Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 07 | 02 ms
[251658]  Show Record 
Regional Conference on Good Governance and Wilder Civil Society Participation in Eastern and Southern Africa, Addis Ababa, 2000
Promoting good governance and wider civil society participation in eastern and southern Africa / Regional Conference on Good Governance and Wilder Civil Society Participation in Eastern and Southern Africa 6th-8th November 2000 ; rapporteur Rahel Mesfin ; editor Taye Assefa. - Addis Ababa : OSSREA, . - [VII], 121 p.
Descritores: Governação | Sociedade civil | Democratização | Desenvolvimento humano | Africa
Cota: EA.ASS 1 Pro|ISCTE
[251741]  Show Record 
Register of social scientists in eastern and southern Africa / compil. by Taye Assefa. - Addis Ababa : OSSREA-Organization for Social Science Research in Eastern an Southern Africa, . - [IX], 326 p.
Descritores: Investigação científica | Africa
Cota: EA.00 ASS*Reg|ISCTE
[267981]  Show Record 
Globalization, democracy and development in Africa : challenges and prospects / ed. Taye Assefa, Severine M. Rugumamu, Abdel Ghaffar M. Ahmed. - Addis Ababa : Organization for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa-OSSREA, . - XV, 379 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: Globalização | Desenvolvimento sustentado | Desenvolvimento humano | Democracia | África
Cota: EA.AGR 1 Glo,4|ISCTE
[273883]  Show Record 
Civil society at the crossroads : challenges and prospects in Ethiopia / ed. Taye Assefa, Bahru Zewde. - Addis Ababa : Forum for Social Studies, . - IX, 199 p. ; 28 cm
Descritores: Sociedade civil | Democratização | Etiópia | Corno de África
Cota: EA.CAF 1 Civ,1|ISCTE
[276554]  Show Record 
Digest of Ethiopia's national policies, strategies and programs / ed. Taye Assefa. - Addis Ababa : Forum for Social Studies, . - XIV, 472 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: Política social | Política económica | Governação | Etiópia | Corno de África
Cota: EA.CAF 1 Dig|ISCTE
[368994]  Show Record 
Register of social scientists in eastern and southern Africa / compil. Taye Assefa. - Addis Ababa : OSSREA-Organization for Social Science Research in Eastern an Southern Africa, . - [IX], 326 p. ; 21 cm
Descritores: Investigação científica | Projectos de investigação | Directório | África Subsaariana
Cota: EA.00 Reg|ISCTE
[422308]  Show Record 
Civil society at the crossroads challenges and prospects in Ethiopia / ed. Taye Assefa, Bahru Zewde. - Addis Ababa : Forum for Social Studies, . - IX. 199 p.
Descritores: Sociedade civil | Democratização | África
Cota: EA.CAF 1 Civ,1|ISCTE
