Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 22 | 29 ms
[115151]  Show Record 

A road guide to Goa / P. Newman Fernandes. - Chennai : TTK Pharma Limited, . - 12 p. : il. ; 22 cm + mapas
Descritores: Turismo | Goa
Cota: GA4602|CLP Goa
[367934]  Show Record 
Guide bibliographique du Monde Noir = Bibliographic guide to the Negro World / apresent. Pe. Engelbert Mveng ; advertência Jean-Roger Fontvieille. - Yaoundé : Ministère de l'Éducation de la Culture et de la Formation Professionnelle, Direction des Affaires Culturelles, . - 2 vol. : il. ; 22 cm
Descritores: África | Bibliografia
Cota: 5-10 B-1-16-39/40|BGUC
[115170]  Show Record 

An illustrated guide to Bombay and Goa / Myriam Kaye. - Reprint. - Hong Kong : The Guidebook Company, . - 183 p. : il. ; 20 cm + mapas
Descritores: Turismo | História | Bombaim | Goa
Cota: GA2818|CLP Goa
[115177]  Show Record 
Nest & wings guide to Goa : a travellers guide : 1997-98. - New Delhi : Nest & Wings, . - xxiv, 64 p. : il. ; 22 cm + mapas
Descritores: Turismo | Goa
Cota: GA2786|CLP Goa
[115277]  Show Record 

A guide to the flora and fauna of Goa / P. Killips. - Chennai : Orient Longman, . - 69 p. : il. ; 22 cm
Descritores: Flora | Goa | Fauna
Cota: GA2437|CLP Goa
[115568]  Show Record 

A guide to the collection of records from the Goa archives, Panaji / V. T. Gune. - Panaji : Historical Archives of Goa, . - ix, 73 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: História | Arquivo Histórico de Goa | Goa
Cota: GA313|CLP Goa
[142961]  Show Record 

A guide to the collections of records from the Goa Archives, Panaji / V. T. Gune. - Panaji : Historical Archives of Goa, . - 73 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: Arquivo | Goa
Cota: S/cota|Biblioteca Percival Noronha
[231552]  Show Record 

A guide to the snakes of Maharashtra, Goa & Karnataka / Neelimkumar Khaire. - Pune : Indian Herpetological Society, . - 129 p. : il. ; 20 cm
Descritores: Zoologia | Goa
Cota: GA7071|CLP Goa
[231553]  Show Record 

A photographic guide to butterflies of Goa : also includes butterflies of other range of the western ghats & southern Goa / Manoj Borkar. - [S.l.] : Mineral Foundation of Goa, . - iv, 66 p. : il. ; 20 cm
Descritores: Zoologia | Borboleta | Goa
Cota: BD5153|CLP Goa
[254418]  Show Record 

A photographic guide to butterflies of Goa / Parag Rangnekar. - Goa : Mineral Foundation of Goa, . - 66 p. : fotos, col. ; 21 cm
Descritores: Cultura
Cota: S/cota|All India Mission Seminary
[255749]  Show Record 

A guide to Old Goa : a short history of the old city of Goa / Moreno de Souza. - 3. - Goa : New Age Printers, . - 44 p. : fotos, col., ; 23 cm
Descritores: Cultura | Turismo
Cota: S/cota|Xavier Centre of Historical Research
[258559]  Show Record 
Historical Archives of Goa
A guide to the collections or records from the Goa archives, Panaji / Historical Archives of Goa. - Goa : Government Printing Press, . - 73 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: História | India
Cota: S/cota|Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr
[260488]  Show Record 
An illustrated guide to Goa. - Nova Goa : Livraria Singbal, . - 80 p. ; 19 p.
Descritores: Cultura regional | India
Cota: S/cota|Biblioteca Percival Noronha
[297090]  Show Record 

A guide to the flora and fauna of Goa / Peter Killips. - Hyderabad : Orient Longman, . - 67 p. : il. ; 22 cm
Descritores: Fauna | Flora | India
Cota: S/cota|Research & Reference Library Goenkaranchem Daiz
[300872]  Show Record 

A guide to the snakes of Maharashtra, Goa and Karnataka / Neelimkumar Khaire. - 1ª ed. reimpressa. - Pune : Indian Herpetological Society, . - 129 p. : il. color, fotografias ; 20 cm
Descritores: Réptil | India
Cota: S/cota|Research & Reference Library Goenkaranchem Daiz
[301688]  Show Record 

A guide to the flora and fauna of Goa / P. Killips. - Chennai : Orient Longman Limited, . - 70 p. : fotografias. color ; 22 cm
Descritores: Guia de informação | Fauna | Flora | India
Cota: S/cota|Margão Municipal Library
[317226]  Show Record 

A guide to the flora and fauna of Goa / P. Killips. - Londres : Sangam Books, . - 70 p. : todo fotografias, pb & color ; 22 cm
Descritores: Fauna | Flora | Floresta | Protecção do ambiente | Turismo | India
Cota: S/cota|DMCASCL-Goa
[327583]  Show Record 

A guide to the flora and fauna of Goa / Peter Killips. - Hyderabad : Orient Longman Limited, . - 70 p. : il. color, fotografias, mapa ; 22 cm
Descritores: Vida selvagem | Goa
Cota: S/cota|Directorate of Archives and Archaelogy
[327597]  Show Record 

A guide to the collections of records from the Goa Archives, Panaji / V.T. Gune. - Panjim : Historical Archives of Goa, . - 73 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: Arquivo | História | Goa | Portugal | India
Cota: S/cota|Directorate of Archives and Archaelogy
[371504]  Show Record 

A guide to the collections of records from the Goa archives, Panaji / V. T. Gune ; pref. Shashikala G. Kakodkar. - Panaji : Historical Archives of Goa, (Panaji : Government Printing Press, 1973. - IX, [1], 73, [4] p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: Índia | Arquivo
Cota: 7-(2)-4-1-1|BGUC
[460406]  Show Record 

A guide to the collections of records from the Goa Archives, Panaji / V. T. Gune. - Panaji : Historical Archives of Goa, . - 73 p. ; 19 cm. - Coleção particular
Descritores: Arquivo | Goa
Cota: S/cota|Teotónio Souza
[352445]  Show Record 
PORTUGAL. Presidente do Conselho, 1968-1974 (Marcelo Caetano)
The only road open to us is to defend our overseas provinces : speech broadcast by the Prime Minister, on radio and television, on 15 january 1973 / Marcello Caetano. - [Lisbon] : Office of the Secretary of State for Information and Tourism, (Lisbon : Casa Portuguesa, 1973. - 17, [2] p. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Portugal | Território ultramarino | Política | Autonomia | Terrorismo | Paz
Cota: 6-3-20-51|BGUC
