Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 03 | 01 ms
[282464]  Show Record 

Buddha as a musician : an illustration of a Jataka story / Bo Lawergren
Descritores: Música | Pote | Bronze | India
Cota: PP037/AA|FO
[325007]  Show Record 

The metamorphosis of the Qin, 500 BCE-CE 500 / Bo Lawergren
Descritores: História | China
CDU: PP019/O
Cota: PP019/O|FO
[353233]  Show Record 

The metamorphosis of the Qin, 500 BCE-CE 500 / Bo Lawergren
Descritores: História | China
CDU: PP019/O
Cota: PP019/O|FO
