Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 09 | 95 ms
[267249]  Show Record 
Reforming the power sector in Africa / ed., introd. M. R. Bhagavan. - London ; New York ; Nairobi : Zed Books : African Energy Policy Research Network-AFREPREN, . - XX, 380 p. ; 22 cm. - African energy policy research series)
Descritores: Energia | Política energética | Reforma sectorial | Malavi | Tanzânia | Uganda | Zimbabué | África Subsaariana
Cota: EA.ASS 2 Ref|ISCTE
[369371]  Show Record 
The regulation of the power sector in África attracting investment and protecting the poor / ed. Edward Marandu and Dorcast Kayo. - Nairobi : London Zed Books, . - XIX, 354 p. ; 21 cm
Descritores: Energia | Investimentos | Estudos de caso | África
Cota: EA.AGR 2 Reg|ISCTE
[369612]  Show Record 
The regulation of the power sector in África attracting investment and protecting the poor / ed. Edward Marandu and Dorcast Kayo. - Nairobi : London Zed Books, . - XIX, 354 p. ; 21 cm
Descritores: Energia | Investimentos | Estudos de caso | África
Cota: EA.AGR 2 Reg|ISCTE
[266644]  Show Record 
Capacity building for a reforming african power sector / ed. Mengistu Teferra, Stephen Karekezi ; contrib. J. Baguant... [et al.]. - London ; Nairobi : Zed Books : African Energy Policy Research Network (AFREPREN), . - XXV, 292 p. ; 22 cm. - African energy policy research series)
Descritores: Sector energético | Recursos humanos | África do Sul | Etiópia | Maurícias | Zimbabué | África Subsaariana
Cota: EA.ASS 2 Cap|ISCTE
[256442]  Show Record 

The role of language in the struggle for power and legitimacy in Africa / Abiodun Goke-Pariola. - Lewiston : The Edwin Mellen Press, . - IV, 204 p.. - African studies. 31)
Descritores: Linguística | Poder simbólico | Africa
[374476]  Show Record 

The bargain sector economic restructuring and the non-farm sector in the Nigerian savanna / Kate Meagher. - Aldershot : Ashgate, . - 180 p. ; 24 cm
Descritores: Sociologia | Política económica | África
[380772]  Show Record 
Reforming the health care sector : science and politics research and muddling through. - Nakhon Ratchasima, . - 12, [2] p. (verso das f. em branco) : il. ; 21 cm
Descritores: Saúde e desenvolvimento | Política de saúde | Reforma | Workshop | Europa
CDU: 614.2:32(042.3)
[402931]  Show Record 
Reforming the health care sector : science and politics research and muddling through. - Nakhon Ratchasima : [s.n.], . - 12, [2] p. : il. ; 21 cm
Descritores: Saúde e desenvolvimento | Política de saúde | Reforma | Workshop | Europa
CDU: 614.2:32(042.3)
[405743]  Show Record 
Reforming the health care sector : science and politics research and muddling through. - Nakhon Ratchasima : [s.n.], . - 12, [2] p. : il. ; 21 cm
Descritores: Saúde e desenvolvimento | Política de saúde | Reforma | Workshop | Europa
CDU: 614.2:32(042.3)
