1 (January 1972), p. 2
Descritores: Guiné Portuguesa | Jornal
[116433]  Show Record 

The green paper : myths, facts and negleted details / Severine M. Rugumamu. - Maastricht : European Center for Development Policy Management, . - 8 p. - ECDPM working paper. 24)
Descritores: Ajuda ao desenvolvimento | Política | Países ACP | Europa
Cota: DES 11-6/a|CIDAC
[118764]  Show Record 
Draft strategy paper for basic education : 1994-1998. - [Maputo] : GOM, . - 21 p.
Descritores: Educação | Moçambique
Cota: MZ-E.B.S. III-19|CIDAC
[118822]  Show Record 
Mozambique policy framework paper for 1994-96. - [S.l. : s.n.], . - 22 p.
Descritores: Políticas nacionais | Moçambique
[125411]  Show Record 

A paper / Serpa Pinto. - Sheffield : Pawson and Brailsford, . - [20] p. - Section E : Geography)
Descritores: Geografia | Política | Africa
Cota: ULT-564|BNU
[189546]  Show Record 

Is it best for libraries to buy light fiction in paper covers / Angeline Scott
In: Library Journal. - Vol. 118, nº 19 (Nov. 1993), p. s12
Cota: PP1446|AHM
[192350]  Show Record 

Paper monuments : political biography in new South África / Ton Lodge
In: South Áfrican Histoical Journal. - nº 28 (Maio 1993), p. 249-269
Cota: PP1324|AHM
[204327]  Show Record 

Occasional paper of the Department of Geography, Makerere, Uganda, 1967 / David N. McMaster
In: Áfrican Research and Documentation. - nº 51 (11989), p. 8-18
Descritores: África | Geografia | Uganda
Cota: PP1011|AHM
[215528]  Show Record 

The scholars paper Nigeria / Georg Jenkins
In: África Report. - Vol. 12, nº 5 (Maio 1967), p. 48-51
Descritores: Niogéria | Educação | Vida social
Cota: PP945|AHM
[215703]  Show Record 

The scholars paper Nigeria / Georg Jenkins
In: África Report. - Vol. 12, nº 5 (Maio 1967), p. 48-51
Descritores: Niogéria | Educação | Vida social
Cota: PP945|AHM
[246231]  Show Record 
National poverty reduction strategy paper (Interim). - Bissau : Government of Guinea-Bissau, . - 36 p.
Descritores: Política | Guiné-Bissau
[257309]  Show Record 

Voyages on paper : early modern visualization of the geographical space and the age of descoveries / Zsolt Török
In: Vasco da Gama : homens viagens e culturas : actas do congresso internacional, Lisboa, 1998 / org. Comissão Nacional para as Comemorações dos Descobrimentos Portugueses ; coord. Joaquim Romero Magalhães, Jorge Manuel Flores. - Lisboa : C.N.C.D.P., 2001. - vol. 1, p. 69-83
Descritores: India | Portugal | História | Navegação marítima | Geografia
Cota: 6-50-85-35|BGUC
[283077]  Show Record 

Modern Indian works on paper / Marcella C. Sirhandi
Descritores: India | Arte Moderna | Pintura
Cota: PP015/AA|FO
[300257]  Show Record 
Working paper for the Diocesan synod of Goa and Daman. - Goa : Instituto de Nosa Senhora da Piedade, . - 48 p. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Religião | Catolicismo
Cota: S/cota|Research & Reference Library Goenkaranchem Daiz
[312154]  Show Record 

Rock, paper, scissors : the nature of local sources and understanding regional history in imperial China : introduction to a theme issue of JESHO / Bettine Birge
Descritores: História regional | Historiografia | Arqueologia | China
Cota: PP002/JE|FO
[329190]  Show Record 
White paper on Hyderabad. - Delhi : Manager of Publications, . - 76 p. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Governo | História | Política | Índia
Cota: S/cota|Directorate of Archives and Archaelogy
[338382]  Show Record 

Rock, paper, scissors : the nature of local sources and understanding regional history in Imperial China : introduction to a theme issue of JESHO / Bettine Birge
In: Journal of the economic and social history of the Orient. - V. 52, parte 1 (2009), pp. 4-13
Descritores: História | Arqueologia | China
Cota: PP002/JE|FO
[350935]  Show Record 

Paper prepared for the workshop on the cultural minorities of Sri Lanka (13th October 1984) : the portuguese burghers of Batticaloa / F. R. Ragel. - Sri Lanka : International Centre for Ethnic Studies, . - 22 p.
Descritores: Cultura | Sri Lanka
Cota: 0896-EXP|FO
[362186]  Show Record 
Emang Basadi Women's Organization
The political empowerment of women in Botswana experiences from the political education project paper / prepared by Emang Basadi Women's Organization. - Gaborone : Emang Basadi Women's Organisation, . - 7 p.
Descritores: Mulher | Política | África
[363076]  Show Record 

Paper-boat / Kundanika Kapadia ; trad. Usha R. Sheth. - Vol. 2
In: Modern indian short stories / ed. e introd. Sarala Jag Mohan. - New Delhi : Indian Council for Cultural Relations, imp. 1976. - p. 22-27
Descritores: Índia | Literatura
Cota: 5-33-77-14|BGUC
[365566]  Show Record 

Experience and plans for developing the pulp and paper industry in Tunisia / H. Freoa, A. Karraï, F. Gharbi. - Vol. III.
In: Pulp and paper development in Africa and the Near East : technical papers submitted to the Conference on Pulp and Paper Development in Africa and the Near East, sponsored jointly by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and held in Cairo 8 to 18 march 1956. - Rome : FAO, 1968. - p. 1329-1357
Descritores: Tunísia | Indústria da celulose e do papel | Floresta
Cota: 6-93-8-60|BGUC
[365580]  Show Record 

The problem of low-level conifers for pulp and paper production in Tropical Africa / A. E. Chittenden, A. F. A. Lamb. - Vol. II.
In: Pulp and paper development in Africa and the Near East : technical papers submitted to the Conference on Pulp and Paper Development in Africa and the Near East, sponsored jointly by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and held in Cairo 8 to 18 march 1956. - Rome : FAO, 1968. - p. 501-506
Descritores: África | Floresta | Exploração florestal | Silvicultura | Indústria da celulose e do papel | Celulose
Cota: 6-93-8-59|BGUC
[365581]  Show Record 

Industrial experience in the utilisation of bamboo for pulp and paper manufacture / M. P. Bhargava. - Vol. II.
In: Pulp and paper development in Africa and the Near East : technical papers submitted to the Conference on Pulp and Paper Development in Africa and the Near East, sponsored jointly by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and held in Cairo 8 to 18 march 1956. - Rome : FAO, 1968. - p. 761-783
Descritores: Índia | Indústria da celulose e do papel
Cota: 6-93-8-59|BGUC
[366031]  Show Record 
Pulp and paper development in Africa and the Near East : technical papers submitted to the Conference on Pulp and Paper Development in Africa and the Near East, sponsored jointly by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and held in Cairo 8 to 18 march 1965. - Rome : FAO, . - 3 vol. : il. ; 28 cm
Descritores: Indústria da celulose e do papel | Celulose | Papel | Floresta | Exploração florestal | Silvicultura
Cota: 6-93-8-58/60|BGUC
[366883]  Show Record 

Peking paper gods : a look at home worship / Anne S. Goodrich. - Nettetal : Steyler-Verl, . - 501 p.. - Monumenta serica monograph series. 23)
Descritores: Religião | Usos e costumes | China
Cota: CHI 299 GOO|FO
[392469]  Show Record 

Paper chromatography : a laboratory manual / Richard J. Block, Raymond LeStrange, Gunter Zweig. - New York : Academic, . - X, 195 p. : il. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Cromatografia | Diagnóstico | Medicina
CDU: 543.544
Cota: M-23/2|IHMT|1786
[392482]  Show Record 

Paper electrophoresis / editors for the Ciba Foundation, G. E. W. Wolstenholme, Elaine C. P. Millar. - London : J. and A. Churchill, . - XII, 224 p. : il. ; 24 cm
Descritores: Ciba | Electroforese | Química | Congresso
CDU: 543.545
Cota: M-23/3|IHMT|2385
[403449]  Show Record 

How to write and publish a scientific paper / Robert A. Day. - 4th ed. - Cambridge : Cambridge University, . - XIV, 223 p. : il. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Ciência | Redação | Publicação
CDU: 001.89:159.94+665.413
Cota: E2/2|IHMT
[406261]  Show Record 

How to write and publish a scientific paper / Robert A. Day. - 4th ed. - Cambridge : Cambridge University, . - XIV, 223 p. : il. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Ciência | Redação | Publicação
CDU: 001.89:159.94+665.413
Cota: E2/2|IHMT
[430032]  Show Record 

Chinese paper offerings / Roderick Cave. - Hong Kong : Oxford University Press, . - VI, 74 p. : il. ; 20 cm. - Images of Asia)
Descritores: China | História | Usos e costumes
Cota: 7-77-7-8|BGUC
[430986]  Show Record 

A paper on the history of portuguese diplomatic relations with China : Alexandre Metelo de Sousa e Meneses, his majesty's envoy 1725-1728 / Eduardo Brazão ; trad. Carlos H. da Silva. - Hong Kong : Portuguese Institute of Hong Kong, (Hong Kong : St. Louis Industrial School, 1949. - [6], III, [1], 39 p. ; 26 cm
Descritores: China | Macau | Portugal | História | Relações diplomáticas | Missões religiosas
Cota: 5-4-19-36|BGUC
[456554]  Show Record 

Paper chromatography : a laboratory manual / Richard J. Block, Raymond LeStrange, Gunter Zweig. - New York : Academic, . - X, 195 p. : il. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Cromatografia | Diagnóstico | Medicina
CDU: 543.544
Cota: M-23/2|IHMT
[456568]  Show Record 
Paper electrophoresis. - London : J. and A. Churchill, . - XII, 224 p. : il. ; 24 cm
Descritores: Ciba | Electroforese | Química | Congresso
CDU: 543.545
Cota: M-23/3|IHMT
[40392]  Show Record 

Influence of soil moisture content on plant transpiration and application of cobalt chloride paper methodo to the measure of transpiration of the coffee busch / J. B. Vieira da Silva; J. Esteves Baptista; M. Antonieta Nunes
In: Garcia da Orta - Vol.8, nº 3 (1960), p. 749-760
Descritores: São Tomé e Príncipe | Café | Planta Tropical
Cota: 56-E-12|Soc. Geog. Lx.
[120922]  Show Record 

Algumas reflexöes sobre ajuda e desenvolvimento, motivadas pelo "paper" de R. Renard intitulado "Aid and development in Sub-Saharan Africa" / José Manuel Rolo. - In : Colóquio Internacional sobre o Desenvolvimento e o Subdesenvolvimento em África. - Lisboa : [s.n], 1987. - 4 p.
In: Colóquio Internacional sobre o Desenvolvimento e o Subdesenvolvimento em África. - Lisboa : [s.n], 1987. - 4 p.
Descritores: Cooperação para o Desenvolvimento | Política | Financiamento | África
Cota: África IX-1 B/a|CIDAC
[162565]  Show Record 

Influence of soil moisture content on plant transpiration and application of cobalt chloride paper method to the measure of transpiration of the coffee bush / J. B. Vieira da Silva, J. Esteves Baptista, M. Antonieta Nunes. - Lisboa : [s. n.], . - p. 749-760 ; 26 cm. - Separata de Garcia de Orta, revista da Junta de Investigações do Ultramar, vol. 8, n.º 3, 1960
Descritores: Política agrícola | Planta tropical | Café | Tratamento fitossanitário | São Tomé e Príncipe
Cota: PST-8[A-B]|AHSTP
[206104]  Show Record 

Influence of soil moisture content on plant transpiration and application of cobalt chloride paper method to the measure of transpiration of the coffe bush / J. B. Vieira da Silva ...[et al]. - Contém quadros, ilustrações, bibliografia e resum em português e inglês
In: Garcia de Orta. - Vol. 8, nº 3 (1960), p. 749-760
Descritores: Botânica | Café
Cota: PP43|AHM
[231775]  Show Record 

Memoirs of the Marquis of Pombal, with extracts from his writings, and from despatches in the state paper office never before published. / John Smith. - London : Longman, . - 2 v. ; 23 cm. - Considerado valioso pela Biblioteca.
Descritores: Jesuitas | Economia | Educação | Portugal | Ensino
Cota: V5452|CLP Goa
[247139]  Show Record 
Memorandum from AFFORD to the International Development Committee on the Government's White Paper "Eliminating world poverty : making globalisation work for the poor". - London : AFFORD, . - 5 p.
Descritores: Migração | Política | Dados estatísticos | Grã-Bretanha
Cota: MD-Pol. IV-12|CIDAC
[365567]  Show Record 
ALGERIE. Gouvernement de la République Algérienne Démocratique et Populaire. Ministère des Affaires Etrangères
Plans et perspectives de developpement de l'industrie de la pate et du papier en Algerie = Development plans and prospects for the pulp and paper industry in Algeria / Ministère des Affaires Etrangères. - Vol. III.
In: Pulp and paper development in Africa and the Near East : technical papers submitted to the Conference on Pulp and Paper Development in Africa and the Near East, sponsored jointly by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and held in Cairo 8 to 18 march 1956. - Rome : FAO, 1968. - p. 1425-1428
Descritores: Argélia | Indústria da celulose e do papel
Cota: 6-93-8-60|BGUC
[365568]  Show Record 
CAMEROUN. Gouvernement de la République Fédérale du Cameroun. Ministère Affaires Etrangères
Les perspectives de developpement et les plans elabores pour l'industrie de la pate et du papier au Cameroun = Development prospects and plans for a pulp and paper industry in Cameroon / Ministère Affaires Etrangères. - Vol. III.
In: Pulp and paper development in Africa and the Near East : technical papers submitted to the Conference on Pulp and Paper Development in Africa and the Near East, sponsored jointly by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and held in Cairo 8 to 18 march 1956. - Rome : FAO, 1968. - p. 1429-1432
Descritores: Camarões | Indústria da celulose e do papel
Cota: 6-93-8-60|BGUC
[365569]  Show Record 
Development prospects for the pulp and paper industry in Ghana = Perspectives de developpement de l'industrie de la pate et du papier au Ghana / compil. Food and Agriculture Organization of the Unied Nations Regional Office for Africa. - Vol. III.
In: Pulp and paper development in Africa and the Near East : technical papers submitted to the Conference on Pulp and Paper Development in Africa and the Near East, sponsored jointly by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and held in Cairo 8 to 18 march 1956. - Rome : FAO, 1968. - p. 1437-1444
Descritores: Gana | Indústria da celulose e do papel
Cota: 6-93-8-60|BGUC
