Chine, Japon, ASEAN : compétition stratégique ou coopération? / dir. François Godement. -
Paris : La documentation,
1999. - 141 p.
Descritores: ASEAN |
China |
Cota: 327(59)/GOD|FO
CUSHING, Lincoln
Chinese posters : art from great proletarian cultural revolution / Lincoln Cushing and Ann Tompkins. -
San Francisco : Chronicle Books,
2007. - 143 p.
Descritores: Cultura |
Cota: CHI 769(084.5) CUS|FO
LOPEZ, Manuel D.
Chinese drama : an annotated bibliography of commentary, criticism and plays in english translation / Manuel D. Lopez. -
Metuchen : The Scarecrow Press,
1991. - viii, 525 p.
Descritores: Literatura |
Cota: 016(510)/LOP|FO
Chinese musical instruments : instruments of a 60 piece orchestra from the Chiuchow region in eastern Kwangtung. - ^aCont‚m uma nota extra edi‡Æo: Opposite. These Fukien (not Kwangtung) instruments from Amoy (not Chiucow) are poor in design and workmanship
In: Eastern horizon. - V. 5, nº 10 (Jan. 1966), pp. 43-46
Descritores: Música |
Instrumento musical |
Cota: PP374/EH|FO