Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 27 | 11 ms
[381290]  Show Record 

Molecular biology of human proteins : with special reference to plasma proteins / H. E. Schultze ; J. F. Heremans. - Amsterdam : Elsevier, . - XII, 904 p. : il. ; 25 cm. - Vol. 1 : Nature and metabolism of extracellular proteins.
Descritores: Fisiologia | Biologia molecular | Proteínas
CDU: 612.398.12
Cota: A-6|IHMT
[390017]  Show Record 
Molecular biology : Labfax / edited by T. A. Brown. - Oxford : Bios Scientific, . - XIV, 322 p. : il. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Biologia Molecular | Bacteriologia | Laboratório | Clonagem | Replicação | Técnicas | Segurança
CDU: 576.75
Cota: M-24/1|IHMT
[392279]  Show Record 
Molecular biology : Labfax / edited by T. A. Brown. - Oxford : Bios Scientific, . - XIV, 322 p. : il. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Biologia Molecular | Bacteriologia | Laboratório | Clonagem | Replicação | Técnicas | Segurança
CDU: 576.75
Cota: M-24/1|IHMT
[396826]  Show Record 

Laboratory techniques in biochemistry and molecular biology : isoelectric focusing : theory, methodology and applications / Pier Giorgio Righetti. - [Amesterdão] : Elsevier Biomedical, . - 386 p. ; 20 cm. - Doação
Descritores: Microbiologia médica | Biologia molecular | Bioquimica
CDU: 579:577:576.32/.36
Cota: RIG C55 a/6|IHMT
[396848]  Show Record 
Current communications in molecular biology : DNA probes : applications in genetic and infectious disease and cancer / coord. Leonard S. Lerman. - Nova York : Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, . - 188 p. ; 22 cm. - Doação
Descritores: Microbiologia médica | Biologia molecular | Genética | Doenças infecciosas | Cancro
CDU: 579:577:575:616-006
Cota: CUR C55 a/6|IHMT
[396935]  Show Record 

The molecular biology and genetic manipulation of the cytoplasm of higer plants / David M. Lonsdale
In: Genetic engineering .- p. 47-102
Descritores: Genética | Biologia molecular | Manipulação genética | Patologia vegetal | Genes
CDU: 575:577:581.2
Cota: GEN C 55 a/6|IHMT
[396948]  Show Record 

Electron microscopy in molecular biology : a practical approach / J. Sommerville, U. Scheer. - Oxford : IRL Press, . - 248 p. ; 23 cm. - Doação
Descritores: Microbiologia médica | Biologia molecular
CDU: 579:577
Cota: SOM C 55 a/6|IHMT
[397522]  Show Record 
Essential molecular biology : a practical approach / ed. lit. T. A. Brown. - Oxford : Oxford University, . - 2 v. : il. ; 24 cm. - The practical approach)
Descritores: Biologia molecular | Ácidos nucleícos | ADN | RNA
CDU: 577
Cota: M-21/3|IHMT
[397590]  Show Record 
Workshop Molecular Biology Applied to Human and Veterinary Infectious Diseases. - [Lisboa : s.n.], . - 286 p. : il. ; 30 cm
Descritores: Biologia molecular | Doenças infecciosas | Workshop
CDU: 577:061.3
Cota: M-22/1|IHMT
[399392]  Show Record 

Laboratory techniques in biochemistry and molecular biology : isoelectric focusing : theory, methodology and applications / Pier Giorgio Righetti. - [Amesterdão] : Elsevier Biomedical, . - 386 p. ; 20 cm
Descritores: Microbiologia médica | Biologia molecular | Bioquimica
CDU: 579:577:576.32/.36
Cota: RIG C55 a/6|IHMT
[399414]  Show Record 
Current communications in molecular biology : DNA probes : applications in genetic and infectious disease and cancer / coord. Leonard S. Lerman. - Nova York : Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, . - 188 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: Microbiologia médica | Biologia molecular | Genética | Doenças infecciosas | Cancro
CDU: 579:577:575:616-006
Cota: CUR C55 a/6|IHMT
[399501]  Show Record 

The molecular biology and genetic manipulation of the cytoplasm of higer plants / David M. Lonsdale
In: Genetic engineering .- p. 47-102
Descritores: Genética | Biologia molecular | Manipulação genética | Patologia vegetal | Genes
CDU: 575:577:581.2
Cota: GEN C 55 a/6|IHMT
[399514]  Show Record 

Electron microscopy in molecular biology : a practical approach / J. Sommerville, U. Scheer. - Oxford : IRL Press, . - 248 p. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Microbiologia médica | Biologia molecular
CDU: 579:577
Cota: SOM C 55 a/6|IHMT
[403305]  Show Record 
Phage and the origins of molecular biology / [ed. lit.] John Cairns. - Long Island : Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, . - X, [2], 340 p. : il. ; 26 cm
Descritores: Biologia molecular | Bacteriofagos | ADN | Genética
CDU: 577
Cota: E1/1|IHMT
[403372]  Show Record 
Molecular biology of the cell / Bruce Alberts... [et al.]. - 3rd ed. - New York : Garland, . - XLIII, 1294, [67] p. : il. ; 28 cm
Descritores: Biologia molecular da célula | Células | Genética
CDU: 576.32
Cota: E1/4|IHMT
[403397]  Show Record 
The molecular biology of viruses / Symposium of the Society for General Microbiology. - Cambridge : University, . - VIII, [1], 372 p. : il. ; 26 cm
Descritores: Biologia molecular | Viroses | Congresso
CDU: 577
Cota: E2/1|IHMT
[406117]  Show Record 
Phage and the origins of molecular biology / [ed. lit.] John Cairns. - Long Island : Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, . - X, [2], 340 p. : il. ; 26 cm
Descritores: Biologia molecular | Bacteriofagos | ADN | Genética
CDU: 577
Cota: E1/1|IHMT
[406184]  Show Record 
Molecular biology of the cell / Bruce Alberts... [et al.]. - 3rd ed. - New York : Garland, . - XLIII, 1294, [67] p. : il. ; 28 cm
Descritores: Biologia molecular da célula | Células | Genética
CDU: 576.32
Cota: E1/4|IHMT
[406209]  Show Record 
The molecular biology of viruses / Symposium of the Society for General Microbiology. - Cambridge : University, . - VIII, [1], 372 p. : il. ; 26 cm
Descritores: Biologia molecular | Viroses | Congresso
CDU: 577
Cota: E2/1|IHMT
[409003]  Show Record 

Molecular biology of human proteins : with special reference to plasma proteins / H. E. Schultze, J. F. Heremans. - Amsterdam : Elsevier, . - XII, 904 p. : il. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Fisiologia | Biologia molecular | Proteínas
CDU: 612.398.12
Cota: A-6|IHMT
[456343]  Show Record 
Molecular biology : Labfax / [edited by] T. A. Brown. - Oxford : Bios Scientific, . - XIV, 322 p. : il. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Biologia Molecular | Bacteriologia | Laboratório | Clonagem | Replicação | Técnicas | Segurança
CDU: 576.75
Cota: M-24/1|IHMT
[459901]  Show Record 
Essential molecular biology : a practical approach / [ed. lit.] T. A. Brown. - Oxford : Oxford University, . - 2 v. : il. ; 24 cm. - The practical approach)
Descritores: Biologia molecular | Ácidos nucleícos | ADN | RNA
CDU: 577
Cota: M-21/3|IHMT
[459969]  Show Record 
Workshop Molecular Biology Applied to Human and Veterinary Infectious Diseases. - [Lisboa] : [s.n.], . - 286 p. : il. ; 30 cm
Descritores: Biologia molecular | Doenças infecciosas | Workshop
CDU: 577:061.3
Cota: M-22/1|IHMT
[460226]  Show Record 

Laboratory techniques in biochemistry and molecular biology : isoelectric focusing : theory, methodology and applications / Pier Giorgio Righetti. - [Amesterdão] : Elsevier Biomedical, . - 386 p. ; 20 cm
Descritores: Microbiologia médica | Biologia molecular | Bioquimica
CDU: 579:577:576.32/.36
Cota: RIG C55 a/6|IHMT
[460248]  Show Record 
Current communications in molecular biology : DNA probes : applications in genetic and infectious disease and cancer / coord. Leonard S. Lerman. - Nova York : Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, . - 188 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: Microbiologia médica | Biologia molecular | Genética | Doenças infecciosas | Cancro
CDU: 579:577:575:616-006
Cota: CUR C55 a/6|IHMT
[460335]  Show Record 

The molecular biology and genetic manipulation of the cytoplasm of higer plants / David M. Lonsdale
In: Genetic engineering .- p. 47-102
Descritores: Genética | Biologia molecular | Manipulação genética | Patologia vegetal | Genes
CDU: 575:577:581.2
Cota: S/cota|IHMT
[460348]  Show Record 

Electron microscopy in molecular biology : a practical approach / J. Sommerville, U. Scheer. - Oxford : IRL Press, . - 248 p. ; 23 cm. - Doação
Descritores: Microbiologia médica | Biologia molecular
CDU: 579:577
Cota: SOM C 55 a/6|IHMT
