The politics of China : the Eras of Mao and Deng / edited by Roderich MacFarquhar. -
2ª ed. -
New York : Cambridge University Press,
1997. - x, 608 p.
Descritores: História |
Política |
Cota: CHI 94 MAC|FO
BRAGA, José Pedro
The portuguese in Hongkong and China : their beginning, settlement and progress to 1949 / José Pedro Braga, Barnabas H. M. Koo. -
Macau : Instituto Internacional de Macau,
2013 ([Macau] : Tipografia Macau Hung Heng. - 2 vol. : il. ; 26 cm. - Vol. 1: The portuguese in Hongkong and China : their beginning, settlement and progress to 1949 / José Pedro Braga ; rev. Barnabas H. M. Koo. - Macau : Instituto Internacional de Macau, 2013; vol. 2: The portuguese in Hongkong and China : their beginning, settlement and progress to 1949 / Barnabas H. M. Koo. - Macau : Instituto Internacional de Macau, 2013.
Descritores: Macau |
China |
Hong Kong |
Portugal |
Cota: S/cota|BGUC