Taking sides : clashing views on african issues / selected., ed. and introd. William G. Moseley. -
3rd ed. -
Boston : Higher Education,
2009. - XXX, 385 p. ; 22 cm. - Taking sides)
Descritores: Estudos africanos |
Manual |
África Subsaariana
Cota: EA.0 Tak|ISCTE
Taking sides : clashing views on african issues / selected., ed. and introd. William G. Moseley. -
Boston : Higher Education,
2009. - XXX, 385 p.
Descritores: Estudos africanos |
Cota: EA.0 Tak|ISCTE
What is the fuss all about? : an inside account of the Áfrican Studies Association-its structure, activity and finacing-by the organization's incoming president. - il.
In: África Report. - Vol. 14, nº 8 (Dez. 1969), p. 18-19
Descritores: Estudos africanos |
Cota: PP945|AHM