Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 12 | 01 ms
[386691]  Show Record 

A handbook of the mosquitos of North America : their anatomy and biology how they can be studied and identified how they carry disease and how they can be controlled / by Robert Matheson. - New York : Charles C. Thomas, . - XVII, 268 p. : il.
Descritores: Entomologia | Mosquitos | Anatomia | Biologia | Identificação | América, Norte
CDU: 576.895.771
Cota: R-2|IHMT
[388274]  Show Record 

A handbook of the mosquitos of North America : their anatomy and biology how they can be studied and identified how they carry disease and how they can be controlled / by Robert Matheson. - 2nd ed. - Ithaca : Comstock, . - VIII, 314 p. : il.
Descritores: Entomologia | Mosquitos | Anatomia | Biologia | Identificação | América, Norte
CDU: 576.895.771
Cota: R-2|IHMT
[425886]  Show Record 

A handbook of the mosquitos of North America : their anatomy and biology how they can be studied and identified how they carry disease and how they can be controlled / by Robert Matheson. - New York : Charles C. Thomas, . - XVII, 268 p. : il.
Descritores: Entomologia | Mosquitos | Anatomia | Biologia | Identificação | América, Norte
Cota: R-2|IHMT
[431701]  Show Record 

A handbook of the mosquitos of North America : their anatomy and biology how they can be studied and identified how they carry disease and how they can be controlled / by Robert Matheson. - 2nd ed. - Ithaca : Comstock, . - VIII, 314 p. : il.
Descritores: Entomologia | Mosquitos | Anatomia | Biologia | Identificação | América, Norte
CDU: 576.895.771
Cota: R-2|IHMT
[383377]  Show Record 
A symposium on human malaria : with special reference to North America and the Caribean Region / Forest Ray Moulton. - Washington : American Association for the Advancement of Science, . - VI, 398 p.. - Publication of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. 15)
Descritores: Patologia | Malária | Congresso | América, Norte | Caraíbas
CDU: 616.936(061.3)
Cota: I-3|IHMT
[412399]  Show Record 
A symposium on human malaria : with special reference to North America and the Caribean Region. - Washington : American Association for the Advancement of Science, . - VI, 398 p.. - Publication of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. 15)
Descritores: Patologia | Malária | Congresso | América, Norte | Caraíbas
CDU: 616.936(061.3)
Cota: I-3|IHMT
[392507]  Show Record 
Tables of temperature, relative humidity and precipitation for the world : North America Greenland and the North Pacific ocean. - London : Her Majesty's Stationery Office, . - 6 v. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Climatologia | Temperatura | Ambiente | Precipitação | Hidrologia | Humidade | Geografia | América, Norte | Oceano Pacífico | Gronelândia | América, Sul | India, Oeste | Bermudas | Oceano Atlântico | Europa | África | Oceano Indico | Ásia | Ásia Austral | Antárctico
CDU: 551.5
Cota: M-23/3|IHMT
[456595]  Show Record 
Tables of temperature, relative humidity and precipitation for the world : North America Greenland and the North Pacific ocean / Meteorological Office. - Reprinted. - London : Her Majesty's Stationery Office, . - 6 v. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Climatologia | Temperatura | Ambiente | Precipitação | Hidrologia | Humidade | Geografia | América, Norte | Oceano Pacífico | Gronelândia | América, Sul | India, Oeste | Bermudas | Oceano Atlântico | Europa | África | Oceano Indico | Ásia | Ásia Austral | Antárctico
CDU: 551.5
Cota: M-23/3|IHMT
[456686]  Show Record 
The education and training of engineers for environmental health / World Health Organization. - Geneva : World Health Organization, . - 152 p. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Engenharia | Ambiente | Saúde Pública | Formação | Ásia | Europa | América Latina | América, Norte
CDU: 628
Cota: M-11/5|IHMT
[392588]  Show Record 
The education and training of engineers for environmental health. - Geneva : World Health Organization, . - 152 p. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Engenharia | Ambiente | Saúde Pública | Formação | Ásia | Europa | América Latina | América, Norte
CDU: 628
Cota: M-11/5|IHMT
