MATIAS, Nicasia Casimiro
Trabalho indigena na Huila : uma visao a partir de fontes locais / Nicasia Casimiro Matias
In: Construindo o passado angolano : as fontes e a sua interpretacao - actas do II seminario internacional sobre a historia de Angola / pref. Jill R. Dias, Rosa Cruz e Silva. - [S.l.] : Comissao Nacional para as Comemoracoes dos Descobrimentos Portugueses, 2000. - p. 695-722
Descritores: Angola |
Historia |
Condicao socioeconomica
West Central África Part II : The ovimbundu of Angola / Merran McCulloch. -
London : Daryll Forde ; International Áfrican Institute,
1952 (London : Commercial Aid Printing Service Ltd.. - This study is one part of the Ethnographic Survey of África which the International Áfrican Institute is preparing with the aid of a grant made by the Secretary of State under the Colonial Development and Welfare Acts, on the recommendation of the Colonial Social Science Research Council.
Descritores: África lusófona |
Demografia |
Etnologia |
Condição socioeconómica |
Religião |
Cota: D 675|UCDA