Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 10 | 06 ms
[388568]  Show Record 

Parasitic protozoa / J. P. Kreier, J. R. Baker. - Winchester : Allen and Unwin, . - XIV, 241 p. : il. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Parasitologia | Protozoários
CDU: 576.893.1
Cota: M-21/1|IHMT
[388650]  Show Record 

Parasitic protozoa : intestinal flagellates histomonads trichomonads amoeba opalinids and ciliates / Julius P. Kreier. - New York : Academic, . - 4 v. : il. ; 25 cm. - Volume II : Flagellates of the human intestine and of intestines of other species / Jaroslav Kulda, Eva Noh8nkova ; Histomonas meleagridis and relatives / L. R. Mcdougald, W. M. Reid ; Trichomonads of veterinary importance / B. M. Honigberg ; Trich
Descritores: Parasitologia | Protozoários
CDU: 576.893.1
Cota: M-21/1|IHMT
[390527]  Show Record 

Parasitic protozoa : taxonomy kinetoplastids and flagellates of fish / Julius P. Kreier. - New York : Academic, . - 4 v. (XV, 441 p.) : il. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Tripanosomíases | Parasitologia | Protozoários
CDU: 576.893.1
Cota: M-21/1|IHMT
[390528]  Show Record 
Parasitic protozoa : gregarines haemogregarines coccidia plasmodia and haemoproteids / [edited by] Julius P. Kreier. - New York : Academic, . - 4 v. (XV, 563 p.) : il. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Parasitologia | Mamíferos | Vectores
CDU: 576.893.1
Cota: M-21/1|IHMT
[390529]  Show Record 
Parasitic protozoa : babesia theileria myxosporida microsporida bartonellaceae anaplasmataceae ehrlichia and pneumocystis / [edited by] Julius P. Kreier. - New York : Academic, . - 4 v. (XV, 386 p.) : il. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Parasitologia | Mamíferos
CDU: 576.893.1
Cota: M-21/1|IHMT
[431875]  Show Record 

Parasitic protozoa / J. P. Kreier, J. R. Baker. - Winchester : Allen and Unwin, . - XIV, 241 p. : il. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Parasitologia | Protozoários
CDU: 576.893.1
Cota: M-21/1|IHMT
[431882]  Show Record 

Parasitic protozoa : intestinal flagellates histomonads trichomonads amoeba opalinids and ciliates / Julius P. Kreier. - New York : Academic, . - 4 v. : il. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Parasitologia | Protozoários
CDU: 576.893.1
Cota: M-21/1|IHMT
[451527]  Show Record 

Parasitic protozoa : taxonomy kinetoplastids and flagellates of fish / Julius P. Kreier. - New York : Academic, . - 4 v. : il. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Tripanosomíases | Parasitologia | Protozoários
CDU: 576.893.1
Cota: M-21/1|IHMT
[451528]  Show Record 
Parasitic protozoa : gregarines haemogregarines coccidia plasmodia and haemoproteids / [edited by] Julius P. Kreier. - New York : Academic, . - 4 v. : il. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Parasitologia | Mamíferos | Vectores
CDU: 576.893.1
Cota: M-21/1|IHMT
[451529]  Show Record 
Parasitic protozoa : babesia theileria myxosporida microsporida bartonellaceae anaplasmataceae ehrlichia and pneumocystis / [edited by] Julius P. Kreier. - New York : Academic, . - 4 v. : il. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Parasitologia | Mamíferos
CDU: 576.893.1
Cota: M-21/1|IHMT
