Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 01 | 47 ms
[22398]  Show Record 
International Business Symposium on Planning, Developing Markets and Information Technology Support, Macau, 1994
Planning, developing markets and information technology support : managing business in the 1990's / edited by Henry Steele, Nelson Santos Antonio. - Macau : Macau Foundation, . - 2 vol
Descritores: Relações comerciais | Mercados financeiros | Comércio internacional | Gestão de empresas | Competitividade | Globalização
CDU: 339
Cota: BIA-339G.66V.1(D)-Biblioteca|UAVSD ¤ BIA-DEP-1636V.1-Biblioteca|UAVSD ¤ BIA-339G.67V.2(D)-Biblioteca|UAVSD ¤ BIA-DEP-1636V.2-Biblioteca|UAVSD
