Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 08 | 136 ms
[276444]  Show Record 

The history and conservation of mammals in Malawi / Brian Morris. - Zomba : Kachere Series, . - VI, 199 p. ; 22 cm. - Kachere monographs. 21)
Descritores: Protecção da natureza | Caça | Malavi | África Meridional
[198465]  Show Record 

History of soil conservation and soil conservation policy in Lesotho / Qalabane K. Chakela, Jill Cantor
In: History of Soil Conservation in the SADCC Region. - Nº 8 (Março 1987), p. 1-29
Descritores: Lesotho | História | Terra agrícola | Polícia
Cota: PP1444|AHM
[380699]  Show Record 

The end of chidyerano a history of food and everyday life in Malawi, 1860-2004 / Elias C. Mandala. - Portsmouth : Heinemann, . - XIV, 347 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: História social 1860-2004 | Alimentação humana | Fome | Modo de vida | Malaúi | África Austral
[198466]  Show Record 

History of soil conservation in Malawi / J. R. Ngoleka Mlia
In: History of Soil Conservation in the SADCC Region. - Nº 8 (Março 1987), p. 1-19
Descritores: Malavi | História | Terra agrícola
Cota: PP1444|AHM
[206668]  Show Record 

The state, settlers, and indigenes in the evolution of land law and policy in colonial Malawi / The International Journal of Áfrican historical Studies. - Vol. 23, nº 1 (1990), p 27-58
Descritores: Malavi | Lei de terras | Sector agrícola
Cota: PP1024|AHM
[115586]  Show Record 

Malabar and the Dutch (being the history of the fall of the Nayar power in Malabar) / K. M. Panikkar. - Bombay : D. B. Taraporevala Sona & Co., . - xxii, 187, 6 p. ; 24 cm
Descritores: História | Países Baixos | India | Administração | Malabar | Trawancore | Cochim
Cota: GA682|CLP Goa
[378333]  Show Record 

Religion and the dramatisation of life spirit beliefs and rituals in southern and central Malawi / Matthew Schoffeleers. - Blantyre : Christian Literature Association in Malawi, . - 166 p.
Descritores: Religião | Usos e costumes | África
[95239]  Show Record 

The status and conservation of the endemic bird species of São Tomé and Príncipe, West África / Phil Atkinson, Nic Peet, James Alexander. - Cambridge : Bird Conservation International, . - 15 p.
Descritores: São Tomé e Príncipe | Ave
Cota: 21432|IICT
