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[259875]  Show Record 

Conflict and conflict resolution among Waliso Oromo of eastern Macha : the case of the Guma / Dejene Gemechu. - Addis Ababa : Addis Ababa University. Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, . - XVIII, 97 p. ; 22 cm. - Social anthropology dissertation series. 15)
Descritores: Sistema judicial | Resolução de conflitos | Ritual | Etiópia | Corno de África
[267982]  Show Record 
Conflict, violence and conflict resolution : where is South Africa heading? / ed. A. Minnaar, M. Hough. - Pretoria : HSRC, . - 197 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: Violência política | Conflito laboral | Conflito social | Colóquios | África do Sul | África Meridional
Cota: EA.AAU 1 Con,1|ISCTE
[389811]  Show Record 

Conflict and conflict resolution among Waliso Oromo of eastern Macha the case of the Guma / Dejene Gemechu. - Addis Ababa : Addis Ababa University. Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, . - XVIII, 97 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: Sistema judicial | Resolução de conflitos | Ritual | Etiópia | Corno de África
[422745]  Show Record 

From armed conflict to civil opposition post-conflict party development in Mozambique, Boznia, and Kosovo / Carrie Manning. - Leipzig : University of Leipzig Papers on Africa, . - 28 p.
Descritores: RENAMO | Política | Moçambique
[374739]  Show Record 
Is violence inevitable in Africa? theories of conflict and approaches to conflict prevention / ed. Patrick Chabal, Ulf Engel, Anna-Maria Gentili. - Leiden : Brill, . - 245 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: Violencia | Conflitos | África
[14034]  Show Record 

Trade, coasters and conflict in the Rio Ponga from 1790 to 1808 / Bruce L. Mouser
In: The Journal of Áfrican History / Cambridge University Press. - T. 14, fasc. nº 1 (1973), p. 45-64
Descritores: África lusófona | Comércio externo | Escravatura
Cota: s/cota|UCDA|Diamang
[14833]  Show Record 

US foreign policy. Lessons from the Angola conflict / Prexy Nesbitt
In: África Today [Angola and Mozambique 1992. Special double issue] / África Today Associates. - ISSN 0001-9887. - Vol. 39, Nºs 1 & 2 (1st & 2nd quarters 1992), p. 53-71.
Descritores: Angola | Estados Unidos | Guerra | Direitos do Homem | Intervenção militar
Cota: s/cota|UCDA
[18576]  Show Record 

Conflict in portuguese África / George Martelli; ed. David M. Abshire, Michael A. Samuels
In: Portuguese África : A handbook / David M. Abshire, Michael A. Samuels. - London : Pall Mall Press, 1969. - p. 406-433
Descritores: África lusófona | Colonialismo | Guerra | Ajuda internacional | Militarização do espaço
Cota: D-1022|UCDA
[18781]  Show Record 

Trade and conflict in Angola : the Mbundu and their neighbours under the influence of the portuguese 1483-1790 / David Birmingham. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, (London ; Beccles : William Clowes and Sons, Limited
Descritores: Angola | Portugal | Colonialismo | Migração | Crescimento económico | Comercialização
Cota: D 673|UCDA
[40996]  Show Record 

Conflict, interaction and change in Guinea-Bissau : Fulbe expansion and its impact 1850-1900 / Joyce Bowman hamkings. - Los Angeles : University of California, . - XIV, 315 fls. - Dissertação
Descritores: Guiné-Bissau | Grupo Étnico | Etnologia
Cota: 48-C-45|Soc. Geog. Lx.
[50703]  Show Record 

Changing concepts and methods of conflict management in Africa : |bthe responsability to protect and the african standby force / Ewo K. Petrucznik
In: Africa insight. - Vol. 36, nº 3-4, p. 26-40
Descritores: Direitos humanos | Gestão de conflitos | Africa
Cota: V - 17004|ISEG
[50733]  Show Record 

Religion, ideology & conflict in Africa / Roy Love
In: Review of african political economy. - Vol. 33, nº 110 (2006), p. 619-634
Descritores: Religião | Ideologia | Africa
Cota: E - 4650|ISEG
[52459]  Show Record 

Conflict creation in Angola and UNITA destabilization / Rukhsana A. Siddiqui
In: Sub-Saharan Africa : a sub-continent in transition. - [S.l. : s.n., 19--]. - p. 190-208
Descritores: UNITA | Libertação nacional | Angola
Cota: HC800.S63 1993|ISEG
[55381]  Show Record 

Colonial policy and conflict in Zimbabwe : a study of cultures in collision, 1890-1979 / Dickson A. Mungazi. - New York : Crane Russak, . - XXVIII, 180 p. : il.
Descritores: Freire, Paulo, 1890-1979 | Colonialismo | Politica | Governo | Politica educativa | Reino Unido | Zimbabué | África Meridional
[66677]  Show Record 

Managing conflict : lessons from the south African peace committees / Nicole Ball, Chris Spies. - EUA : USAID, . - 64 p. ; 28 cm
Descritores: Paz | Política | África do Sul
Cota: 323 RSA|IPAD
[66803]  Show Record 
Foreign & Commonwealth Office London
The global conflict prevention pool : a joint UK government approach to reducing conflict / Foreign & Commonwealth Office London. - Londres : Foreign & Commonwealth Office London, . - 41 p. : il. ; 30 cm
Descritores: Conflito internacional | Reino Unido
Cota: 327|IPAD
[66937]  Show Record 
Democracy, conflict and human securaty : pursuing peace in the 21st century. - Estocolmo : Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistence, . - 243 p. ; 24 cm
Descritores: Democracia | Conflito internacional | Segurança internacional | Pobreza | Direitos humanos | Economia
Cota: 324 IDEA|IPAD
[67135]  Show Record 
Traditional justice and reconciliation after violent conflict. - [S.l.] : International IDEA - The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, . - Pag. var.
Descritores: Guerra | África
Cota: 316 IDEA|IPAD
[67841]  Show Record 

The international response to conflict and genocide : lessons from the Rwanda experience : synthesis report / John Eriksson. - Copenhaga : David Millwood, . - 84 p.
Descritores: Conflito internacional | Ruanda
Cota: 327 RWA|IPAD
[67894]  Show Record 
Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development
Conflict prevention and development co-operation papers / Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development. - França : OCDE, . - 71 p. ; 27 cm
Descritores: Apoio ao desenvolvimento | Desenvolvimento económico | Europa | OCDE
Cota: 339 OCDE|IPAD
[68967]  Show Record 
Dinmarca. Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The international response to conflict and genocide : lessons from the Rwanda experience : synthesis report / Ministry of Foreign Affairs. - Dinamarca : Ministry of Foreign Affairs, . - 84 p. ; 30 cm
Descritores: Avaliação | Ruanda | Conflitos internacionais | Genocídio | Dinamarca | Cooperação
Cota: 339 AV-AE|IPAD
[69209]  Show Record 
Dinamarca. Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Conflict prevention and peace-building in Africa / Ministry of Foreign Affairs. - Copenhaga : Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Danida, . - 223 p. ; 30 cm
Descritores: Manutenção da paz | África | Dinamarca | Cooperação internacional
Cota: 339 AV-PB|IPAD
[69239]  Show Record 
United Nations Development Programme
Post-conflict assistance of the government of Japan through UNDP in Kosovo and East Timor / United Nations Development Programme. - EUA : United Nations Development Porgramme, . - 73 p. : il. ; 27 cm
Descritores: Manutenção da paz | Japão | Kosovo | Timor-Leste | PNUD
Cota: 339 AV-PB|IPAD
[119357]  Show Record 

Disarmament and conflict resolution project : managing arms in peace processes : Mozambique / Eric Berman. - Geneva : UNIDIR, . - 114 p.
Descritores: Política | Cooperação | Conflito armado | Moçambique
Cota: MZ-Pol. II-4|CIDAC
[119591]  Show Record 

Impact of armed conflict on children : report submitted pursuant to General Assembly resolution 47/157 / Graça Machel. - [S.l. : s.n., . - [103] f.
Descritores: Conflito armado | Infância
[120316]  Show Record 

Summary of mozambican refugee accounts of principally conflict : related experience in Mozambique / Robert Gersony. - [S.l. : s.n.], . - 14 p.
Descritores: Refugiados | Conflito Armado | Moçambique
Cota: MZ-C.A. I-22|CIDAC
[122341]  Show Record 

Conflict, interaction, and change in Guine-Bissau : fulbe expansion and its impact, 1850-1900 / Joye Bowman Hawkins. - Los Angeles : Universuty of California, . - 315 p. - Bibl. : p. 304.. - Corresponde a: dissertation for the degree Doctor
Descritores: História | Colonialismo | Guiné-Bissau | Portugal
Cota: T. 6|CIDAC
[147495]  Show Record 

Trade and conflict in Angola : the Mbundu and their Neighbours under the influence of the portuguese : 1483-1790 / David Birmingham. - Oxford : The Clarendon Press, . - 178 p.. - Oxford Studies in Áfrican Affairs)
Descritores: Angola | História | População autóctone | Congo | Escravatura
Cota: T.M.-E-30-44|BCM
[148687]  Show Record 

Trade and conflict in Angola : the Mbundu and their neighbours under the influence of the portuguese : 1483-1790 / David Birmingham. - Oxford : The Clarendon Press, . - 178 p.. - Oxford studies in african affairs)
Descritores: Etnologia | Grupo étnico | Escravatura | Angola | Congo
Cota: T.M.-E-30-44|BCM
[188538]  Show Record 

British Boundary Adjustments and the Usuthu-Mandlakazi conflict in Zululand, 1879-1904 / John Laband. - Contém bibliografia e mapas.
In: South Áfrican Historical Journal. - Nº 30 (Maio 1994), p. 33-60
Descritores: África do Sul | Ciências sociais | História
Cota: PP1324|AHM
[189980]  Show Record 

Un exemple de conflict frontalier : Le différend entre la Haute-Volta et le Mali / G. Some
In: Anné Áfricaine. - (1978), p. 338-372
Descritores: África Ocidental | Burquina Faso | Mali | Conflito internacional
Cota: PP1160|AHM
[190657]  Show Record 

Urban conflict, crime and policing in South Áfrican cities / Mark Shaw
In: África Insight. - Vol. 25, nº 4 (1995), p. 216-220
Descritores: África Meridional | África do Sul | Violência | Crime contra as pessoas | Segurança pública
Cota: PP1377|AHM
[191011]  Show Record 

Syria and Arab Israeli conflict / Asad Abukhalil
In: Current History. - Vol. 93, nº 580 (Fev. 1994), p. 83-86
Descritores: Médio Oriente | Síria | História | Resolução de diferendos
Cota: PP1445|AHM
[191383]  Show Record 

Conflict in Southern África : whither collective security ? / Willie Brytenbach. - Contém bibliografia e quadros.
In: África Insight. - Vol. 24, nº 1 (1994), p. 26-37
Descritores: África Meridional | África do Sul | Conflito racial | Política de defesa
Cota: PP1377|AHM
[192321]  Show Record 

The potential for conflict in África / Jeffrey Herbst
In: África Insight. - Vol. 22, nº 2 (1992), p. 105-109
Descritores: África | História
Cota: PP1377|AHM
[193819]  Show Record 

The challenge of ethinic conflict : democracy in divided societies / Donald L. Horowitz. - Contém notas
In: Journal of Democracy. - Vol. 4, nº 4 (Nov. 1993), p. 17-38
Descritores: Democracia | Conflito étnico
Cota: PP1444|AHM
[200974]  Show Record 

The Senegal-Mauritania conflict of 1989 : a fragile equilibrium / Ron Parker
In: Modern Áfrican Studies. - Vol. 29 nº 1 (Mar.1991), p. 155-171
Descritores: África Ocidental | Senegal | Mauritânia | Conflito Armado
Cota: PP445|AHM
[203169]  Show Record 

Conflict and power in nineteenth-century Namibia / Brigitte Lau. - Contém resumo em língua inglesa
In: The Journal of Áfrican History. - Vol. 27, nº 1 (1986), p. 29-39
Descritores: Namíbia | Conflito social
Cota: PP467|AHM
[203988]  Show Record 

Generational conflict and politics in África : a paradgm / Victor T. Le Vinell
In: Civilisations. - Vol. XVIII, nº 3 (1968), p. 399-420
Descritores: África | Direito internacional privado
Cota: PP439|AHM
[205929]  Show Record 

Grass roots politics, political factions and conflict in Nigeria : the case of iwo : 1976-1983 / Olayiwola Olurode. - Possui bibliografia
In: Rural Áfricana. - nºs 25-26 (1986), p. 113-124
Descritores: África | Nigéria | História
Cota: PP1047|AHM
[207984]  Show Record 

Dominance and conflict on the horn : notes on U.S.-Soviet rivalry / George W. Shepherd Jr.
In: África Today. - Vol. 32, nº 3 (3º trimestre 1985), p. 7-21
Descritores: África | conflitos
Cota: PP1027|AHM
[209497]  Show Record 
OUA to create conflict mechanism
In: África Report. - Vol. 38, nº 5 (Set. 1993), p. 5
Descritores: África
Cota: PP945|AHM
[209819]  Show Record 

The western Sahara conflict : regional and internacional dimensions / Yahia H. Zoubir
In: The Journal of Modern Áfrican Studies. - Vol. 28 nº 2 (1990), p. 225-243
Descritores: Sahel | Ciência Política | Guerra
Cota: PP445|AHM
[214328]  Show Record 

The Senegal-Mauritania conflict of 1989 : a fragile equilibrium / Ron Parker
In: Modern Áfrican Studies. - Vol. 29 nº 1 (Mar.1991), p. 155-171
Descritores: África Ocidental | Senegal | Mauritânia | Conflito Armado
Cota: PP445|AHM
[214623]  Show Record 

Beyond conflict / Timothy Adebanjo. - il. possui um mapa
In: África Report. - Vol. 13, nº 2 (Fev. 1968), p. 12-15
Descritores: África Ocidental | Nigeria | Crise política
Cota: PP945|AHM
[215137]  Show Record 

Innovation and conflict : cloth dyers and the interwar depression in abeokuta, Nigéria / Judith Byfield
In: <The >Journal of Áfrican History. - Vol. 38, nº 8 (1997), p. 77-101
Descritores: África Ocidental | Nigéria | Grupo étnico | História | Guerra
Cota: PP464|AHM
[218540]  Show Record 

The imagery of conflict in the three novels of Kezilahabi / S. A. K. Mlacha. - Possui bibliografia
In: Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere. - nº 16 (1988), p. 149-157
Descritores: África | Imagem de marca
Cota: PP1070|AHM
[218735]  Show Record 

Order and conflict in the Asante empire : a Study in interest group relations / Agnes A. Aidoo
In: Áfrican Studies Review. - Vol. 10, nº 1 (Abr. 1977), p. 1-36
Cota: PP958|AHM
[220415]  Show Record 

The impact of policy conflict on the implementation of a government assisted housing project in Senegal / Rodney R. White
In: Canadian Journal of Áfrican Studies = Revue Canadienne des Studes Áfricaines. - Vol. 19, nº 3 (1985), p. 505-528
Descritores: Senegal | política
Cota: PP965|AHM
