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[388370]  Show Record 

Advances in parasitology / Ben Dawes. - London : Academic, . - 29 v. ; 25 cm. - Volume 1 : Experimental research on avian malaria / Clay G. Huff ; Coccidia and coccidiosis in the domestic fowl and turkey / C. Horton Smith, P. L. Long ; The infective stage of nematode parasites and its significance in parasitism / W. P. Rogers, R. I.
Descritores: Parasitologia | Malária aviária | Coccideos | Nematodes | Helmintologia
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[388372]  Show Record 

Advances in parasitology / J. R. Baker, R. Muller. - London : Academic, . - 29 v. ; 25 cm. - Volume 21 : Host susceptibility to african trypanosomiasis. trypanotolerance / Max Murray, et al. ; Biochemistry of the variant surface glycoproteins of salivarian trypanosomes / M. J. Turner ; Transmission of parasites across the placenta / Y. W. Loke ;
Descritores: Parasitologia | Tripanosomíases | Gravidez | Cisticercose
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[388591]  Show Record 

Advances in parasitology / W. H. R. Lumsden. - London : Academic, . - 29 v. ; 25 cm. - Volume 17 : Giardia and giardiasis / E. A. Meyer, S. Radulescu ; Babesiosis non specific resistance, immunological factors and pathogenesis / D. Zwart, D. W. Brocklesby ; The epidemiology of babesial infections / L. P. Joyner, J. Donnelly ; Seasonal occur
Descritores: Parasitologia | Patologia | Babesíase | Epidemiologia | Peixes | Trematodes
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[388611]  Show Record 

Advances in parasitology / Ben Dawes. - London : Academic, . - 29 v. ; 25 cm. - Volume 2 : Host specificity and the evolution of helminthic parasites / Thomas W. M. Cameron ; Leishmania / S. Adler ; Fascioliasis the invasive stages of fasciola hepatica in mammalian hosts / Ben Dawes, D. L. Hughes ; The biology of the hydatid organism
Descritores: Helmintologia | Parasitologia | Leishmanioses
CDU: 576.8
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[388612]  Show Record 

Advances in parasitology / Ben Dawes. - London : Academic, . - 29 v. ; 25 cm. - Volume 4 : Experimental studies on entamoeba with reference to specification / R. A. Neal ; Clonorchis and clonorchiasis / Yoshitaka Komiya ; Embryogenesis in cestodes / Krystyna Rybicka ; The structure and composition of the helminth cuticle / D. L. Lee
Descritores: Parasitologia | Entamoeba | Helmintologia | Embriologia | Cestodes | Nippostrongylus
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[388613]  Show Record 

Advances in parasitology / Ben Dawes. - London : Academic, . - 29 v. ; 25 cm. - Volume 3 : Biological aspects of trypanosomiasis research / W. H. R. Lumsden ; Relationships between the species of fasciola and their molluscan hosts / S. B. Kendall ; Paragonimus and paragonimiasis / Muneo Yokogawa ; In vitro cultivation procedures for
Descritores: Parasitologia | Tripanosomíases | Fasciola | Helmintologia
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[388614]  Show Record 

Advances in parasitology / Ben Dawes. - London : Academic, . - 29 v. ; 25 cm. - Volume 6 : The epidemiology of amoebiasis / Ronald Elsdon Dew ; Chagas' disease and chagas' syndromes the pathology of american trypanosomiasis / Fritz Köberle ; Trichomonas vaginalis and trichomoniasis / Otto Jírovec, Miroslav Petru ; Liver involvement i
Descritores: Parasitologia | Epidemiologia | Amebíases | Tripanosomíases | Trichomonas Vaginalis | Malária | Mamíferos | Schistosoma Mansoni | África
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[388615]  Show Record 

Advances in parasitology / Ben Dawes. - London : Academic, . - 29 v. ; 25 cm. - Volume 5 : Toxoplasma and toxoplasmosis / Leon Jacobs ; Evolutionary trends in mammalian trypanosomes / Cecil A. Hoare ; Problems in the cultivation of some parasitic protozoa / Ann Bishop ; Malaria in mammals excluding man / P. C. C. Garnaham ; The biolo
Descritores: Toxoplasmose | Tripanosomíases | Parasitologia | Malaria | Mamíferos | Acantocéfalos | Cestodes
CDU: 578.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[388616]  Show Record 

Advances in parasitology / Ben Dawes. - London : Academic, . - 29 v. ; 25 cm. - Volume 8 : Biology of nanophyetus salmincola and salmon poisoning disease / Raymond E. Millemann, Stuart E. Knapp ; Snail problems in african schistosomiasis / A. D. Berrie ; The relationship between circulating antibodies and immunity to helminthic infec
Descritores: Parasitologia | Schistosomiases | Helmintíases | Tripanosomíases
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[388617]  Show Record 

Advances in parasitology / Ben Dawes. - London : Academic, . - 29 v. ; 25 cm. - Volume 10 : Avian Blood Coccidians / John R. Baker, et al. ; The metabolism of the malaria parasite and its host / Alexander Fletcher, Brian Maegraith ; The pathogenesis of mammalian malaria / Brian Maegraith, Alexander Fletcher ; The aspidogastrea, espec
Descritores: Parasitologia | Malária | Mamíferos
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[388618]  Show Record 

Advances in parasitology / Ben Dawes. - London : Academic, . - 29 v. ; 25 cm. - Volume 11 : The trypanosomes of anura / J. E. Bardsley, R. Harmsen ; Global problems of imported disease / Leonard J. Bruce Chwatt ; Control of arthropods of medical and veterinary importance / William N. Beesley ; The epidermis and sense organs of the mo
Descritores: Parasitologia | Tripanosomíases | Schistosomiases | Malária | Mamíferos | África
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[388619]  Show Record 

Advances in parasitology / Ben Dawes. - London : Academic, . - 29 v. ; 25 cm. - Volume 12 : On species of leucocytozoon / A. Murray Fallis, et al. ; Recent advances in antimalarial chemotherapy and drug resistance / Wallace Peters ; Schistosoma mansoni cercaria to schistosomule / M. A. Stirewalt ; Ecological and phisiological aspects
Descritores: Parasitologia | Schistosomiases | Malária
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[388620]  Show Record 

Advances in parasitology / Ben Dawes. - London : Academic, . - 29 v. ; 25cm. - Volume 13 : Fine structure of the monogenea especially polystomoides ward / Klaus Rohde ; Carbon dioxide utilization and the regulation of respiratory metabolic pathways in parasitic helminths / C. Bryant ; Behavioural analysis of nematode movement / Neil
Descritores: Parasitologia | Nematodes
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[388621]  Show Record 

Advances in parasitology / Ben Dawes. - London : Academic, . - 29 v. ; 25 cm. - Volume 14 : Conception and terminology of hosts in parasitology / Klaus Odening ; Host parasite relationships in the alimentary tract of domestic birds / D. W. T. Crompton, M. C. Nesheim ; Nematode sence organs / D. J. McLaren ; Physiological aspects of r
Descritores: Parasitologia | Nematodes | Reprodução | Aves domésticas | Fisiologia
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[388623]  Show Record 

Advances in parasitology / Ben Dawes. - London : Academic, . - 29 v. ; 25 cm. - Volume 15 : Vector relationships in the tripanosomatidae / David H. Molyneux ; East coast fever some recent research in east africa / R. E. Purnell ; Seasonal occurence of helminths in freshwater fishes. part 1 monogenea / James C. Chubb ; The host parasi
Descritores: Parasitologia | Tripanosomíases | Trematodes | Filaríases | Cisticercose | África
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[388624]  Show Record 

Advances in parasitology / W. H. R. Lumsden. - London : Academic, . - 29 v. ; 25 cm. - Volume 18 : Seasonal occurence of helminths in freshwater fishes. part III. larval cestoda and nematoda / James C. Chubb ; Rumen ciliate protozoa / G. S. Coleman ; Numerical analysis of enzyme polymorphism. a new approach to the epidemiology and taxonomy
Descritores: Parasitologia | Nematodes | Peixes | Tripanosomíases | Doenças transmissíveis | Glândulas salivares
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[388625]  Show Record 

Advances in parasitology / W. H. R. Lumsden. - London : Academic, . - 29 v. ; 25 cm. - Volume 19 : Copepoda crustacea parasitic on fishes. problems and perspectives / Z. Kabata ; Aspects of acanthocephalan reproduction / V. R. Parshad, D. W. T. Crompton ; Caryophyllidea cestoidea. evolution and classification / John S. Mackiewicz
Descritores: Parasitologia | Peixes | Cestodes | Acantocéfalos
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[388626]  Show Record 

Advances in parasitology / W. H. R. Lumsden. - London : Academic, . - 29 v. ; 25 cm. - Volume 20 : Seasonal occurrence of helminths in freshwater fishes part IV. Adult cestoda nematoda and acanthocephala / James C. Chubb ; Current concepts on the biology, evolution and taxonomy of tissue cyst forming eimeriid coccidia / Wedad Tadros, J. J.
Descritores: Parasitologia | Peixes | Cestodes | Nematodes | Helmintíases | Acantocéfalos | Toxoplasmose
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[388627]  Show Record 

Advances in parasitology / J. R. Baker, R. Muller. - London : Academic, . - 29 v. ; 25 cm. - Volume 22 : Recent observations on the behaviour of certain trypanosomes within their insect hosts / D. A. Evans, D. S. Ellis ; Cell mediated killing of protozoa / Kareen J. I. Thorne, Jenefer M. Blackwell ; Sexual development of malarial parasites / R. E
Descritores: Parasitologia | Tripanosomíases | Malária | Cisticercose | Helmintíases | África
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[388628]  Show Record 

Advances in parasitology / J. R. Baker, R. Muller. - London : Academic, . - 29 v. ; 25 cm. - Volume 23 : Serotonin receptors in parasitic worms / Tag E. Mansour ; The piroplasms. life cycle and sexual stages / Heinz Mehlhorn, Eberhard Schein ; Metabolism of entamocha histolytica schaudinn, 1903 / Richard E. Reeves ; Cell mediated damage to helmin
Descritores: Parasitologia | Helmintíases | Entamoeba histolítica | Serotinina | Piroplasmose
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[388629]  Show Record 

Advances in parasitology / J. R. Baker, R. Muller. - London : Academic, . - 29 v. ; 25 cm. - Volume 25 : Oxygen derived free radicals in the pathogenesis of parasitic disease / J. A. Clark, et al. ; The biology of pentastomids / John Riley ; Hypobiosis in parasitic nematodes. an update / Harold C. Gibbs ; The eggs of monogeneans / Graham C. Kearn
Descritores: Parasitologia | Nematodes | Helmintíases
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[388630]  Show Record 

Advances in parasitology / J. R. Baker, R. Muller. - London : Academic, . - 29 v. ; 25 cm. - Volume 26 : Evasion of immunity by nematode parasites causing chronic infections / J. M. Behnke ; Parasite behaviour. Understanding platyhelminth responses / M. V. K. Sukhdeo, D. F. Mettrick ; Characterization of species and strains of theileria / A. D. I
Descritores: Parasitologia | Nematodes | Helmintologia | Peixes
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/2|IHMT
[388631]  Show Record 

Advances in parasitology / J. R. Baker, R. Muller. - London : Academic, . - 29 v. ; 25 cm. - Volume 24 : Helminth infections of humans. Mathematical models population dynamics and control / Roy M. Anderson, Robert M. May ; Anorexia. Occurence pathophysiology and possible causes in parasitic infections / L. E. A. Symons ; Argasid and nuttallielli
Descritores: Parasitologia | Helmintíases | Patologia | Fisiologia | Vectores | Nematodes
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[388632]  Show Record 

Advances in parasitology / J. R. Baker, R. Muller. - London : Academic, . - 29 v. ; 25 cm. - Volume 27 : Exoerythrocytic development of malarial parasites / J. F. G. M. Meis, J. P. Verhave ; Cryptosporidiosis in perspective / S. Tzipori ; Parasites and complement / R. W. Leid ; Chemical communication in helminths / M. A. Haseeb, B. Fried ; The na
Descritores: Parasitologia | Malaria | Helmintíases
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[388633]  Show Record 

Advances in parasitology / J. R. Baker, R. Muller. - London : Academic, . - 29 v. ; 25 cm. - Volume 28 : Intestinal and extraintestinal life cycles of eimeriid coccidia / S. J. Ball et al. ; The prevalence and source of toxoplasma infection in the environment / M. H. Jackson, W. M. Hutchison ; Trichuris and trichuriasis in humans / D. A. P. Bundy
Descritores: Parasitologia | Tripanosomíases | Nematodes
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[388634]  Show Record 

Advances in parasitology / J. R. Baker, R. Muller. - London : Academic, . - 29 v. ; 25 cm. - Volume 29 : The distribution, relationships and identification of enzymic variants within the subgenus trypanozoon / D. G. Godfrey, et al.. - Genetic diversity in plasmodium falciparum / D. J. Kemp, et al.. - Immunoelectron microscopy of parasites / M. Ai
Descritores: Parasitologia | Tripanosomíases | Enzimologia | Imunologia | Invertebrados
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[393684]  Show Record 
Advances in parasitology / [ed. lit.] J. R. Baker. - London : Academic, . - X, 250 p. ; 24 cm. - Volume 51 : "Aspects of human parasites in which surgical intervention may be important"; "Electron transfer complexes in ascaris mitochondria"; "Cestodes parasites"
Descritores: Parasitologia | Tripanosomíases | Leishmania donovani | Schistosoma mansoni | Fasciola hepatica | Cirurgia | Cestodes | Ascaris mitochondria
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[393685]  Show Record 
Advances in parasitology / [ed. lit.] J. R. Baker. - London : Academic, . - XI, 319 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - Volume 52 : "The ecology of fishes parasites with particular reference to helminth parasites and their salmonid fish hosts in Welsh rivers"; "Biology of the schistosome genus trichobilharzia"; "The consequences of reducing transmission of plasmodium falciparum"
Descritores: Parasitologia | Malária | Mortalidade | Transmissão | Helmintiases | Peixes | Plasmodium falciparum | Citocinas | Schistosomiases | Trichobilharzia | Imunologia | Controle e prevenção
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[394344]  Show Record 
Advances in parasitology / [ed. lit.] W. H. R. Lumsden. - London : Academic, . - XII, 376 p. ; 24 cm. - Volume 16: Taxonomy and transmisson of leishmania / Paul Williams, Marcello de Vasconcellos Coelho; The sarcosporidia Protozoa Sporozoa : life cycle and fine structure / Heinz Mehlhorn, Alfred Otto Heydorn; Anisakis and anisakiasis / John W. Smith, R. Wootten; Prospects for the development of dead vaccines against helminths / J. A. Clegg, M. A. Smith; Genetic control of susceptibility and resistance to parasitic infection / D. Wakelin; The regulation of respiratory metabolism in parasitic helminths / C. Bryant; Industrial development and field use of the canine hookworm vaccine / Thomas A. Miller.
Descritores: Parasitologia | Leishmanioses | Sarcosporidia | Nematodes | Helmintíases | Anisakis
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[394384]  Show Record 
Advances in parasitology / [ed. lit.] Ben Dawes. - London : Academic, . - XXI, 414 p. ; 24 cm
Descritores: Parasitologia | Epidemiologia | Paragoniasis | Hidatidose | Helmintíases | Fasciola | Nematodes | Schistosomiases
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[394385]  Show Record 
Advances in parasitology / [ed. lit.] Ben Dawes. - London : Academic, . - XIV, 275 p. ; 24 cm
Descritores: Parasitologia | Epidemiologia | Dracunculose | Helmintíases | Nematodes | Ténia
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[431822]  Show Record 

Advances in parasitology / Ben Dawes. - London : Academic, . - 29 v. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Parasitologia | Malária aviária | Coccideos | Nematodes | Helmintologia
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[431823]  Show Record 

Advances in parasitology / Ben Dawes. - London : Academic, . - 29 v. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Parasitologia | Tripanosomíases | Fasciola | Helmintologia
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[431824]  Show Record 

Advances in parasitology / Ben Dawes. - London : Academic, . - 29 v. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Helmintologia | Parasitologia | Leishmanioses
CDU: 576.8
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[431825]  Show Record 

Advances in parasitology / Ben Dawes. - London : Academic, . - 29 v. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Toxoplasmose | Tripanosomíases | Parasitologia | Malaria | Mamíferos | Acantocéfalos | Cestodes
CDU: 578.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[431826]  Show Record 

Advances in parasitology / Ben Dawes. - London : Academic, . - 29 v. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Parasitologia | Entamoeba | Helmintologia | Embriologia | Cestodes | Nippostrongylus
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[431827]  Show Record 

Advances in parasitology / Ben Dawes. - London : Academic, . - 29 v. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Parasitologia | Epidemiologia | Amebíases | Tripanosomíases | Trichomonas Vaginalis | Malária | Mamíferos | Schistosoma Mansoni | África
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[431828]  Show Record 

Advances in parasitology / Ben Dawes. - London : Academic, . - 29 v. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Parasitologia | Schistosomiases | Helmintíases | Tripanosomíases
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[431829]  Show Record 

Advances in parasitology / Ben Dawes. - London : Academic, . - 29 v. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Parasitologia | Malária | Mamíferos
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[431831]  Show Record 

Advances in parasitology / Ben Dawes. - London : Academic, . - 29 v. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Parasitologia | Tripanosomíases | Schistosomiases | Malária | Mamíferos | África
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[431832]  Show Record 

Advances in parasitology / Ben Dawes. - London : Academic, . - 29 v. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Parasitologia | Schistosomiases | Malária
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[431833]  Show Record 

Advances in parasitology / Ben Dawes. - London : Academic, . - 29 v. ; 25cm
Descritores: Parasitologia | Nematodes
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[431834]  Show Record 

Advances in parasitology / Ben Dawes. - London : Academic, . - 29 v. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Parasitologia | Tripanosomíases | Trematodes | Filaríases | Cisticercose | África
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[431838]  Show Record 

Advances in parasitology / Ben Dawes. - London : Academic, . - 29 v. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Parasitologia | Nematodes | Reprodução | Aves domésticas | Fisiologia
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[431839]  Show Record 

Advances in parasitology / W. H. R. Lumsden. - London : Academic, . - 29 v. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Parasitologia | Patologia | Babesíase | Epidemiologia | Peixes | Trematodes
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[431843]  Show Record 

Advances in parasitology / W. H. R. Lumsden. - London : Academic, . - 29 v. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Parasitologia | Nematodes | Peixes | Tripanosomíases | Doenças transmissíveis | Glândulas salivares
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[431844]  Show Record 

Advances in parasitology / W. H. R. Lumsden. - London : Academic, . - 29 v. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Parasitologia | Peixes | Cestodes | Acantocéfalos
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[431845]  Show Record 

Advances in parasitology / W. H. R. Lumsden. - London : Academic, . - 29 v. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Parasitologia | Peixes | Cestodes | Nematodes | Helmintíases | Acantocéfalos | Toxoplasmose
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[431846]  Show Record 

Advances in parasitology / J. R. Baker, R. Muller. - London : Academic, . - 29 v. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Parasitologia | Tripanosomíases | Gravidez | Cisticercose
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[431847]  Show Record 

Advances in parasitology / J. R. Baker, R. Muller. - London : Academic, . - 29 v. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Parasitologia | Tripanosomíases | Malária | Cisticercose | Helmintíases | África
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
