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Registos: 03 | 18 ms
[382278]  Show Record 

Elegia = Elegy / Cecília Meireles
In: Poets of Brazil : a bilingual selection = Poetas do Brasil : uma seleção bilíngüe / trad., introd. e notas Frederick G. Williams. - New York : Luso-Brazilian Books, 2004. - p. 292-293
Descritores: Brasil | Literatura
Cota: 8-(2)-20-32-9|BGUC
[2506]  Show Record 

Elegia a mamana Isabel = Elegy for mamana Isabel / Rui Nogar. - Africa Series. 55)
In: A horse of white clouds : poems from lusophone Africa / org. Don Burness. - Ohio : Ohio University, 1989. - p. 168-171
Descritores: Literatura | Mocambique
[373917]  Show Record 

Elegia para Maria Alves = Elegy for Maria Alves / Joaquim Cardozo ; trad. Elizabeth Bishop. - Sponsored by the Academy of American Poets.
In: An anthology of twentieth-century brazilian poetry / ed., introd. e trad. Elizabeth Bishop ; ed. e introd. Emanuel Brasil ; trad. Jean R. Longland... [et al.]. - Middletown : Wesleyan University Press, 1972. - p. 32-33
Descritores: Brasil | Literatura
Cota: 6-47-1-110|BGUC
