Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 05 | 92 ms
[317632]  Show Record 

Genesis of british power in India / H. S. Bhatia. - Nova Delhi : Deep & Deep, . - 381 p. ; 23 cm
Descritores: História | Colonialismo | India | Reino Unido
Cota: S/cota|DCASL-Goa
[317496]  Show Record 

The rise and expansion of british power in India / Theodore Morison. - Nova Delhi : Deep & Deep, . - XV, 578 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: História | Colonialismo | Reino Unido | India
Cota: S/cota|DCASL-Goa
[317647]  Show Record 

End of british power & partition of India / H. S. Bhatia. - Nova Delhi : Deep & Deep, . - 432 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: Independência nacional | História | India
Cota: S/cota|DCASL-Goa
[329261]  Show Record 

Letters from India describing a journey in the british dominions of India : Tibete, Lahore and Casmere during the years 1828, 1830, 1831 / Victor Jacquemont. - Nova Delhi : J. Jetley, . - 2 v. : il. pb ; 22 cm
Descritores: Correspondência | Índia | Usos e costumes | Viagem
Cota: S/cota|Directorate of Archives and Archaelogy
[231206]  Show Record 

History of the rise of the mahomedan power in India, till the year A. D. 1612 / Mahomed Kasim Hindoo Shah Ferishta ; tr. John Briggs. - London : Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, . - 4 v. ; 22 cm. - Considerado valioso pela Biblioteca
Descritores: História | Muçulmanos | India
Cota: V5745|CLP Goa
