Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 04 | 80 ms
[121830]  Show Record 

Assessing the welfare impact of structural adjustment : the case of smallholders in Guinea-Bissau : a minor field study / Magnus Alvesson. - Suécia : University of Goteborg, . - [10], III, 72 p.. - Bibl. : p. 73
Descritores: Economia | Guiné-Bissau
Cota: GW-P.E. II-7|CIDAC
[248381]  Show Record 
The impact of structural adjustment on the population of Africa : the implications for education, health and employment / ed. by Aderanti Adepoju. - London : James Currey, . - 148 p.
Descritores: Ajustamento estrutural | Educação | Saúde | Emprego | Política de dsenvolvimento | África Subsaariana
[72983]  Show Record 

The impact of structural adjustment and policy choices for promoting the welfare of children and women in Guinea-Bissau / Christopher Tanner. - Bissau : UNICEF, . - [6], 76 p. ; 30 cm. - A report for UNICEF
Descritores: Guiné-Bissau | Ajustamento monetário | Criança | Mulher
Cota: 338 (665.7)|BP|INEP
[366458]  Show Record 
The quality of fiscal adjustment and the long-run growth impact of fiscal policy in Brazil / Fernando Blanco ; Santiago Herrera. - Washington : Banco Mundial, . - 41 p.. - Policy research working paper. 4004)
Descritores: Política fiscal | Crescimento económico | Desenvolvimento económico | Brasil
Cota: Serial 395//4004|ISEG
