Pesquisa bibliográfica

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[20959]  Show Record 

Conservation and interpretation of cultural legacies for ethnic tourism in Macau [Texto fotocopiado] / Ian Chaplin, Carlos M. M. Costa and Aliana Leong Man Wai. - [Hong Kong] : White Lotus, . - 15 p.. - Extr. de: Tourism anthropology and China; p. 271-288
Descritores: Turismo cultural | Macau | Desenvolvimento do turismo | Identidade cultural
CDU: 338.48:33
Cota: MED-CDQ-13/Ano 01/100-Mediateca|UAVSD
[20972]  Show Record 

Applying anthropology research for heritage interpretation in post colonial societies [Texto fotocopiado] : a case study of Macau in the context of tourism education / Ian Chaplin and Carlos M. M. Costa. - [Hong Kong : University of Hong Kong], . - 15 p.. - Extr. de: An International Conference on Tradition and Change: Identity, Gender and Culture in South China, Hong Kong, 1999
Descritores: Turismo cultural | Pós-colonialismo | Macau | Educação
CDU: 338.48:33
Cota: MED-CDQ-13/Ano 01/118-Mediateca|UAVSD
[20973]  Show Record 

Milestone or millstone? [Texto fotocopiado] : commemorating the Portuguese Handover of Macau / Ian Chaplin and Carlos M. M. Costa. - Macau : [s.n.], . - 15 p.
Descritores: Gestão de eventos | Organização de eventos
CDU: 005
Cota: MED-CDQ-13/Ano 01/117-Mediateca|UAVSD
