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Registos: 10 | 57 ms
[370186]  Show Record 
The puppet theatre of the modern world. - London : George G. Harrap & Co., . - 228 p.
Descritores: Marioneta | Teatro | Ásia | China | Vietname | Japão | Indonésia | India
Cota: ASIA 792.9 PUP|FO
[359758]  Show Record 

The puppet theatre of Japan / by A.C. Scott. - Rutland (Vermont) : Charles E. Tuttle, . - 173 p.
Descritores: Artes visuais | História | Japão
Cota: JAP 792.9 SCO|FO
[370231]  Show Record 

In search of aesthetics for the puppet theatre / Michael Meschke ; collaboration with Margareta Sörenson ; translation from the swedish by Susanna Stevens. - New Delhi : Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, . - 176 p.
Descritores: Marioneta | India
Cota: REF 792.9 MES|FO
[416726]  Show Record 

The Puppet Theatre / Jan Bussel ; illustrated by Francis Gower. - London : Faber and Faber Limited, . - 143 p.
Descritores: Fantoches | Índia | Myanmar | Sri Lanka | China
Cota: ASIA 792.9 BUS|FO
[426632]  Show Record 

The Puppet Theatre / Jan Bussel ; illustrated by Francis Gower. - London : Faber and Faber Limited, . - 143 p.
Descritores: Fantoches | Índia | Myanmar | Sri Lanka | China
Cota: ASIA 792.9 BUS|FO
[370116]  Show Record 

The chinese puppet theatre / Sergei Obraztsov ; translated from the russian by J.T. MacDermott. - London : Faber and Faber, . - 55, [24] p.
Descritores: Teatro | Marioneta | China
Cota: CHI 792.9 OBR|FO
[364398]  Show Record 

Puppet theatre of India / Suresh Awasthi
In: Arts of Asia. - V. 5, nº 5 (Set./Out. 1975), pp. 46-54
Descritores: Marioneta | Teatro | India
Cota: PP015/AA|FO
[416099]  Show Record 

The Turkish Shadow Theater and the Puppet Collection of the L.A. Mayer Memorial Foundation / Andreas Tietze. - Berlin : Ger. Mann Verlag, . - 70, [51] p.
Descritores: Teatro | Ásia | Turquia
Cota: ACMOR 792.9 TIE|FO
[426625]  Show Record 

The Turkish Shadow Theater and the Puppet Collection of the L.A. Mayer Memorial Foundation / Andreas Tietze. - Berlin : Ger. Mann Verlag, . - 70, [51] p.
Descritores: Teatro | Ásia | Turquia
Cota: ACMOR 792.9 TIE|FO
[380726]  Show Record 

Theatre and social change in Zambia the Chikwakwa theatre / Patrick E. Idoye. - Lampeter : The Edwin Mellen Press, . - XIV, 178 p. ; 60
Descritores: Artes do espectáculo | Teatro | Acção política | Mudança social | Zâmbia | África Austral
