Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 08 | 42 ms
[364069]  Show Record 

Architecture and spirit / Tadao Ando. - Barcelona : Editorial Gustavo Gili, . - 63 p. : il. ; 30 cm
Descritores: Arquitectura | Biografias | Japão
Cota: AU.101 AND*Arc|ISCTE
[17138]  Show Record 

Spirit initiation in Ankole and a christian spirit movement in Western Kenya / F. B. Welbourn
In: Spirit mediumship and society in África / John Beattie and John Middleton. - London : Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1969, p. 290-306
Descritores: África | Religião | Sociedade | Cristianismo
Cota: D-199|UCDA
[378333]  Show Record 

Religion and the dramatisation of life spirit beliefs and rituals in southern and central Malawi / Matthew Schoffeleers. - Blantyre : Christian Literature Association in Malawi, . - 166 p.
Descritores: Religião | Usos e costumes | África
[398489]  Show Record 

Art and architecture in Spain and Portugal and their american dominions : 1500 to 1800 / George Kubler, Martin Soria. - Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, . - XXVIII, [2], 445, [1] p., 192 p. il. : il. ; 27 cm. - The pelican history of art)
Descritores: Portugal | Espanha | América Latina | Brasil | Artes | Arquitetura | Belas-artes | Escultura | Pintura
Cota: 5-62-50-22|BGUC
[191987]  Show Record 

Portuguese architecture and Luso-Áfrican identity in Senegambia and Guinea, 1730-1890 / Peter Mark
In: History in África : a Journal of Method. - Vol. 23 (1996), 179-196
Descritores: África Ocidental | Guiné | Arquitectura | Identidade cultural
Cota: PP1015|AHM
[314111]  Show Record 

Portuguese, the armenians and the world of art and architecture in the tamil coast / S. Jayaseela Stephen. - Pondicherry : Institute for Indo-European Studies, . - 95 p. : fotografias, mapas, pb & color ; 23 cm
Descritores: História | Cristianismo | Igreja | Património arquitectónico | Arquitectura | Património cultural | India | Arménia | Relações comerciais
Cota: S/cota|Fundação Oriente, Delegação na India
[375346]  Show Record 

Portuguese, the Armenians and the world of art and architecture in the Tamil Coast / S. Jeyaseela Stephen. - Pondicherry : Institute for Indo-European Studies, . - 95 p.
Descritores: História | Artes | Arquitectura | India
Cota: IND 94(POR) STE|FO
[460493]  Show Record 

Portuguese and brazilian architecture of the 17th and 18th centuries : relation of exceptional monuments to their european architectural background / John Bury
In: Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Luso-Brazilian Studies : Washington, october 15-20, 1950 = Atas do Colóquio Internacional de Estudos Luso-Brasileiros : Washington, 15-20 de outubro de 1950 / sob o patrocínio da Library of Congress e Vanderbilt University. - Nashville : The Vanderbilt University Press, 1953. - p. 119-121
Descritores: Brasil | Arquitetura | Resumo de textos
Cota: 6-47-4-1|BGUC
