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[352599]  Show Record 

The Joe Grimberg collection of chinese snuff bottles / Vanessa F. Holden
Descritores: Porcelana | China
Cota: PP088/OA|FO
[282625]  Show Record 

The Joe Grimberg collection of chinese snuff bottles : the pleasures of an obsession / Patrick K. M. Kwok
Descritores: Frasco | China
Cota: PP015/AA|FO
[324372]  Show Record 

The Joe Grimberg collection of chinese snuff bottles / Vanessa F. Holden
Descritores: Porcelana | China
Cota: PP088/OA|FO
[434808]  Show Record 

The Joint Declaration negotiations / Pedro Pires de Miranda
In: Proceedings of the Seminar Paths of Macau and of Portuguese-Chinese Relations (1974-1999) / Garcia Leandro... [et al.] ; org. Centro Científico e Cultural de Macau ; ed. Luís Filipe Barreto. - Lisbon : Centro Científico e Cultural de Macau, 2010. - p. 67-75
Descritores: Macau | China | Portugal | História | Relações internacionais | Relações diplomáticas | Acordo internacional
Cota: 5-1-39-45|BGUC
[324380]  Show Record 

The journey south : transference of technology and style in China and southeast Asia / Rosemary Scott
Descritores: Porcelana | História | China
Cota: PP088/OA|FO
[352607]  Show Record 

The journey south : transference of technology and style in China and southeast Asia / Rosemary Scott
Descritores: Porcelana | História | China
Cota: PP088/OA|FO
[365125]  Show Record 

The journey to the West / Wu ch'eng-en. - Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, . - 4 v.
Descritores: Literatura | China
Cota: CHI 82-34 WU|FO
[282722]  Show Record 

The Judy and Michael Steinhardt collection of chinese textiles / Julie Segraves
Descritores: Têxteis | China
Cota: PP015/AA|FO
[283579]  Show Record 

The lack of security cooperation between Southeast Asia and Japan : Yen yes, Pax Nippon no / Sandra R. Leavitt
Descritores: Japão | China | Ásia | Relações bilaterais | Segurança
Cota: PP007/AS|FO
[430759]  Show Record 
WACL Conference, 10
The land reform program implemented in the Republic of China / prepared by the Secretariat of the 10th WACL and 23rd APACL Conferences. - [S.l. : s.n.], . - I, [1], 75 p. : il. ; 19 cm
Descritores: China | Reforma agrária
Cota: 5-54-95-34|BGUC
[430580]  Show Record 

The last peace talks between the nationalists and communists in China : a case study of communist tactics of peace offensive / Shia-ling Liu. - [Taipei] : World Anti-Communist League, China Chapter, . - [4], 34 p. ; 19 cm. - Pamphlet. 301)
Descritores: China | História | Guerra civil | Paz
Cota: 5-54-86-136|BGUC
[303843]  Show Record 

The late Han stone-built tomb at Yinan : home is where the body is / Jean M. James
Descritores: Arquitectura | China
Cota: PP088/OA|FO
[341392]  Show Record 

The last stand of chinese conservatism : The T'ung-Chih restoration, 1862-1874 / Mary Clabaugh Wright. - Stanford : Stanford University Press, . - xi, 429 p.
Descritores: História | China
Cota: 94(510)/WRI|FO
[370250]  Show Record 

The Lau Collection : twentieth century Chinese paintings and woodblock prints / Catherine Maudsley
In: Arts of Asia. - V. 40, nº 5 (Set/Out 2010), pp. 118-129
Descritores: Arte | Xilogravura | Pintura | China
Cota: PP015/AA|FO
[340626]  Show Record 

The legend of Miao-shan / Glen Dudbridge. - Oxford : Ithaca Press London, . - 128 p.
Descritores: Budismo | China
Cota: CHI 294.3 DUD|FO
[282496]  Show Record 

The legacy of Bole : phisiognomy and horses in chinese painting / Robert E. Harrist
Descritores: Pintura | China
Cota: PP037/AA|FO
[275556]  Show Record 

The legal system of Macau : the humanistic legacy / Isabel Cabrita
In: Macau in the Pearl River Delta / Instituto do Oriente. - Lisboa : Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, 2000. - p. 159-184
Descritores: Macau | Portugal | China | Sistema judiciário | Direitos civis | Cultura
Cota: 6-50-95-9|BGUC ¤ 6-37-49-48|BGUC
[372534]  Show Record 

The legacy of Gong Xinzhao / Bradley James Gardner
In: Arts of Asia. - V. 42, nº 1 (Jan./Fev. 2012), pp. 172-178
Descritores: Biografia | China
Cota: PP015/AA|FO
[375530]  Show Record 

The legal concept of Zhi : the emphasis of verification in early China / Zhang Zhaoyang
In: Monumenta Serica. - V. 59 (2011), pp. 1-16
Descritores: História | China
Cota: PP311/MS|FO
[416366]  Show Record 

The legal and cultural status of Chinese temples in contemporary Java / Tsuda Koji
In: Asian Ethnicity. - V. 13, nº 4 (Set. 2012), pp. 389-398
Descritores: Cultura | China
Cota: PP226/AE|FO
[427017]  Show Record 

The legal and cultural status of Chinese temples in contemporary Java / Tsuda Koji
In: Asian Ethnicity. - V. 13, nº 4 (Set. 2012), pp. 389-398
Descritores: Cultura | China
Cota: PP226/AE|FO
[425389]  Show Record 

The lever of riches : technological creativity and economic progress / Joel Mokyr. - New York : Oxford University Press, . - IX, 349 p.
Descritores: História económica | Crescimento económico | Progresso técnico | Revolução industrial | Mudança tecnológica | Europa | China
Cota: E.113 MOK*Lev|ISCTE
[362201]  Show Record 

The lever of riches technological creativity and economic progress / Joel Mokyr. - New York : Oxford University Press, . - IX, 349 p.
Descritores: História | Economia | Crescimento económico | Mudança tecnológica | Europa | China
Cota: E.113 MOK*Lev|ISCTE
[353001]  Show Record 

The life, art and poetry of Kodojin / Stephen Addiss
Descritores: Biografia | China
CDU: PP019/O
Cota: PP019/O|FO
[115022]  Show Record 

The life of Hiuen-Tsiang / Shaman Hwui Li. - London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co, . - v, 218 p. ; 21 cm. - Considerado valioso pela Biblioteca
Descritores: Hiuen-Tsiang | Biografia | Budismo | Oriente | India antiga | China
Cota: V5626|CLP Goa
[324775]  Show Record 

The life, art and poetry of Kodojin / Stephen Addiss
Descritores: Biografia | China
CDU: PP019/O
Cota: PP019/O|FO
[336389]  Show Record 

The life and works of Wu Yushan / Zhang Weiqin
In: Revista de cultura. - N. 13 (Janeiro 2005), pp. 84-105
Descritores: História | Artes | Biografia | Pintura | China
Cota: PP234/RC|FO
[426920]  Show Record 

The life of Confucius / by Qu Chunli. - Beijing : Foreign Languages Press, . - [12], 645 p.
Descritores: Biografia | China
Cota: CHI 14Confucionismo|FO
[415936]  Show Record 

The life of Confucius / by Qu Chunli. - Beijing : Foreign Languages Press, . - [12], 645 p.
Descritores: Biografia | China
Cota: CHI 14Confucionismo|FO
[372508]  Show Record 

The Lion and the Dragon : the story of the first british embassy to the court of the Emperor Qianlong in Peking, 1792-1794 / Aubrey Singer. - London : Barrie & Jenkins, . - 192 p.
Descritores: Relações internacionais | História | China | Reino Unido
Cota: CHI 327(UK) SIN|FO
[341417]  Show Record 

The literary inquisition of Ch'ien-Lung / Luther Carrington Goodrich. - New York : Paragon Book Reprint Corp., . - xxvi, 275 p. - ACLS. 1)
Descritores: Bibliografia | Literatura | China
Cota: 098.12(510)/GOO|FO
[282643]  Show Record 

The little known Binglingsi buddhist caves / Elena Schmidt
Descritores: Escultura | Pintura | Budismo | China
Cota: PP015/AA|FO
[298487]  Show Record 

The literature of Ceylon / by C. E. Godakumbura. - Ceylon : Dept. of Cultural Affairs, Govt. of Ceylon, . - 36 p., [9] grav. ; 19 cm. - Arts of Ceylon. 4)
Descritores: Folclore | Literatura | China
CDU: 398 | 82
Cota: 1780 ¤ CEHU-1780|IICT
[319567]  Show Record 

The logic of anticorruption enforcement campaingns in contemporary China / Elizabeth A. Quade
Descritores: China | Corrupção | Inflação
Cota: PP222/JC|FO
[311995]  Show Record 

The Longshan Daoist Caves / Anning Jing
Descritores: Escultura | China
Cota: PP037/AA|FO
[196938]  Show Record 

The long March from Mao : China's de-communization / Liu Binyan
In: Current History : A Journal of Contemporary World Affairs. - Vol. 92, nº 575 (Set. 1993), p. 241-244
Descritores: Extremo Oriente | China | Vida política | Ideologia política | Comunismo
Cota: PP1445|AHM
[338223]  Show Record 

The Longshan Daoist Caves / Anning Jing
In: Artibus Asiae. - V. 68, nº 1 (2008), pp. 7-56
Descritores: Escultura | China
Cota: PP037/AA|FO
[338309]  Show Record 

The lost Buddhas : stylistic and iconographic innovations in 6th century Qingzhou Buddhist sculptures / Liu Yang
In: Arts of Asia. - V. 38, nº 6 (Nov./Dez. 2008), pp. 69-78
Descritores: Budismo | Artes | Escultura | China
Cota: PP015/AA|FO
[312081]  Show Record 

The lost Buddhas : stylistic and iconographic innovations in 6th century Qingzhou buddhist sculptures / Liu Yang
Descritores: Budismo | Artes | Escultura | China
Cota: PP015/AA|FO
[401692]  Show Record 

The luso-Macau connections in Sun Yatsen's modern chinese revolution / Ming K. Chan. - Macau : International Institute of Macau, ([Macau] : Tipografia Welfare. - 44 p. ; 21 cm
Descritores: Macau | China | Portugal | História
Cota: S/cota|BGUC
[275555]  Show Record 

The macanese ethnic group / Carlos Piteira
In: Macau in the Pearl River Delta / Instituto do Oriente. - Lisboa : Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, 2000. - p. 131-158
Descritores: Macau | Portugal | China | Etnologia | Emigração | Sociologia | Identidade cultural
Cota: 6-50-95-9|BGUC ¤ 6-37-49-48|BGUC
[319270]  Show Record 

The making of modern icons : three actresses of the Lianhua Film Company / Anne Kerlan-Stephens
Descritores: China | História
Cota: PP184/EJ|FO
[282737]  Show Record 

The Mandarin Hesing and the Chinese Junk the Keying / Victor E. Graham
Descritores: Historiografia | China
Cota: PP015/AA|FO
[370429]  Show Record 

The Maoist urban state and crisis : comparing disaster management in the great Tianjin flood in 1963 and the great leap forward famine / Lauri Paltemaa
In: The China journal. - Nº 66 (Jul. 2011), pp. 25-51
Descritores: Fome | Economia | China
Cota: PP001/CJ|FO
[425476]  Show Record 

The manufacturing value chain of power generation equipment : a case study / Zhang Wenfeng ; orient. Nelson António ; co-orient. Li Shiming. - Lisboa : [s.n.], . - 130 p.
Descritores: Gestão industrial | Indústria energética | Inovação tecnológica | Tese de doutoramento | China
Cota: G.103 ZHA*Man|ISCTE
