The adventures of Hamza : painting and storytelling in Mughal India. -
Washington : Smithsonian Institution,
2002. - 320 p.
Descritores: Pintura |
Cota: 75:82(540)/SEY|FO
VINK, Markus
The Afrasian Mediterranean : port cities and urban networks in the Indian Ocean world / Markus Vink
In: Journal of the economic and social history of the Orient. - V. 54, parte 3 (2011), pp. 405-415
Descritores: Cidade |
Ásia |
Cota: PP002/JE|FO
The age of enlightenment : global perspectives on the history of east asian art : an interview with Lothar Ledderose and Adele Scholombs / [entrevistador] Hwang Yin ; [entrevistados] Lothar Ledderose e Adele Scholombs
In: Orientations. - ISSN 0030-5448. - V. 40, nº 8 (Nov./Dez. 2009), pp. 84-90
Descritores: Artes
Cota: PP019/O|FO
The age of discovery : course book, 1996-1997 : University of Exeter, England / Malyn Newitt
In: Portuguese studies review. - V. 6, nº 1 (spring-summer 1997), pp. 126-148
Descritores: Curso
Cota: PP009/PS|FO
The anthropology of experience / edited by Victor W. Turner and Edward M. Bruner ; with an epilogue by Clifford Geertz. -
Urbana : University of Illinois Press,
1986. - 391 p.
Descritores: Etnologia |
Cota: 572(5)/TUR|FO