Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 23 | 95 ms
[283482]  Show Record 
Development and change in rural Tibet : problems and adaptations / Melvyn C. Goldstein... [et al.]
Descritores: Tibete | Política agrícola
Cota: PP007/AS|FO
[319552]  Show Record 

Women and policy and institutional change in rural China : introduction / Sally Sargeson
Descritores: China | Mulher | Desenvolvimento rural
Cota: PP222/JC|FO
[319568]  Show Record 

Introduction to colloquium on women and policy and institutional change in rural China / Sally Sargeson
Descritores: Mulher | China
Cota: PP222/JC|FO
[120013]  Show Record 

Women, population and environment in agricultural and rural development - policy challenges and responses / Zoran Roca. - Roma : FAO, . - [25] f.. - Bibliografia, f. 23
Descritores: Mulher | Ambiente | Sector agrícola
[255910]  Show Record 

Rural development and social change / J. M. Heredero. - 2. - New Delhi : Manohar Publications, . - 187 p. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Sociedade | Desenvolvimento económico
Cota: S/cota|Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr
[258362]  Show Record 

Rural development and social change / J. M. Heredero. - New Delhi : Manohar Publications, . - 187 p. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Desenvolvimento económico | Desenvolvimento rural | India
Cota: S/cota|Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr
[356014]  Show Record 
Conversations between economists and anthropologists methodological issues in measuring economic change in rural India / ed. Pranab Bardhan. - Delhi : Oxford University Press, . - 288 p. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Etnologia | Economia agrícola | Mudança social | Índia
Cota: A.123 Con|ISCTE
[213066]  Show Record 

Agricultural development and population change in the context of the settlement patterns in Tanzania / W. F. I. Mlay
In: UTAFITI. - Vol. 6, nº 1 (1984), p. 23-33
Descritores: África | Tanzânia | Sector agrícola | Desenvolvimento económico
Cota: PP980|AHM
[259100]  Show Record 
A bibliography on education in development and social change in sub-Saharan Africa / ed. and compil. Mark A. Grey. - Lewiston ; Queenston ; Lampeter : The Edwin Mellen Press, . - 143 p. ; 22 cm. - Studies in african education. 1)
Descritores: Bibliografia | Educação | África subsaariana
Cota: EA.00 Bib|ISCTE
[336543]  Show Record 
Fertility and family planning in rural Tibet
In: The China Journal. - N.47 (Januay 2002), pp. 19-39
Descritores: Tibete | Planeamento familiar | Fertilidade | Mortalidade | Demografia
Cota: PP001/CJ|FO
[68617]  Show Record 
Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation
Scientific and technical information concerning agricultural and rural development in the ACP States / Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation. - França : CTA, . - 31 p. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Sector agrícola | Desenvolvimento agrícola | Países ACP | Pacífico | África | Caraíbas
Cota: 63 CTA|IPAD
[199221]  Show Record 

Socialism, the state, and rural development in Tanzania and Jamaica / Caslene J. Edie. - Possui bibliografia
In: Jornal of Áfrican stdies. - Vol. 14, nº 3 (1984), p. 141-151
Descritores: Tanzânia | Jamaica | Socialismo | Desenvolvimento rural
Cota: PP1045|AHM
[211695]  Show Record 

The World Bank's agenda for the crises in agriculture and rural development in África : an introduction to a debate / James C. N. Paul
In: África Studies Review. - Vol. 27 nº 4 (Dez. 1984), p. 1-8
Descritores: África | Banco Mundial | Sector agrícola | Recessão económica | Meio rural
Cota: PP958|AHM
[37862]  Show Record 

Education, economics and social change in Rural Angola : The case of the Wima region / Franz- Wilhelm Heimer
In: Social change in Angola / ed Franz-Wilhelm Heimer-München: Arnold Bergstralsser. Instit, 1973. ISBN 3-8039-0075-1.-p. 111-143; 2 mapas
Descritores: Angola | Educação | Sociologia | Sector agrícola | Economia | Desenvolvimento social
Cota: 118-C-47|Soc. Geog. Lx.
[39015]  Show Record 

Education, economics and social change in Rural Angola : The case of the Wima region / Franz- Wilhelm Heimer
In: Social change in Angola / ed Franz-Wilhelm Heimer-München: Arnold Bergstralsser. Instit, 1973. ISBN 3-8039-0075-1.-p. 111-143; 2 mapas
Descritores: Angola | Educação | Sociologia | Sector agrícola | Economia | Desenvolvimento social
Cota: 118-C-47|Soc. Geog. Lx.
[63583]  Show Record 

Interralations between economic and social change in rural África : the case of the Ovimbundu of Angolas / Hermann Possinger. - Contém bibliografia
In: Social Change in Angola.- (1973), p. 31-52
Descritores: Angola | Meio Rural | Economia | Sociologia | Mudança Social
Cota: 21524|ISCSP
[63592]  Show Record 

Education economies and social change in rural Angola : the case of the Cuima region / Franz-Wilhelm Heimer. - Contém bibliografia
In: Social Change in Angola.- (1973), p. 111-144
Descritores: Angola | Região Económica | Região rural | Educação
Cota: 21524|ISCSP
[189270]  Show Record 

Rural change and royal finances in spain at the old regime / Raymond Carr
In: The Journal of Modern History. - Vol. 64, nº 2 (Jun. 1992), p. 414- 417
Descritores: Europa Meridional | Espanha | Finanças locais
Cota: PP1482|AHM
[336559]  Show Record 

Continuity and change in China's rural periodic markets / Scott Rozelle
In: The China Journal. - N.49 (Januay 2003), pp. 89-115
Descritores: China | Economia | Demografia
Cota: PP001/CJ|FO
[341879]  Show Record 
Rural cooperatives and planned change in Africa : an analytical overview / pref. Donald V. McGranahan ; introd. Raymond Apthorpe. - Geneva : United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, . - IX, [1], 114 p. ; 21 cm. - Rural institutions and planned change. 5)
Descritores: África | Cooperativa agrícola
Cota: 7-43-3-11|BGUC
[312355]  Show Record 

Beijing people first development initiative for the Tibet autonomous region's rural sector : a case study from the Shigatse Area / Melvyn C. Goldstein, Geoff Childs and Puchung Wangdui
Descritores: Jogos Olímpicos de Pequim | Desenvolvimento regional | Comércio | Sector agrícola | China | Tibete
Cota: PP001/CJ|FO
[319457]  Show Record 

Economic change and political development in China : findings from a public opinion survey / Yanlai Wang, Nicholas Rees, Bernadette Andreosso-O'Callaghan
Descritores: China | Mudança económica | Política
Cota: PP222/JC|FO
[338583]  Show Record 

Beijing people first development initiative for the Tibet Autonomous Region's rural sector : a case study from the Shigatse Area / Melvyn C. Goldstein, Geoff Childs and Puchung Wangdui
In: The China journal. - Nº 63 (Jan. 2010), pp. 57-75
Descritores: Jogos olímpicos | Desenvolvimento regional | Comércio | Sector agrícola | Produtividade | China | Tibete
Cota: PP001/CJ|FO
