The historical finger-post : handy book of terms, phrases, epithets, cognomens, allusions, & C. in connection with universal history, including politics, theology, law, commerce, literature, army and navy, arts and sciences, geography, tradition, national, social, and personal, characteristics / Edward Shelton. -
London : Houlston and Sons,
1879. - 376 p. ; 18 cm
Descritores: História |
Cota: 7532|CLP Goa
KETKAR, Shridhar Venkatesh
The history of caste in India : evidence of the laws of Manu on the social conditions in India during the third century A. D., interpreted and examined / Shridhar Venkatesh Ketkar. -
Ithaca : Taylor & Carpenter,
1909. - 177 p. ; 15 cm. - Obra dedicada, essencialmente, à história da Índia.
Descritores: Índia |
Cota: 5-17-1|BGUC
The history of Angola Jill Dias never wrote / Malyn Newitt
In: As lições de Jill Dias : antropologia, história, África, academia = The Jill Dias lessons : anthropology, history, Africa, academy / coord. Maria Cardeira da Silva, Clara Saraiva. - [Lisboa] : CRIA - Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia, 2013. - p. 29-34
Descritores: Angola |
Cota: 10-(1)-14-2-30|BGUC