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Registos: 44 | 01 ms
[381146]  Show Record 

Abnormalities of the sex chromosome : complement in man / W. M. Court. - London : Medical Reseach Council, . - 239 p.. - Special report. 305)
Descritores: Biologia celular | Cromossomas
CDU: 576.312.32 | 576.316
Cota: |IHMT|3063
[408859]  Show Record 

Abnormalities of the sex chromosome : complement in man / W. M. Court. - London : Medical Reseach Council, . - 239 p.. - Special report. 305)
Descritores: Biologia celular | Cromossomas
CDU: 576.312.32 | 576.316
Cota: 3063|IHMT
[397518]  Show Record 

Analysis of changes in the host cell proteome during hepatitis D virus infection / Marta Maria Lavouras Mendes ; orient. Celso Cunha, Ana Coelho. - [Lisboa] : Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical, . - 198 p. ; 30 cm. - Oferta
Descritores: Biologia molecular | Hepatite D | Biologia celular | Tese
CDU: 577.2:616.36-002
Cota: S Leitura TD|IHMT
[459897]  Show Record 

Analysis of changes in the host cell proteome during hepatitis D virus infection / Marta Maria Lavouras Mendes ; [orient.] Celso Cunha, Ana Coelho. - [Lisboa] : Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical, . - XXII, 198 p. : il. ; 30 cm
Descritores: Biologia molecular | Hepatite D | Biologia celular | Tese
CDU: 577.2:616.36-002
Cota: S Leitura TD|IHMT
[381207]  Show Record 

Bijdrage tot de histo physiologie van het goud : in het normale zoogdieren organisme / door Dr. Marcel Sebruyns. - Gent : Geaggregeerde, . - 181 p. ; 28 cm
Descritores: Fisiologia | Células | Biologia celular
CDU: 612.014.2
Cota: A-4|IHMT
[381209]  Show Record 

Bijdrage tot de studie van de intercapillaire cellen van de glomerulus : een electronenmicroscopisch onderzoek / door Paul Michielsen. - Brussel : Arscia, . - 243 p. : il. ; 24 cm
Descritores: Anatomia humana | Biologia celular | Laboratório
CDU: 611.611.08
Cota: A-3|IHMT
[408920]  Show Record 

Bijdrage tot de histo physiologie van het goud : in het normale zoogdieren organisme / door Dr. Marcel Sebruyns. - Gent : Geaggregeerde, . - 181 p. ; 28 cm
Descritores: Fisiologia | Células | Biologia celular
CDU: 612.014.2
Cota: A-4|IHMT
[408922]  Show Record 

Bijdrage tot de studie van de intercapillaire cellen van de glomerulus : een electronenmicroscopisch onderzoek / door Paul Michielsen. - Brussel : Arscia, . - 243 p. : il. ; 24 cm
Descritores: Anatomia humana | Biologia celular | Laboratório
CDU: 611.611.08
Cota: A-3|IHMT
[406190]  Show Record 

Blood and bone cell culture / by H. Jackson Woodliff. - London : Eyre and Spottiswoode, . - XV, 180 p. : il. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Biologia celular | Células | Sangue | Ossos
CDU: 576.32
Cota: E2/1|IHMT
[403378]  Show Record 

Blood and bone cell culture / by H. Jackson Woodliff. - London : Eyre and Spottiswoode, . - XV, 180 p. : il. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Biologia celular | Células | Sangue | Ossos
CDU: 576.32
Cota: E2/1|IHMT
[403329]  Show Record 

Cell and tissue culture / by John Paul. - Edinburgh : E. and S. Livingstone, . - VIII, 261 p. : il. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Biologia celular | Células | Tecidos | Cultura
CDU: 576.32
Cota: E1/3|IHMT
[406141]  Show Record 

Cell and tissue culture / by John Paul. - Edinburgh : E. and S. Livingstone, . - VIII, 261 p. : il. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Biologia celular | Células | Tecidos | Cultura
CDU: 576.32
Cota: E1/3|IHMT
[403441]  Show Record 

Cell tissue and tissue culture / by John Paul. - 4th ed. - Edinburgh : E. and S. Livingstone, . - XI, 430 p. : il. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Biologia celular | Células | Tecidos | Cultura
CDU: 576.32
Cota: E2/2|IHMT
[406253]  Show Record 

Cell tissue and tissue culture / by John Paul. - 4th ed. - Edinburgh : E. and S. Livingstone, . - XI, 430 p. : il. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Biologia celular | Células | Tecidos | Cultura
CDU: 576.32
Cota: E2/2|IHMT
[406147]  Show Record 
Cells and tissues in culture : methods biology and physiology / [ed. lit.] E. N. Willmer. - London : Academic, . - XIV, 788 p. : il. ; 24 cm
Descritores: Biologia celular | Células | Tecidos | Cultura | Metodologia
CDU: 576.32
Cota: E1/3|IHMT
[403335]  Show Record 
Cells and tissues in culture : methods biology and physiology / [ed. lit.] E. N. Willmer. - London : Academic, . - XIV, 788 p. : il. ; 24 cm
Descritores: Biologia celular | Células | Tecidos | Cultura | Metodologia
CDU: 576.32
Cota: E1/3|IHMT
[403403]  Show Record 
Cellular Metabolism and Infections : symposium held at the New York Academy of Medicine / Cellular Metabolism and Infections. - New York : Academic, . - XI, 196 p. ; 24 cm. - Symposia of the Section on Microbiology the New York Academy of Scinces. 8)
Descritores: Biologia celular | Infecções | Congresso
CDU: 576.32:616-002
Cota: E2/1|IHMT
[386409]  Show Record 
Cellular biology nucleic acids and viruses / by V. G. Allfrey... [et al.] ; ed. lit. Thomas M. Rivers. - New York : Academy of Sciences, . - [3], 414 p.
Descritores: Biologia celular | Ácidos nucleícos | Virologia | Viroses
CDU: 547.963.32
Cota: P-4|IHMT
[388282]  Show Record 
Cellular pathology : die cellularpathologie in ihrer begründung auf physiologische und pathologische gewebelehre : Prof. Rudolph Virchow : notes from the editors. - Birmingham : The Classics of Medicine, . - 30 p. ; 19 cm
Descritores: VIRCHOW, Rudolph | Biologia celular | Patologia | Histologia | Fisiologia
CDU: 576.31
Cota: S/Leitura|IHMT
[406215]  Show Record 
Cellular Metabolism and Infections : symposium held at the New York Academy of Medicine / Cellular Metabolism and Infections. - New York : Academic, . - XI, 196 p. ; 24 cm. - Symposia of the Section on Microbiology the New York Academy of Scinces. 8)
Descritores: Biologia celular | Infecções | Congresso
CDU: 576.32:616-002
Cota: E2/1|IHMT
[412360]  Show Record 
Cellular biology nucleic acids and viruses / by V. G. Allfrey... [et al.] ; [ed. lit.] Thomas M. Rivers. - New York : Academy of Sciences, . - [3], 414 p.
Descritores: Biologia celular | Ácidos nucleícos | Virologia | Viroses
CDU: 547.963.32
Cota: P-4|IHMT
[431531]  Show Record 

Cellular pathology : as based upon : physiological histology : twenty lectures delivered in the Pathological Institute of Berlin during the months of February March and April 1858 / by Rudolph Virchow ; [trad.] Franck Chance. - Birmingham : The Classics of Medicine, . - Pag. var.. - "Special edition" da edição de John Churchill, 1855.
Descritores: Biologia celular | Patologia | Histologia | Fisiologia
CDU: 576.31
Cota: S Leitura|IHMT
[431573]  Show Record 
Cellular pathology : die cellularpathologie in ihrer begründung auf physiologische und pathologische gewebelehre : Prof. Rudolph Virchow : notes from the editors. - Birmingham : The Classics of Medicine, . - 30 p. ; 19 cm
Descritores: VIRCHOW, Rudolph | Biologia celular | Patologia | Histologia | Fisiologia
CDU: 576.31
Cota: S Leitura|IHMT
[406252]  Show Record 

Collagen diseases : including systemic lupus erythematosus polyarteritis dermatomyositis systemic scleroderma thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura / John H. Talbott, R. Moleres Ferrandis. - New York : Grune and Stratton, . - XV, 232 p. : il. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Biologia celular | Colagéno | Dermatologia | Patologia
CDU: 616-056.3
Cota: E2/2|IHMT
[403440]  Show Record 

Collagen diseases : including systemic lupus erythematosus polyarteritis dermatomyositis systemic scleroderma thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura / John H. Talbott, R. Moleres Ferrandis. - New York : Grune and Stratton, . - XV, 232 p. : il. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Biologia celular | Colagéno | Dermatologia | Patologia
CDU: 616-056.3
Cota: E2/2|IHMT
[406176]  Show Record 

General virology / S. E. Luria, James E. Darnell Jr. - 2nd ed. - New York : John Wiley and Sons, . - XV, 512 p. : il. ; 24 cm
Descritores: Virologia | Virus | Bacteriofagos | Biologia celular
CDU: 578
Cota: E1/4|IHMT
[403364]  Show Record 

General virology / S. E. Luria, James E. Darnell Jr. - 2nd ed. - New York : John Wiley and Sons, . - XV, 512 p. : il. ; 24 cm
Descritores: Virologia | Virus | Bacteriofagos | Biologia celular
CDU: 578
Cota: E1/4|IHMT
[403373]  Show Record 

Histologia / Arthur W. Ham. - 3ª ed. - Rio de Janeiro : Guanabara Koogan, . - XV, 965 p. : il. ; 28 cm
Descritores: Histologia | Biologia celular | Tecidos
CDU: 611-018
Cota: E1/4|IHMT
[406185]  Show Record 

Histologia / Arthur W. Ham. - 3ª ed. - Rio de Janeiro : Guanabara Koogan, . - XV, 965 p. : il. ; 28 cm
Descritores: Histologia | Biologia celular | Tecidos
CDU: 611-018
Cota: E1/4|IHMT
[409140]  Show Record 

Immunologie / Jean-François Bach. - 3ème ed. - Paris : Flammarion Médecine Sciences, . - [8], 1048 p. : il. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Imunologia | Biologia celular
CDU: 612.017
Cota: A-4|IHMT
[386749]  Show Record 

L'acció de les radiaciones sobre les cèlules vives / Leandre Cervera. - Barcelona : Institut d'Estudis Catalans, . - 23 p.
Descritores: Biologia | Radiologia | Biologia celular
CDU: 577.3
Cota: R-3|IHMT
[425938]  Show Record 

L'acció de les radiaciones sobre les cèlules vives / Leandre Cervera. - Barcelona : Institut d'Estudis Catalans, . - 23 p.
Descritores: Biologia | Radiologia | Biologia celular
Cota: R-3|IHMT
[459799]  Show Record 

Mecanismos de transformação celular em Theileria sp / Nuno Miguel Carmona de Jesus Rolão. - Lisboa : Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical, . - [4], 65 p. : il. ; 29 cm
Descritores: Parasitologia | Theileria | Biologia celular | Tese
CDU: 576.89
Cota: S Leitura TD|IHMT
[397420]  Show Record 

Mecanismos de transformação celular em Theileria sp / Nuno Miguel Carmona de Jesus Rolão. - Lisboa : Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical, . - [4], 65 p. : il. ; 29 cm
Descritores: Parasitologia | Theileria | Biologia celular | Tese
CDU: 576.89
Cota: S Leitura TD|IHMT
[394331]  Show Record 

Noções de biologia celular / Maria Salomé Pais. - [Lisboa] : Universidade Nova de Lisboa, . - 220 p. : il. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Biologia celular | História
CDU: 576.32:93
Cota: M-24/1|IHMT
[459678]  Show Record 

Noções de biologia celular / Maria Salomé Pais. - [Lisboa] : Universidade Nova de Lisboa, . - 220 p. : il. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Biologia celular | História
CDU: 576.32:93
Cota: M-24/1|IHMT
[403354]  Show Record 
Proceedings : Symposium on the Characterization and Uses of Human Diploid Cell Strains = Comptes rendus : Symposium sur la Caracterisation et l'Emploi des Souches de Cellules Diploides Humaines / Symposium on the Characterization and Uses of Human Diploid Cell Strains. - Zagreb : Institute of Immunology, . - 742, [1] p. : il. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Microbiologia | Biologia celular | Células diploides | Congresso
CDU: 579:577.3
Cota: E1/3|IHMT
[403317]  Show Record 
Proceedings : Symposium on the Characterization and Uses of Human Diploid Cell Strains. - [Utrecht] : International Association of Microbiology Societies, . - 742, [1] p. : il. ; 24 cm
Descritores: Microbiologia | Biologia celular | Células diploides | Congresso
CDU: 579:577.3
Cota: E1/2|IHMT
[406129]  Show Record 
Proceedings : Symposium on the Characterization and Uses of Human Diploid Cell Strains. - [Utrecht] : International Association of Microbiology Societies, . - 742, [1] p. : il. ; 24 cm
Descritores: Microbiologia | Biologia celular | Células diploides | Congresso
CDU: 579:577.3
Cota: E1/2|IHMT
[406166]  Show Record 
Proceedings : Symposium on the Characterization and Uses of Human Diploid Cell Strains = Comptes rendus : Symposium sur la Caracterisation et l'Emploi des Souches de Cellules Diploides Humaines / Symposium on the Characterization and Uses of Human Diploid Cell Strains. - Zagreb : Institute of Immunology, . - 742, [1] p. : il. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Microbiologia | Biologia celular | Células diploides | Congresso
CDU: 579:577.3
Cota: E1/3|IHMT
[393763]  Show Record 

Resistência a antimaláricos em Plasmodium falciparum : envolvimento dos genes pfcrt e pfmdr1 / Dinora Maria da Silva Lopes Ferreira ; [orient.] Virgilio do Rosario. - Lisboa : Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical, . - 1 cd rom. - Dissertação para a obtenção do grau de Doutor no ramo das Ciências Biomédicas especialidade Biologia Celular e Molecular,
Descritores: Biologia molecular | Biologia celular | Parasitologia | Plasmodium falciparum | Malária | Antimaláricos | Tese
CDU: 616.936(043.2)
Cota: 79/2005||IHMT
[403421]  Show Record 

The cellular slime molds / by John Tyler Bonner. - Princeton : Princeton University, . - VII, 149, [1] p. : il. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Biologia celular | Célula | Fungos | Bolor
CDU: 576.32:582.28
Cota: E2/2|IHMT
[406233]  Show Record 

The cellular slime molds / by John Tyler Bonner. - Princeton : Princeton University, . - VII, 149, [1] p. : il. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Biologia celular | Célula | Fungos | Bolor
CDU: 576.32:582.28
Cota: E2/2|IHMT
[397237]  Show Record 

Trypanosoma brucei peptidase inhibitors : immunolocalization, secretion and potential use as targets for therapy / Raquel de Sá da Silva Laires. - Lisboa : Instituto de Higiene e Saúde Tropical, . - 162 p. ; 29 cm
Descritores: Microbiologia médica | Biologia molecular | Biologia celular
CDU: 579:577.2
Cota: LAI/2012 TD|IHMT
