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[189299]  Show Record 

Afro-Asian book council sponsors book exhibition and author workshop in Ethiopia / Asang Machwe
In: Bellagio Publishing Network Newsletter. - Nº 12 (Dez. 1994), p. 10-11
Cota: PP1489|AHM
[191913]  Show Record 

Afro-Asian book council sponsors book exhibition and author workshop in Ethiopia / Asang Machwe
In: Bellagio Publishing Network Newsletter. - Nº 12 (Dez. 1994), p. 10-11
Descritores: África | Corno de África | Etiópia | Manifestação cultural | Publicação | Livro
Cota: PP1489|AHM
[197510]  Show Record 
Afro-Asian book council drafts book policy for South Asia
In: Bellagio Publishing Network Newsletter. - Nº 9 (Mar. 1994), p. 19
Descritores: África | Asia | Cooperação internacional
Cota: PP1489|AHM
[195420]  Show Record 

Book by book ... the making of an International Development Agency / Rosemaria Durand
In: Bellagio Publishing Network Newsletter. - nº 5 (Mar. 1993), p. 3-4
Descritores: África | Literatura
Cota: PP1489|AHM
[204324]  Show Record 

The International Áfrican Institute and the Book Famine in África, including a report on the Workshop on the Book Famine in África, London, 1989. / Peter Lloyd
In: Áfrican Research and Documentation. - nº 51 (1988), p. 23-26
Descritores: África | Publicação
Cota: PP1011|AHM
[393767]  Show Record 
Pocket book of hospital care for children : guidelines for the management of common illness with limited resources / World Health Organization. - Geneva : WHO, . - XX, 377 p.
Descritores: Saúde pública | Clínica | Cuidados de saúde primários | Crianças | Pediatria | Hospitais | Gestão
CDU: 616-053.2
Cota: M-16/1|IHMT
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[394296]  Show Record 

The spider book : a manual for the study of the spiders and their near relatives the scorpions pseudoscorpions whip scorpions harvestmen and other members of the class arachnida found in America North of Mexico with analytical keys for their classification and popular accounts of their habits / by John Henry Comstock ; [ed. lit.] W. J. Gertsch. - Ithaca : Comstock, . - XI, 729 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - Handbooks of american natural history)
Descritores: Entomologia | Artrópodes | Aracnídeos
CDU: 595.4
Cota: M-22/5|IHMT
[395421]  Show Record 

In her book / Luís Delfino. - Biblioteca popular brasileira. 28)
In: Antologia dos Poetas Brasileiros da fase parnasiana / comp. e pref. Manuel Bandeira ; rev. crítica em consulta com o Autor Aurelio Buarque de Hollanda. - Rio de Janeiro : Instituto Nacional do Livro, Departamento de Imprensa Nacional, 1951. - p. 28-29
Descritores: Brasil | Literatura
Cota: IC-18-2-7-34|BGUC
[395680]  Show Record 

In her book / Luís Delfino
In: Apresentação da poesia brasileira : seguida de uma antologia de versos / apresentação, sel. e comp. Manuel Bandeira ; pref. Otto Maria Carpeaux. - Rio de Janeiro : Livraria-Editôra da Casa do Estudante do Brasil, imp. 1954. - p. 256
Descritores: Brasil | Literatura
Cota: 5-50-48-41|BGUC
[396535]  Show Record 

Book review of Twilight of the pepper empire : portuguese trade in southwest India in the early seventeenth century by Anthony R. Disney / José M. Amado Mendes. - [S.l. : s.n., . - p. 547-549 ; 24 cm. - Separata de "The journal of economic literature", vol. XVII, number 2 (june 1979), pp. 547-549.
Descritores: Índia | Portugal | História | Relações comerciais
Cota: 5-43-62-3|BGUC
[402492]  Show Record 

Book 12 : health problems of women / Clive Evian, Janet Orlek, Alex Scholtz. - Johannesburg : Health Services Development Unit, . - [4], III, 146 p. : il. ; 30 cm
Descritores: Ginecologia | Patologia | Mulheres
CDU: 618.1
Cota: 13 CSP|IHMT
[405304]  Show Record 

Book 12 : health problems of women / Clive Evian, Janet Orlek, Alex Scholtz. - Johannesburg : Health Services Development Unit, . - [4], III, 146 p. : il. ; 30 cm
Descritores: Ginecologia | Patologia | Mulheres
CDU: 618.1
Cota: 13 CSP|IHMT
[408888]  Show Record 
The 1946 year book of general medecine : August 1945 June 1946 / [ed. lit.] George F. Dick. - Chicago : The Year Book Publishers, . - 772 p. ; 19 cm
Descritores: Medicina | Anuário | 1946
CDU: 61(05)
Cota: A-2|IHMT
[408890]  Show Record 
The 1950 year book of medicine : May 1949 : May 1950 / [ed. lit.] Paul B. Beeson. - Chicago : The Year Book Publishers, . - 819 p. ; 20 cm
Descritores: Medicina | Anuário | 1950
CDU: 61(05)
Cota: A-2|IHMT
[408891]  Show Record 
The year book of medicine : 1953-1954 : year book series / [ed. lit.] Paul B. Beeson. - Chicago : The Year Book Publishers, . - 736 p. ; 20 cm
Descritores: Medicina | Anuário | 1953
CDU: 61(05)
Cota: A-2|IHMT
[408892]  Show Record 
The year book of medicine : 1954 : 1955 : year book series / [ed. lit.] Paul B. Beeson. - Chicago : The Year Book Publishers, . - 711 p. ; 20 cm
Descritores: Medicina | Anuário | 1954
CDU: 61(05)
Cota: A-2|IHMT
[408893]  Show Record 
The1952 year book of medicine : May 1951 : May 1952 / [ed. lit.] Paul B. Beeson. - Chicago : The Year Book Publishers, . - 735 p. ; 20 cm
Descritores: Medicina | Anuário | 1952
CDU: 61(05)
Cota: A-2|IHMT
[408894]  Show Record 
The year book of medicine : 1956-1957 : year book series / [ed. lit.] Paul B. Benson. - Chicago : The Year Book Publishers, . - 744 p. ; 20 cm
Descritores: Medicina | Anuário | 1956
CDU: 61(05)
Cota: A-2|IHMT
[408895]  Show Record 
The year book of medicine : 1958-1959 / [ed. lit.] Paul B. Beeson. - Chicago : The Year Book Publishers, . - 782 p. ; 20 cm
Descritores: Medicina | Anuário | 1958
CDU: 61(05)
Cota: A-2|IHMT
[408896]  Show Record 
The year book of medicine : 1958 : 1959 : year book series / [ed. lit.] Paul B. Beeson. - Chicago : The Year Book Publishers, . - 782 p. ; 20 cm
Descritores: Medicina | Anuário | 1958
CDU: 61(05)
Cota: A-2|IHMT
[409068]  Show Record 

Text book of public health / W. M. Frazer, C. O. Stallybrass. - 11th ed. - Edinburgh : S. Livingstone, . - X, 571 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: Saúde pública
CDU: 614
Cota: B-6|IHMT
[409678]  Show Record 
The year book of dermatology and syphilology / [ed. lit.] Marion B. Sulzberger. - Chicago : The Year Book Publishers, . - 12 v. : il.
Descritores: Medicina clínica | Dermatologia | Patologia | Pele | Epiderme | Sifilis | Doenças sexualmente transmitidas | Sifilografia
CDU: 616.5(05)
Cota: G-3|IHMT
[411690]  Show Record 
Science year book of 1948 / [ed. lit.] J. D. Ratcliff. - New York : Doubleday, . - XXXVII, 244 p.
Descritores: Ciência | Anuário
CDU: 5(05)
Cota: P-5|IHMT
[412455]  Show Record 

The shell book : a popular guide to a knowledge of the families of living mollusks and an aid to the identification of shells native and foreign / by Julia Ellen Rogers. - Boston : Charles T. Bradford, . - XXI, 503 p. : il.
Descritores: Zoologia | Malacologia | Moluscos | Conchas
CDU: 594
Cota: K-3|IHMT
[412542]  Show Record 

Field book of snakes : of the United States and Canada / by Karl P. Schmidt, D. Dwight Davis ; [il.] Albert A. Enzanbacher. - New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons, . - XIII, 365 p. : il.
Descritores: Zoologia | Sauropsídeos | Serpentes | Ofiologia | Estados Unidos da América | Canadá
CDU: 598.12
Cota: K-4|IHMT
[415949]  Show Record 

Beginnerïs book modular origami polyhedra : the platonic solids / Rona Gurkewitz, Bennett Arnstein. - Mineola : Dover Publications, . - 60 p.
Descritores: Origami | Japão
Cota: JAP 745 GUR|FO
[416214]  Show Record 
Macau. Government Tourist Office
Macau Guide Book. - Macau : Macau Government Tourist Office, . - 131, [4] p.
Descritores: Monografia | Macau
Cota: MAC 908 MAC|FO
[416627]  Show Record 

The complete book of origami : step-by-step instructions in over 1000 diagrams : 37 original models / Robert J. Lang ; photography by Robin Macey. - New York : Dover Publications, . - 154 p.
Descritores: Origami | Japão
Cota: JAP 745 LAN|FO
[425497]  Show Record 

Motivations on online book-shopping of chineses educated young / Weisheng Zhang ; orient. Nelson José dos Santos António. - Lisboa : [s.n.], . - 76 p.
Descritores: Comércio electrónico | Lojas virtuais | Livro | Motivação do consumidor | Estudante | Jovem | Dissertação de mestrado | China
Cota: G.103 ZHA*Mot (Res)|ISCTE
[425740]  Show Record 

A text book of general bacteriology / by Edwin O. Jordan. - 4th ed. - Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, . - 647 p. : il.
Descritores: Bacteriologia
Cota: Q-4|IHMT
[426039]  Show Record 

Fraseário comercial e industrial de português inglês = A concise and industrial phrase book : of the portuguese and english language / Henrique José da Silva Queiroz. - Lisboa : Edição do autor, . - 2 vols.
Descritores: Linguística | Dicionário | Comércio | Industria | Português | Inglês
Cota: s A-2|IHMT
[426201]  Show Record 
Macau. Government Tourist Office
Macau Guide Book. - Macau : Macau Government Tourist Office, . - 131, [4] p.
Descritores: Monografia | Macau
Cota: MAC 908 MAC|FO
[426932]  Show Record 

Beginnerïs book modular origami polyhedra : the platonic solids / Rona Gurkewitz, Bennett Arnstein. - Mineola : Dover Publications, . - 60 p.
Descritores: Origami | Japão
Cota: JAP 745 GUR|FO
[426934]  Show Record 

The complete book of origami : step-by-step instructions in over 1000 diagrams : 37 original models / Robert J. Lang ; photography by Robin Macey. - New York : Dover Publications, . - 154 p.
Descritores: Origami | Japão
Cota: JAP 745 LAN|FO
[433843]  Show Record 
Chinese character exercise book : elementary chinese readers. - 1.ª ed., 2.ª reimp.. - Beijing : Foreign Languages Press, . - 2 vol. : il. ; 26 cm
Descritores: China | Linguística
Cota: 5-11-27-118/119|BGUC
[434080]  Show Record 
A book of days for the brazilian literary year / ed. lit. Márcio Souza, Gilberto Vilar de Carvalho. - Rio de Janeiro : Fundação Biblioteca Nacional, (Rio de Janeiro : Divisão Gráfica da Distribuidora Record de Serviços de Imprensa. - [276] p. : il. ; 21 cm
Descritores: Brasil | Profissão literária | Literatura
Cota: 7-61-4-46|BGUC
[456623]  Show Record 
Biology data book / compiled and edited by Philip L. Altman, Dorothy S. Dittmer. - Washington : Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, . - XIX, 633 p. : graf. ; 30 cm. - Biological handbooks)
Descritores: Biologia | Manual | Obra de Referência
CDU: 57
Cota: M-23/4|IHMT
[459643]  Show Record 

The spider book : a manual for the study of the spiders and their near relatives the scorpions pseudoscorpions whip scorpions harvestmen and other members of the class arachnida found in America North of Mexico with analytical keys for their classification and popular accounts of their habits / by John Henry Comstock ; [ed. lit.] W. J. Gertsch. - Ithaca : Comstock, . - XI, 729 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - Handbooks of american natural history)
Descritores: Entomologia | Artrópodes | Aracnídeos
CDU: 595.4
Cota: M-22/5|IHMT
[181]  Show Record 

The book of Duarte Barbosa : an account of the countries bordering on the Indian Ocean and their inhabitants, written by Duarte Barbosa, and completed about the year 1518 A.D. / translated from the Portuguese text... and edited and annotated [by] Mansel Longworth Dames. - New Delhi : Asian Educational Services, . - 2 v
Descritores: Culturas africanas | Culturas asiáticas | Viagem | África
Cota: 910.415 BAR,D|ULFL
[18593]  Show Record 

África libraries, book production, and archives : a list of references / Helen F. Conver. - Washington : Library of Congress, (Washington : U.S. Government Printing Office, 1962. - 64 p.
Descritores: África | Bibliografia | Arquivo | Pesquisa documental | Registo de documentos | Livraria
Cota: D-161|UCDA
[18605]  Show Record 
Oceanic Colectiv Arts
Primitive art book specialists : A Select listing of Áfrican publications with a short addenda of general primitive art / Oceanic Primitive Arts. - New York : Oceanic Primitive Arts,
Descritores: África | Bibliografia | Arquivo | Pesquisa documental | Arte popular | Artesanato
Cota: D-180|UCDA
[22390]  Show Record 

The little book of unsuspected subversion / Edmond Jabès ; translated by Rosmarie Waldrop. - Stanford (CA) : Stanford University Press, . - VIII, 84 p. - Meridian.Crossing aesthetics). - Trad. de: Le petit livre de la subversion hors de soupçon
Descritores: Aglomerado rural | Moçambique | Desenvolvimento rural | Antropologia social e cultural
CDU: 334
Cota: BIA-840VH.JBS.1-Biblioteca|UAVSD
[50657]  Show Record 
The World Bank
The little data book on Africa 2006 / The World Bank. - Washington : The World Bank, . - 123 p.
Descritores: Desenvolvimento económico | Indicadores económicos | Africa
Cota: B.M. 1298|ISEG
[55302]  Show Record 

The book of not : a novel : a sequel to nervous conditions / Tsitsi Dangarembga. - Oxfordshire : Ayebia, . - 250 p.
Descritores: Literatura anglófona | Literatura zimbabuense--séc.21 | Romance | Zimbabué | África Meridional
[66451]  Show Record 

Source book for the inland fishery resources of Africa : 3 / J. P. V. Bossche, G. M. Bernacsek. - Rome : FAO, . - 231 p.
Descritores: Indústria pesqueira | África
Cota: FAO-4-242|ISA
[66452]  Show Record 

Source book for the inland fishery resources of Africa : 2 / J. P. V. Bossche, G. M. Bernacsek. - Rome : FAO, . - 252 p.
Descritores: Indústria pesqueira | África
Cota: FAO-4-241|ISA
[66453]  Show Record 

Source book for the inland fishery resources of Africa : 1 / J. P. V. Bossche, G. M. Bernacsek. - Rome : FAO, . - 423 p.
Descritores: Indústria pesqueira | África
Cota: FAO-4-240|ISA
[66884]  Show Record 

Africa year book politics economy and society South of Sahara : 2004 / Andreas Mehler. - Boston : Andreas Mehler, . - 495 p.
Descritores: África | Economia | Política | Sistema político
Cota: 33|IPAD
[69240]  Show Record 
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Dac source book on concepts and approaches linked to gender equality / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. - Paris : OCDE, . - 81 p. ; 27 cm
Descritores: Género | Direito das mulheres | Democracia | OCDE | CAD
Cota: 339 OCDE|IPAD
[114907]  Show Record 

The Tagore birthday book : selected from the english works of Rabindranath Tagore / C. F. Andrews. - London : Macmillan and Co., . - Pag. var ; 19 cm. - Considerado valioso pela Biblioteca
Descritores: Literatura
Cota: V17712|CLP Goa
