Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 06 | 02 ms
[14919]  Show Record 

Population movements between East África, the Horn of África and the neighbouring countries / Bethwell A. Ogot. - The general history of África: studies and documents. 2)
In: The slave trade from the fifteenth to the nineteenth century / UNESCO. - Paris : United Nations. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 1979. - p.175-182.
Descritores: África | África lusófona | História | Escravatura
Cota: 326-9356|UCDA
[205432]  Show Record 

British administration in the Central Nyanza district of Kenya : 1900-60 / Bethwell A. Ogot
In: The Journal of Áfrican History. - Vol. IV, nº 2 (1963), p. 249-273
Descritores: África | África Oriental | Quénia | Política | Colonialismo | Ingerência
Cota: PP467|AHM
[251647]  Show Record 

History of the southern Luo / Bethwell A. Ogot. - Nairobi : East African Publishing House, . - v.. - Vol.1: Migration and settlement 1500-1900. - 250 p., [4] p. fotos
Descritores: História | Migração | Africa
Cota: EA.AOR 6 OGO*His v.1|ISCTE
[274377]  Show Record 
Conference of the Historical Association of Kenya, 1974
History and social change in east Africa : proceedings of the 1974 Conference of the Historical Association of Kenya / ed. Bethwell A. Ogot. - Nairobi : Historical Association of Kenya : East African Literature Bureau, . - 235 p. ; 22 cm. - Hadith. 6)
Descritores: História social | Identidade social | Mudança social | Colóquios | África Oriental
[276181]  Show Record 
Politics and nationalism in colonial Kenya : Hadith 4 : proceedings of the 1971 conference of the historical association of Kenya / ed. Bethwell A. Ogot. - Nairobi : East African Publishing House : Historical Association of Kenya, . - XII, 275 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: História política | Movimentos de resistência | Nacionalismo | Autoridade tradicional | Conferência--1971 | Quénia | África Oriental
[301352]  Show Record 

East and central Africa to the late nineteenth century / Basil Davidson, J. E. F. Mhina [e] Bethwell A. Ogot. - London : Longman, . - XVII, 334 p. ; 21 cm
Descritores: História | África
CDU: 94(6)
Cota: CEHU-2086|IICT
