Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 18 | 33 ms
[430976]  Show Record 

On practice : on the relation between knowledge and practice : between knowing and doing / Mao Tse-tung. - Peking : [s.n.], . - [2], 23, [1] p., [1] f. il. : il. ; 18 cm. - Suplemento "People's China".
Descritores: China | Marxismo | Leninismo | Comunismo
Cota: IC-17-2-7-34|BGUC
[155803]  Show Record 
USA. Department of State
Country reports on human rights practices for 2000 : report submitted to the Committee on Foreign Relations U.S. Senate and the Committee on International Relations U.S. House of Representatives / Department of State. - Washington : DS, . - 2 vol. (2858 p.] ; 24 cm
Descritores: Relatório | Direitos humanos | Política externa | Estados Unidos
Cota: REL-283(1-2)|AHSTP
[211331]  Show Record 

Some observations on the family unit, religion, and the practice of polygyny in the Ife : divison of western Nigeria / I. H. Vanden Driesen
In: África. - Vol. XLII (1972), p. 44-56
Descritores: África Ocidental | Nigéria | Família | Religião
Cota: PP447|AHM
[226980]  Show Record 

Anote on early river-craft and fishing-practices in South East África / J. Desmond Clark. - Ilustrada, possui bibliografia
In: The South Áfrican Archaeological Bulletin. - Vol. 15, nº 59 (1960), p. 77-79
Descritores: África | África Oriental | Quénia | Captura de peixe
Cota: PP477|AHM
[247025]  Show Record 
Working Party on Aid Effectiveness and Donor Practices , Paris 28 Feb. - 2 March 2005
Working party on aid effectveness and donor practices : Paris declaration on aid effectiveness. - [S.l.] : Development Assistance Committee, . - 14 p.
Descritores: Cooperação para o desenvolvimento | Política | Financiamento | Dados estatísticos
Cota: DES 4-3|CIDAC
[280978]  Show Record 

Practice of bhakti- yoga (with text, translation, notes and commentary on bhakti sutras of Narada) / Swami Sivananda Saraswati. - Amritsar : Ideal Home, . - 423 p. ; 22 cm. - Self-realisation. 4)
Descritores: Religião | Ioga | India
Cota: RH13300|CLP Goa
[380865]  Show Record 
ILO PSI Workshop on Employement and Labour Practices in Health Care in Central and Eastern Europe / ILO PSI Workshop on Employement and Labour Practices in Health Care in Central and Eastern Europe. - [Geneva] : International Labour Organization, . - V, 103 p. ; 30 cm
Descritores: Cuidados de saúde | Emprego | Condições de trabalho | Workshop | Europa, Este | Europa Central
CDU: 614.39:331.4((4)
Cota: 44 SPUB|IHMT
[386184]  Show Record 
Manual on radiation protection in hospitals and general practice : radiation protection and dentistry / K. Kore... [et al.]. - Geneva : World Health Organization, . - 2 vols.
Descritores: Saúde pública | Hospitais | Radiologia | Dentistas | Protecção
CDU: 613.6
Cota: P-1|IHMT
[386197]  Show Record 

Manual on radiation protection in hospitals and general practice : basic protection requirements / C. B. Braestrup, K. J. Vikterlöf. - Geneva : WHO, . - 81 p.
Descritores: Saúde pública | Hospitais | Radiologia | Protecção | Manual
CDU: 362.11
Cota: P-2|IHMT
[386217]  Show Record 

Manual on radiation protection in hospitals and general practice : personel monitoring services / W. Minder, S. B. Osborn. - Geneva : World Health Organization, . - 56 p.. - Personel Monitoring Services)
Descritores: Saúde pública | Hospitais | Radiologia | Protecção | Manual
CDU: 362.11
Cota: P-3|IHMT
[386230]  Show Record 

Manual on radiation protection in hospitals and general practice : x ray diagnosis / B. E. Keane, K. B. Tikhonov. - Geneva : World Health Organization, . - 96 p.
Descritores: Saúde pública | Hospitais | Radiologia | Protecção | Manual
CDU: 613.6
Cota: P-3|IHMT
[393609]  Show Record 
WHO guidelines on good agricultural and collection practices GACP for medicinal plants / World Health Organization. - Geneva : WHO, . - VI, 72 p. ; 30 cm
Descritores: Farmacologia | Botânica | Agricultura | Plantas medicinais | Medicina tradicional
CDU: 615.32
Cota: M-18/3|IHMT
[411699]  Show Record 

Manual on radiation protection in hospitals and general practice : personel monitoring services / W. Minder, S. B. Osborn. - Geneva : World Health Organization, . - 56 p.. - Personel Monitoring Services)
Descritores: Saúde pública | Hospitais | Radiologia | Protecção | Manual
CDU: 362.11
Cota: P-3|IHMT
[412282]  Show Record 

Manual on radiation protection in hospitals and general practice : x ray diagnosis / B. E. Keane, K. B. Tikhonov. - Geneva : World Health Organization, . - 96 p.
Descritores: Saúde pública | Hospitais | Radiologia | Protecção | Manual
CDU: 613.6
Cota: P-3|IHMT
[412447]  Show Record 
Manual on radiation protection in hospitals and general practice : radiation protection and dentistry / K. Kore... [et al.]. - Geneva : World Health Organization, . - 2 vols.
Descritores: Saúde pública | Hospitais | Radiologia | Dentistas | Protecção
CDU: 613.6
Cota: P-1|IHMT
[412530]  Show Record 

Manual on radiation protection in hospitals and general practice : basic protection requirements / C. B. Braestrup, K. J. Vikterlöf. - Geneva : WHO, . - 81 p.
Descritores: Saúde pública | Hospitais | Radiologia | Protecção | Manual
CDU: 362.11
Cota: P-2|IHMT
