Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 03 | 164 ms
[214151]  Show Record 

The status and future of privatization in sub-Saharan África / Berhanu Mengistu, Yacob Haile-Mariam. - Possui bibliografia
In: Journal of Southern Áfricans Studies. - Vol. 15, nº 1-2 (1988), p. 4-9
Descritores: África | Economia
Cota: PP1045|AHM
[66344]  Show Record 
The future of shifting cultivation in Africa and the task of universities : proceedings / ed. A. H. Bunting, E. Bunting. - Rome : FAO, . - 198 p.
Descritores: Sector agrícola | Ensino superior | Cobalto | África
Cota: FAO-11-50|ISA
[95239]  Show Record 

The status and conservation of the endemic bird species of São Tomé and Príncipe, West África / Phil Atkinson, Nic Peet, James Alexander. - Cambridge : Bird Conservation International, . - 15 p.
Descritores: São Tomé e Príncipe | Ave
Cota: 21432|IICT
