Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 35 | 96 ms
[233535]  Show Record 

Study of religion in southern Africa : essays in honour of G. C. Oosthuizen / ed. Johannes A. Smit, P. Pratap Kumar. - Leiden : Brill, . - 291 p. - Numen book series. Studies in the history of religions. 109)
Descritores: Oosthuizen, Gerhardus Cornelis, 1922- | Teologia | Religião | África Subsaariana
[244713]  Show Record 

Study of religion in southern Africa : essays in honour of G. C. Oosthuizen / ed. Johannes A. Smit, P. Pratap Kumar. - Leiden : Brill, . - 291 p. - Numen book series. Studies in the history of religions. 109)
Descritores: Oosthuizen, Gerhardus Cornelis, 1922- | Teologia | Religião | África Subsaariana
[267988]  Show Record 
Study of religion in southern Africa : essays in honour of G. C. Oosthuizen / ed. Johannes A. Smit, P. Pratap Kumar. - Leiden : Brill, . - 291 p. ; 22 cm. - Numen book series. : Studies in the history of religions. 109)
Descritores: Teologia | Religião | África Subsaariana
Cota: EA.ASS 7 Stu|ISCTE
[228022]  Show Record 

Study tour of early hominid sites in Southern África 1953 / Kenneth P. Oakley. - Ilustrado.
In: The South Áfrican Archaeological Bulletin. - Vol. IX, nº 35 (1954), p. 75-87
Descritores: África Meridional | Ciências sociais | História | Antropologia | Hominídeos
Cota: PP477|AHM
[214578]  Show Record 

The future of mine migrancy in context of broader trends in migration in Southern África / Robert Davies, Judith Head. - Contém uma tabela
In: Journal of Southern Áfrican Studies.- Vol. 21, nº 3 (Set. 1995), p. 439-450
Descritores: África Meridional | Mineralogia
Cota: PP938|AHM
[266976]  Show Record 

A comparative study of societal influences on indigenous slavery in two types of societies in Africa / E. S. D. Fomin. - Lewiston ; Queenston ; Lampeter : The Edwin Mellen Press, . - XX, 262 p. ; 22 cm. - African studies. 59)
Descritores: História económica e social | Escravatura | Bamenda | Nyang | Camarões | África Central
[374821]  Show Record 

A comparative study of societal influences on indigenous slavery in two types of societies in Africa / E. S. D. Fomin. - Lewiston : Lampeter The Edwin Mellen Press, . - XX, 262 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: História | Escravatura | África
[230569]  Show Record 

Witchcraft as a problem in the study of religion / Lucy P. Mair
In: Cahiers d'Études Áfricaines. - Vol. 4, nº 15 (1964), p. 335-348
Descritores: África | Religião
Cota: PP459|AHM
[146267]  Show Record 

The ecology of mal nutrition in seven countries of southern África in Portuguese Guinea / Jacques M. May, Donna L. McLellan. - New York : Hafner, . - 432 p.. - Studies in medical geography. 10)
Descritores: Condições económicas | Nutrição | Guiné-Bissau | Angola | Moçambique | África do Sul
Cota: TM-E-41-47|BCM
[147378]  Show Record 

The ecology of malnutrition in seven countries of southern África and in Portuguese Guinea / Jacques M. May, Donna L. McLellan. - New York : Hafner, . - 432 p.. - Studies in medical geography. 10)
Descritores: Angola | Guiné Portuguesa | Condições económicas | Moçambique | África do Sul | Nutrição
Cota: T.M.-E-41-47|BCM
[251936]  Show Record 
Religion and social transformation in southern Africa / ed. Thomas G. Walsh and Frank Kaufmann ; introd. Jacob Olupona. - St. Paul : Paragon House, . - XX, 244 p.
Descritores: Religião | Mudança social | Democracia | África
Cota: EA.AAU 1 Rel,1|ISCTE
[267762]  Show Record 
Afro-christian religion at the grassroots in southern Africa / ed. G. C. Oosthuizen, Irving Hexham. - Lewiston ; Queenston ; Lampeter : The Edwin Mellen Press, . - XVII, 412 p. ; 22 cm. - African studies. 19)
Descritores: Medicina tradicional | Cura | Ritual | Profetas | Igreja Cristã Sionista | História da Igreja | Colóquios | África Meridional
Cota: EA.AAU 1 Afr,7|ISCTE
[267763]  Show Record 
Afro-christian religion and healing in southern Africa / ed. G. C. Oosthuizen... [et al.]. - Lewiston ; Queenston ; Lampeter : The Edwin Mellen Press, . - 432 p. ; 22 cm. - African studies. 8)
Descritores: Medicina tradicional | Cura | Ritual | Profetas | Igreja Cristã Sionista | Curandeiro | África Meridional
Cota: EA.AAU 1 Afr,5|ISCTE
[369032]  Show Record 
Religion and social transformation in southern Africa / ed. Thomas G. Walsh, Frank Kaufmann, Jacob Olupona. - St. Paul : Paragon House, . - XX, 244 p. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Religião | Mudança social | Democracia | Colóquio 1997 | Actas | África Austral
Cota: EA.AAU 1 Rel,1|ISCTE
[369154]  Show Record 
Religion and social transformation in southern Africa / ed. Thomas G. Walsh, Jacob Olupona, Frank Kaufmann. - St. Paul : Paragon House, . - XX, 244 p. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Religião | Mudança social | Democracia | África
Cota: EA.AAU 1 Rel,1|ISCTE
[369397]  Show Record 
Religion and social transformation in southern Africa / ed. Thomas G. Walsh, Jacob Olupona, Frank Kaufmann. - St. Paul : Paragon House, . - XX, 244 p. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Religião | Mudança social | Democracia | África
Cota: EA.AAU 1 Rel,1|ISCTE
[388721]  Show Record 

The ecology of malnutrition in seven countries of southern africa and in portuguese guinea : the Republic of South Africa, South West Africa (Namibia), Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland, Mozambique, Angola, Portuguese Guinea / by Jacques M. May, Donna McLellan. - New York : Hafner Publishing Company, . - XI, 432 p. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Geografia Médica | Ecologia | Nutrição | África, Sul | Guiné Bissau
CDU: 616-036.21(6)
Cota: M-15/3|IHMT
[432015]  Show Record 

The ecology of malnutrition in seven countries of southern africa and in portuguese guinea : the Republic of South Africa, South West Africa (Namibia), Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland, Mozambique, Angola, Portuguese Guinea / by Jacques M. May, Donna McLellan. - New York : Hafner Publishing Company, . - XI, 432 p. ; 25 cm. - Studies in medical geography. 10)
Descritores: Geografia Médica | Ecologia | Nutrição | África, Sul | Guiné Bissau
CDU: 616-036.21(6)
Cota: M-15/3|IHMT
[378333]  Show Record 

Religion and the dramatisation of life spirit beliefs and rituals in southern and central Malawi / Matthew Schoffeleers. - Blantyre : Christian Literature Association in Malawi, . - 166 p.
Descritores: Religião | Usos e costumes | África
[18612]  Show Record 

Ethnohistory in the study of culture change in Southeast África / Charles Edward Fuller
In: Continuity and change in african culture / Melville J. Herskovits, William R. Bascom. - Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 1959. - p. 113-129
Descritores: África lusófona | Diferença cultural | Cultura | Etnologia | História | Usos e costumes
Cota: D- 185|UCDA
[68717]  Show Record 

Evaluation study on private initiative in artisanal fisheries projects in Africa South of the Sahara / R. J. Campbell, S. Sen, B. Uyttendaele. - Bruxelas : Commission of the European Communities, . - 140 p. : il. ; 30 cm
Descritores: África Subsaariana | Pesca artesanal
Cota: 639 UE|IPAD
[210895]  Show Record 

Current directions in the study of masking in África / Marie Jeanne Adams. - Possui bibliografia
In: Áfricana journal . - Vol. 14, nºs 2-3 (1987), p 89-114
Descritores: África | Produção | Produção tecnologia e investigação
Cota: PP1017|AHM
[199692]  Show Record 

the role of the political scientist in the study of África / Philip Whitaker
In: Áfrican Affairs. - Vol. 66, nº 264 (1967), p. 241-245
Descritores: África | Política de investigação
Cota: PP446|AHM
[206248]  Show Record 

The need of study the history of labor policy in África / Peter F. M. Mcloughlin
In: Civilizations. - Vol. 12, nº 3 (1962), p. 388-393
Descritores: África | História
Cota: PP439|AHM
[359159]  Show Record 

Africas of the americas beyond the search for origins in the study of afro-atlantic religions / ed. Stephan Palmié. - Leiden : Brill, . - 388 p.
Descritores: Sector automóvel | Cultura | África | Brasil
Cota: EA.ASS 1 Afr,48|ISCTE
[212087]  Show Record 

The political economy of food production and nutrition in Southern África in historical perspective / David J. Webster
In: The Journal of Modern Áfrican Studies. - Vol. 24, nº 3 (1986), p. 447-463
Descritores: África Meridional | África do Sul | Economia
Cota: PP445|AHM
[214134]  Show Record 

Issues in the political economy of health in Southern África / Shula Marks, Neil Anderson
In: Journal of Southern Áfricans Studies. - Vol. 13, nº 2 (Jan. 1987), p. 177-186
Descritores: África Meridional | África do Sul | Política económica
Cota: PP938|AHM
[273757]  Show Record 
Advances in planning and management of watersheds and wetlands in eastern and southern Africa / ed. John E. FitzGibbon. - Canada ; Harare : University of Guelph : Weaver Press, . - V, 234 p. ; 22 cm. - Environmental round table series)
Descritores: Ambiente | Gestão da água | Biodiversidade | Desenvolvimento sustentado | Colóquios | África Subsaariana
Cota: EA.ASS 5 Adv|ISCTE
[422580]  Show Record 
Advances in planning and management of watersheds and wetlands in eastern and southern Africa / ed. John E. FitzGibbon. - Canada : Harare University of Guelph, . - V, 234 p.
Descritores: Ambiente | Gestão da água | Biodiversidade | Desenvolvimento sustentável | África
Cota: EA.ASS 5 Adv|ISCTE
[148344]  Show Record 

The ecology of malnutrition in seven countries of southern África and portuguese Guinea / Jacques May, Donna L. Mclelland. - Nova Iorque : Hafner, . - 432 p. : il. - Studies in Medical geography. 10)
Descritores: África lusófona | Condições económicas | Nutrição | Malnutrição
Cota: TME41-47|BCM
[228789]  Show Record 

Problems of agricultural development in Southern África with particular reference to the role of tribal agriculture / S. S. Brand. - Possui bibliografia
In: <The >South Áfrican Journal of Áfrican Affairs. Vol. 1 (1971), p. 74-92
Descritores: África Meridional | Sector agrícola | Economia
Cota: PP761|AHM
