Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 10 | 41 ms
[204632]  Show Record 

Drought in Mozambique : 1823-1831 / M. D. D. Newitt
In: Journal of Southern Áfrican Studies. - Vol. 15, (1988), p. 15-35
Descritores: África Meridional | Moçambique | Seca
Cota: PP938|AHM
[30085]  Show Record 

The significance of drought, disease and famine in the agriculturally marginal zones of west central África / Joseph C. Miller
In: The Journal of Áfrican History.- ISSN 0021-85.- vol. 23, nº 1, (1982), p. 17-61, il.
Descritores: África lusófona | História | Colonialismo | Doença | Fome | Medicina
Cota: 137-E|Soc. Geog. Lx.
[152328]  Show Record 
Pastoral economies in Africa and long-term responses to drought : proceedings of a colloquium at the University of Aberdeen : April 1990 / Edited by Jeffrey C. Stone. - Aberden : Aberdeen University African Studies Group, . - 287 p. ; 30 cm
Descritores: África | Política económica | Acta de reunião | Pecuária
Cota: 2694/2004|AHSTP
[208222]  Show Record 

Drought, famine and disease in ninetheen-century Lesotho / Elisabeth A. Eldredge
In: Áfrican Economic History. - nº 16 (1987), p. 61-93
Descritores: África Meridional | Lesoto | Fome | Doença
Cota: PP1005|AHM
[209669]  Show Record 

Drought, dutch disease and controlled transition in Botswana agriculture / Roy Love. - Possui bibliografia e 1 quadro.
In: Journal of Southern Áfrican Studies. - Vol. 20, nº 1 (Mar. 1994), p. 71-83
Descritores: África | Botsuana | Doença | Sector agrícola | Economia
Cota: PP938|AHM
[210907]  Show Record 

Drought and hunger in África : denying famine a future / Maria E. Krenz
In: África today. - Vol. 32, nº 4 (4th quarter 1985), p. 55-61
Descritores: África | Seca | Fome
Cota: PP1027|AHM
[224783]  Show Record 

Drought resistence in youg cereal plants / C. Cohen. - Possui bibliografia.
In: South Áfrican Journal of Science. - Vol. 38 (1942), p. 172-180
Descritores: África do Sul | Sector agrícola | Técnica de cultura
Cota: PP476|AHM
[248526]  Show Record 
Drought in Africa / ed. David Dalby and R. J. Harrison Church. - London : Centre for African Studies. School of Oriental and African Studies. University of London, . - 124 p.
Descritores: Agua | Seca | Recursos hídricos | Gestão | Gestão de recursos naturais | Ambiente | Africa
Cota: EA.AGR 5 Dro|ISCTE
[275793]  Show Record 
Chronology, migration and drought in interlacustrine Africa / ed. J. B. Webster. - London : Longman : Dalhousie University Press, . - XVI, 345 p. ; 22 cm. - Dalhousie african studies series)
Descritores: Seca | Migração | Cronologia | Conferência--1974 | África Oriental
Cota: EA.AOR 5 Chr|ISCTE
[430683]  Show Record 
Drought and floods in the People's Republic of China 1980-81 : assessment of relief operations : report of the multi-agency mission to the Hebei and Hubei provinces (7-19 january 1982) / Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Co-ordinator. - Geneva : UNDRO-Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Co-ordinator, . - [4], 36, [24] p. : il. ; 30 cm. - UNDRO : Case report. 11)
Descritores: China | Setor agrícola | Seca | Inundação | Ajuda internacional | Ajuda alimentar | Ajuda sectorial
Cota: 7-35-4-68|BGUC
