Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 29 | 09 ms
[203646]  Show Record 

Some musical instruments of Kenyia / Graham Hyslop. - Ilustrado
In: Áfrican Arts. - Vol. V, nº 4 (1972), p. 48-55
Descritores: África Oriental | Quénia | Artes
Cota: PP453|AHM
[228827]  Show Record 

The music and musical instruments of the Korana / P. R. Kirby
In: Bantu Studies. - Vol. VI, nº 2 (1932), p. 183-203
Descritores: África Meridional | África do Sul | Música
Cota: PP462|AHM
[255873]  Show Record 

Musical instruments / B. C. Deva. - 1. - New Delhi : National Book Trust, . - 155 p. : il., p. & b. ; 22 cm
Descritores: Cultura | Música
Cota: S/cota|Xavier Centre of Historical Research
[258341]  Show Record 

Musical instruments / B. C. Deva. - 4ª ed.. - New Delhi : National Book Trust, . - 155 p. : il., p. & b. ; 22 cm
Descritores: Cultura | Artes | Instrumento musical | India
Cota: S/cota|Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr
[258515]  Show Record 

The music and musical instruments of Southern India and the Deccan / C. R. Day. - New Delhi : B. R. Publishing Corporation, . - 181 p. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Música | India
Cota: S/cota|Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr
[301641]  Show Record 

Musical instruments / B. C. Deva. - 7ª ed. - India : National Book Trust, . - 155 p. : il. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Instrumento musical | India
Cota: S/cota|Margão Municipal Library
[307540]  Show Record 

Musical instruments / B.C. Deva. - 5ª ed. reimpressa. - Nova Delhi : National Book Trust, . - 10, 155 p. : il. pb, figuras ; 22 cm
Descritores: Música | Instrumento musical | Índia
Cota: S/cota|Kala Academy Library
[310469]  Show Record 

The music and musical instruments of Southern India and the Deccan / C. R. Day. - Delhi : Low Price Publications, . - 181, 17 p. : fotografias, pb ; 26 cm
Descritores: Música | India
Cota: S/cota|Kala Academy Library
[310504]  Show Record 

Folk music & musical instruments of Punjab / Alka Pande. - Ahmedabad : Mapin Publishing, . - 128 p. : fotografias, color ; 28 cm
Descritores: Música | India
Cota: S/cota|Kala Academy Library
[310505]  Show Record 

Musical instruments of India : history & development / Ram Avtar Vir. - Nova Delhi : Pankaj Publications, . - Pag. var.
Descritores: Música | India
Cota: S/cota|Kala Academy Library
[312067]  Show Record 
Chinese musical instruments : instruments of a 60 piece orchestra from the Chiuchow region in eastern Kwangtung. - Contém uma nota extra edição: Opposite. These Fukien (not Kwangtung) instruments from Amoy (not Chiucow) are poor in design and workmanship
Descritores: Música | Instrumento musical | China--Guangdong | China
Cota: PP374/EH|FO
[331783]  Show Record 

Musical instruments / B.C. Deva. - 4ª ed.. - Nova Delhi : National Book Trust, . - X, 155 p., [2] : il. ; 22 cm
Descritores: Música | Índia
Cota: S/cota|Directorate of Archives and Archaelogy
[338295]  Show Record 
Chinese musical instruments : instruments of a 60 piece orchestra from the Chiuchow region in eastern Kwangtung. - ^aCont‚m uma nota extra edi‡Æo: Opposite. These Fukien (not Kwangtung) instruments from Amoy (not Chiucow) are poor in design and workmanship
In: Eastern horizon. - V. 5, nº 10 (Jan. 1966), pp. 43-46
Descritores: Música | Instrumento musical | China
Cota: PP374/EH|FO
[341434]  Show Record 

Musical instruments of Tribal India / Dilip Bhattacharya. - New Delhi : Manas Publications, . - 240 p.
Descritores: Instrumento musical | India
Cota: ND 681.8 BHA|FO
[345268]  Show Record 

Chinese musical instruments / by Wang Zichu. - Beijing : Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China, . - 137, [3] p.. - Meet a cultural China)
Descritores: Cultura | Instrumento musical | China
Cota: 594-VHS|FO
[348899]  Show Record 

Chinese musical instruments / by Wang Zichu. - Beijing : Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China, . - 137, [3] p.
Descritores: Multimédia | Civilização | Cultura | Instrumento musical | China
Cota: CHI 681.81 WAN|FO
[359816]  Show Record 

Musical instruments / B.C. Deva. - New Delhi : National Book Trust, . - 155 p.
Descritores: Instrumento musical | Música | História | India
Cota: IND 681.81 DEV|FO
[360161]  Show Record 

The music and musical instruments of Japan / by Sir. Francis Piggott ; with notes by T.L. Southgate. - Shanghai : B.T. Batsford, . - 196 p.
Descritores: Música | Instrumento musical | Artes do espectáculo | História | Japão
Cota: JAP 78:681.81 PIG|FO
[360210]  Show Record 

Thai musical instruments / by Dhanit Yupho. - Bangkok : The Department of Fine Arts, . - 104, [1] p.
Descritores: Música | Instrumento musical | Tailândia
Cota: TAI 78:681.81 YUP|FO
[360219]  Show Record 

Music and musical instruments in the world of Islam / Jean Jenkins and Poul Rovsing Olsen. - London : [Horniman Museum], . - 100 p.
Descritores: Música | Instrumento musical | Islamismo | Asia
Cota: ASIA 78 JEN|FO
[370133]  Show Record 

Chinese musical instruments & pictures / ed. by Prof. Tsai Ping Liang. - Taipei : Chinese Classical Music Association, . - 152 p.
Descritores: Música | Instrumento musical | China
Cota: CHI 78:681.81 TSA|FO
[370298]  Show Record 

Ancient chinese musical instruments : as depicted on some of the early monuments in the museum / Helen E. Fernald. - [S.l. : s.n.], . - Pag. var.
Descritores: Música | Instrumento musical | Museu | China
Cota: CHI 78:681.81 FER|FO
[375083]  Show Record 

The significance of musical instruments and food utensils in sacrifices of ancient China / Ho Shun-Yee
In: Monumenta Serica. - V. 51 (2003), pp. 1-18
Descritores: Instrumento musical | China
Cota: PP311/MS|FO
[205240]  Show Record 

Sandawe musical and other sound producing instruments / W. F. E. R. Tenraa
In: Tanganyika Notes and Records. - Nº 60 (1963), p. 23-48
Descritores: África | África Meridional | Cultura | Artes | Música
Cota: PP468|AHM
[341395]  Show Record 

A list of the musical and other sound-producing instruments of the chinese / Arthur C. Moule ; introd. Harrison Ryker. - Buren, The Netherlands : Frits Knuf Publishers, . - xvi, 160, [27] p.. - Source materials in ethnomusicology. 3)
Descritores: Instrumento musical | Música | China
Cota: CHI 681.81 MOU|FO
[204794]  Show Record 

Medieval scientific instruments and development of navigational instruments in the XVth and XVIth centuries / Francis Maddison. - Ilustrações
In: Revista da Universidade de Coimbra. - Vol. XIV, (1971), p. 115-172
Descritores: Portugal | Navegação fluvial | Instrumento de navegação
Cota: PP118|AHM
[275559]  Show Record 

Medieval scientific instruments and the development of navigational instruments in the XVth and XVIth centuries / Francis Maddison
In: I Reunião internacional de história da náutica : discursos e comunicações / Reunião internacional de história da náutica, 1, Coimbra, 1968. - Coimbra : Universidade, Estudos de Cartografia Antiga, 1970. - p. 115-172
Descritores: India | Portugal | História | Navegação marítima | Ciencia
Cota: 9-(11)-25-4-20|BGUC
[358482]  Show Record 

Medieval scientific instruments and the development of navigational instruments in the XVth and XVIth centuries / Francis Maddison. - Coimbra : [s.n.], (Coimbra : Imprensa de Coimbra, Lda.. - 60, [2] p. : il. ; 27 cm. - Separata da "Revista da Universidade de Coimbra", vol. XXIV.
Descritores: Portugal | História | Navegação marítima
Cota: 9-(11)- |BGUC
