Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 14 | 154 ms
[119987]  Show Record 
The future of indigenous publishing in Africa. - Uppsala : The Dag Hammarskjold Centre, . - 143 p.
Descritores: Documentação | África
Cota: PP334/1-2/97|CIDAC
[195400]  Show Record 

The future of african indigenous publishing : report of the Arusha Seminar / Elieshi Lema
In: Bellagio Publishing Network Newsletter. - nº 17 (Jul. 1996), p. 4-6
Descritores: África | Meios de comunicação de massas
Cota: PP1489|AHM
[214578]  Show Record 

The future of mine migrancy in context of broader trends in migration in Southern África / Robert Davies, Judith Head. - Contém uma tabela
In: Journal of Southern Áfrican Studies.- Vol. 21, nº 3 (Set. 1995), p. 439-450
Descritores: África Meridional | Mineralogia
Cota: PP938|AHM
[187366]  Show Record 

Future directions for the Bellagio Donor Group in support of Áfrican publishing / Anne Gordon Drabek
In: Bellagio Publishing Network Newsletter. - nº 8 (Dez. 1993), p. 1-2
Descritores: África Meridional | Zimbabué | Indústria do livro
Cota: PP1489|AHM
[66344]  Show Record 
The future of shifting cultivation in Africa and the task of universities : proceedings / ed. A. H. Bunting, E. Bunting. - Rome : FAO, . - 198 p.
Descritores: Sector agrícola | Ensino superior | Cobalto | África
Cota: FAO-11-50|ISA
[223526]  Show Record 

The future of the history of ideas in África / Felix Ekechi
In: <The >Áfrican Studies Review. - Vol. 30, nº 2 (1987), p. 63-82
Descritores: África | História
Cota: PP950|AHM
[362757]  Show Record 

Indigenous peoples and the future of Amazonia an ecological anthropology of an endangered world / ed. Leslie E. Sponsel. - London : The University of Arizona Press, . - IX, 312 p. : il. ; 24 cm
Descritores: Antropologia | Desenvolvimento sustentável | Brasil
Cota: A.120 Ind|ISCTE
[266976]  Show Record 

A comparative study of societal influences on indigenous slavery in two types of societies in Africa / E. S. D. Fomin. - Lewiston ; Queenston ; Lampeter : The Edwin Mellen Press, . - XX, 262 p. ; 22 cm. - African studies. 59)
Descritores: História económica e social | Escravatura | Bamenda | Nyang | Camarões | África Central
[374821]  Show Record 

A comparative study of societal influences on indigenous slavery in two types of societies in Africa / E. S. D. Fomin. - Lewiston : Lampeter The Edwin Mellen Press, . - XX, 262 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: História | Escravatura | África
[268804]  Show Record 

Indigenous assistance in the establishment of portuguese power in the indian ocean / G. V. Scammel
In: Indo-portuguese history : sources and problems / ed. John Correia-Afonso. - Bombay : Oxford University Press, 1981. - p. 163-173
Descritores: India | Portugal | História | Imperialismo | População autóctone | Assistência social
Cota: 5-43-78-27|BGUC
[278522]  Show Record 

Indigenous assistance in the establishment of portuguese power in the Indian ocean / G. V. Scammell
In: International seminar on indo-portuguese history / ed. John Correia-Afonso. - Bombay : The Heras Institute of Indian History, 1978. - p. 72
Descritores: India | Portugal | História | População autóctone
Cota: 5-19-18-81|BGUC ¤ 9-(1)-2-10-44|BGUC
[256472]  Show Record 
International African Seminar, 10th, Freetown, 1969
The development of indigenous trade and markets in West Africa / ed. Claude Meillassoux ; pref. Daryll Forde. - London : Oxford University Press, . - 444 p.
Descritores: História económica | Comércio | Mercado | Africa
[274511]  Show Record 
International African Seminar, 10th, Freetown, 1969
The development of indigenous trade and markets in West Africa / ed. Claude Meillassoux ; pref. Daryll Forde. - London : Oxford University Press, . - 444 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: História económica | Comércio | Mercado | Colóquios | África Ocidental
[195422]  Show Record 

The promotion of technical publishing in África / Elisabeth Paquot, Paul Osborn
In: Bellagio Publishing Network Newsletter. - nº 5 (Mar. 1993), p. 7-8
Descritores: África | Literatura
Cota: PP1489|AHM
