Advances in parasitology / Ben Dawes. -
London : Academic,
1964. - 29 v. ; 25 cm. - Volume 2 : Host specificity and the evolution of helminthic parasites / Thomas W. M. Cameron ; Leishmania / S. Adler ; Fascioliasis the invasive stages of fasciola hepatica in mammalian hosts / Ben Dawes, D. L. Hughes ; The biology of the hydatid organism
Descritores: Helmintologia |
Parasitologia |
CDU: 576.8
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
Advances in parasitology / Ben Dawes. -
London : Academic,
1965. - 29 v. ; 25 cm. - Volume 3 : Biological aspects of trypanosomiasis research / W. H. R. Lumsden ; Relationships between the species of fasciola and their molluscan hosts / S. B. Kendall ; Paragonimus and paragonimiasis / Muneo Yokogawa ; In vitro cultivation procedures for
Descritores: Parasitologia |
Tripanosomíases |
Fasciola |
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
BAKER, John R.
Advances in parasitology / J. R. Baker, R. Muller. -
London : Academic,
1987. - 29 v. ; 25 cm. - Volume 26 : Evasion of immunity by nematode parasites causing chronic infections / J. M. Behnke ; Parasite behaviour. Understanding platyhelminth responses / M. V. K. Sukhdeo, D. F. Mettrick ; Characterization of species and strains of theileria / A. D. I
Descritores: Parasitologia |
Nematodes |
Helmintologia |
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/2|IHMT
Advances in enzimology : and related subjects of biochemistry / [edited by] F. F. Nord. -
New York : Interscience,
1956. - vol. 25 (V, 556 ; V, 435 ; V, 457 ; VII, 488 ; V, 521 ; V, 567 ; V, 557 ; V, 572 ; V, 565 p.) ; 25 cm
Descritores: Enzimologia |
Bioquímica |
CDU: 577.15
Cota: M-21/4|IHMT
Advances in parasitology / Ben Dawes. -
London : Academic,
1970. - 29 v. ; 25 cm. - Volume 8 : Biology of nanophyetus salmincola and salmon poisoning disease / Raymond E. Millemann, Stuart E. Knapp ; Snail problems in african schistosomiasis / A. D. Berrie ; The relationship between circulating antibodies and immunity to helminthic infec
Descritores: Parasitologia |
Schistosomiases |
Helmintíases |
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
Advances in parasitology / Ben Dawes. -
London : Academic,
1975. - 29 v. ; 25cm. - Volume 13 : Fine structure of the monogenea especially polystomoides ward / Klaus Rohde ; Carbon dioxide utilization and the regulation of respiratory metabolic pathways in parasitic helminths / C. Bryant ; Behavioural analysis of nematode movement / Neil
Descritores: Parasitologia |
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
Advances in parasitology / Ben Dawes. -
London : Academic,
1963. - 29 v. ; 25 cm. - Volume 1 : Experimental research on avian malaria / Clay G. Huff ; Coccidia and coccidiosis in the domestic fowl and turkey / C. Horton Smith, P. L. Long ; The infective stage of nematode parasites and its significance in parasitism / W. P. Rogers, R. I.
Descritores: Parasitologia |
Malária aviária |
Coccideos |
Nematodes |
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT