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Registos: 32 | 123 ms
[214616]  Show Record 

The readers of África report / W. Phillips Davison
In: África Report. - Vol. 13, nº 3 (Abril 1968), p. 46-55
Descritores: África | Reportagem
Cota: PP945|AHM
[397582]  Show Record 
The first annual report of the Foundation for Mutual Assistance in Africa South of Sahara : covering the year : 1958 / FAMA. - Monrovia : FAMA, . - [2], 27 p. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Instituições | Desenvolvimento | Relatório | África, Subsariana
CDU: 06:581.1(66/67)
Cota: M-2/1|IHMT
[459961]  Show Record 
The first annual report of the Foundation for Mutual Assistance in Africa South of Sahara : covering the year : 1958 / FAMA. - Monrovia : FAMA, . - [2], 27 p. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Instituições | Desenvolvimento | Relatório | África, Subsariana
CDU: 06:581.1(66/67)
Cota: M-2/1|IHMT
[224852]  Show Record 

The report of the national commission to study the question of Natiol Unity in Burundi : A critical comment / René Lamarchand
In: Journal of Modern África Studies. - Vol. 27, nº 4 (1989), p. 685-690
Descritores: África | Burundi | Nacionalismo
Cota: PP445|AHM
[268294]  Show Record 
Report of the administration of the mint at Bombay and Calcutta, for the year 1905-1906. - Calcutta : Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, . - 27 p. : il. ; 32 cm
Descritores: Administração | Moeda | India
Cota: RH7193|CLP Goa
[68627]  Show Record 
Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation
Final report of the meeting of directors of fisheries of West African countries / Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation. - Gambia : CTA, . - 34 p. ; 29 cm
Descritores: Cooperação agrícola | Desenvolvimento agrícola | Sector agrícola | Convenção de Lomé
Cota: 63 CTA|IPAD
[273889]  Show Record 
Guide to the sources of the history of Africa south of the Sahara in the Netherlands / compil. M. P. H. Roessingh, W. Visser. - München : Verlag Dokumentation Saur KG, . - 241 p. ; 22 cm. - Netherlands state archives service)
Descritores: Arquivo | Biblioteca | História de África | Fontes históricas | Holanda | África Subsaariana
Cota: EA.00 Gui,2|ISCTE
[14921]  Show Record 
Summary report of the meeting of experts on the Áfrican slave trade. - The general history of África: studies and documents. 2)
In: The slave trade from the fifteenth to the nineteenth century / UNESCO. - Paris : United Nations. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 1979. - p.209-229.
Descritores: África | África lusófona | História | Escravatura
Cota: 326-9356|UCDA
[37577]  Show Record 

Report on the work of the hydrographic Mission of Moçambique / Joaquim B. V. Soeiro de Brito
In: Comunicações portuguesas ao II Congresso da Associação científica ao Oceano Índico.- Lisboa -S. N. -P19/F2, 6 p.
Descritores: Moçambique | Recurso Hidrico
Cota: 115-F-73|Soc. Geog. Lx.
[38732]  Show Record 

Report on the work of the hydrographic Mission of Moçambique / Joaquim B. V. Soeiro de Brito
In: Comunicações portuguesas ao II Congresso da Associação científica ao Oceano Índico.- Lisboa -S. N. -P19/F2, 6 p.
Descritores: Moçambique | Recurso Hidrico
Cota: 115-F-73|Soc. Geog. Lx.
[68503]  Show Record 
United Nations Centre for Human Settlements
Report of the workshop on the network of African countries on local building materials and technologies / United Nations Centre for Human Settlements. - Nairobi : United Nations Centre for Human Settlements, . - 123 p. ; 21 cm
Descritores: Tecnologia | África | Relatório
Cota: 62|IPAD
[227666]  Show Record 

Report of the judicial enquiry re Serete Khama of the Bamangwato tribe / Botswana Notes and Records
In: Botswana Notes and Records. - Vol. 17, (1985), p. 53-64
Descritores: África Meridional | Botsuana | Ciências sociais | Política | Ideologia política | Protectorado
Cota: PP957|AHM
[240474]  Show Record 
Report of the Director of Public Instruction, Bombay, for the year 1856 - 57. - Bombay : Education Society's Press, . - 651 p. : il. ; 21 cm
Descritores: Educação | Ensino
Cota: 5505|CLP Goa
[245305]  Show Record 
Annual report of the board of scientific advice for India for the year 1905-06. - Calcutta : Government Central Press, . - Pag. var. : il., mapas ; 24 cm
Descritores: História
Cota: S/cota|CLP Goa
[261897]  Show Record 

Preliminary report on the geology of the Karonga Chitipa districts of northern Malawi / G. E. Ray
In: Twelfth annual report on scientific results : session 1966-67 / University of Leeds, Research Institute of African Geology and Department of Earth Sciences. - Leeds : University of Leeds, 1968. - p. 15-16
Descritores: Geologia | Africa
Cota: E178-P2-GB-9|LNEG
[261899]  Show Record 

Preliminary report on the geology of part of the Mozambique Belt in Sidamo province, southern Ethiopia / A. M. Chater, C. F. Gilboy
In: Twelfth annual report on scientific results : session 1966-67 / University of Leeds, Research Institute of African Geology and Department of Earth Sciences. - Leeds : University of Leeds, 1968. - p. 19-20
Descritores: Geologia | Africa
Cota: E178-P2-GB-9|LNEG
[381483]  Show Record 
ÍNDIA. Governement. Public Health Commissioner
Annual report of the Public Health Commissioner with the governement of India for 1930 / Public Health Commissioner. - Calcutta : Government of India, . - IX, 191 p. (vários desdobr.) : il. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Saúde pública | Higiene | Prevenção e controle | Doenças transmissíveis | Relatório | Índia
CDU: 614.39
Cota: C-2|IHMT
[381527]  Show Record 

Report of an investigation into the public cleansing service in the administrative County of London / by J. C. Dawes ; ed. lit. Ministry of Health. - London : His Majesty's Stationery Office, . - 122, [1] p. : il. (vários desdobr.) ; 28 cm
Descritores: Saúde pública | Higiene | Água | Ar | Solos | Poluição | Higiene urbana | Relatório
CDU: 614.78
Cota: C-4|IHMT
[394216]  Show Record 
Report of the external mid term evaluation of the African Programme for Onchocerciasis Control. - [Ougadougou] : African Programme for Onchocerciasis Control, . - 77 p. : il. ; 30 cm
Descritores: African Programme for Onchocerciasis Control | Saúde internacional | Oncocercose | Controle | Relatório | África
CDU: 616.995.132.5(6)(047.3)
Cota: M-11/3|IHMT
[397650]  Show Record 
Report of the WHO Informal Consultation on the Evaluation and Testing of Insecticides / WHO Informal Consultation on the Evaluation and Testing of Insecticides. - Geneva : WHO Pesticides Evaluation Scheme, . - 69 p. ; 30 cm
Descritores: Entomologia | Insectos | Insecticidas | Testes | Congresso
CDU: 614.449.57
Cota: M-18/1|IHMT
[409196]  Show Record 
ÍNDIA. Governement. Public Health Commissioner
Annual report of the Public Health Commissioner with the governement of India for 1930 / Public Health Commissioner. - Calcutta : Government of India, . - IX, 191 p. : il. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Saúde pública | Higiene | Prevenção e controle | Doenças transmissíveis | Relatório | Índia
CDU: 614.39
Cota: C-2|IHMT
[409240]  Show Record 

Report of an investigation into the public cleansing service in the administrative County of London / by J. C. Dawes. - London : His Majesty's Stationery Office, . - 122, [1] p. : il. (vários desdobr.) ; 28 cm
Descritores: Saúde pública | Higiene | Água | Ar | Solos | Poluição | Higiene urbana | Relatório
CDU: 614.78
Cota: C-4|IHMT
[459563]  Show Record 
Report of the external mid term evaluation of the African Programme for Onchocerciasis Control. - [Ougadougou] : African Programme for Onchocerciasis Control, . - 77 p. : il. ; 30 cm
Descritores: African Programme for Onchocerciasis Control | Saúde internacional | Oncocercose | Controle | Relatório | África
CDU: 616.995.132.5(6)(047.3)
Cota: M-11/3|IHMT
[460029]  Show Record 
Report of the WHO Informal Consultation on the Evaluation and Testing of Insecticides / WHO Informal Consultation on the Evaluation and Testing of Insecticides. - Geneva : WHO Pesticides Evaluation Scheme, . - 69 p. ; 30 cm
Descritores: Entomologia | Insectos | Insecticidas | Testes | Congresso
CDU: 614.449.57
Cota: M-18/1|IHMT
[23274]  Show Record 
Mozambique Company
Report of the administrator delegate and visiting directors on their mission to Africa / Mozambique Company. - London, . - 145 p.
Descritores: Desenvolvimento económico | Moçambique
Cota: 55888|Soc. Geog. Lx.
[132367]  Show Record 
Mozambique Company
Report of the administrator delegate and visiting directors on their mission to Africa / Mozambique Company. - London, . - 145 p.
Descritores: Desenvolvimento económico | Moçambique
Cota: MOB-2470|BNU
[258849]  Show Record 

Progress report on regional studies of the Umkondo system and Fingoé series, central Africa / J. R. Vail
In: Ninth annual report on scientific results : session 1963-64 / University of Leeds, Research Institute of African Geology. - Leeds : University of Leeds, Research Institute of African Geology, 1965. - p. 11-14
Descritores: Geologia | Africa
Cota: E178-P2/NBP/GB-9|LNEG
[347707]  Show Record 
Mozambique Company
Report of the administrator delegate and visiting directors on their mission to Africa / Mozambique Company. - London, . - 145 p.
Descritores: Desenvolvimento económico | Moçambique
Cota: MOB-2470|BNU
[362427]  Show Record 
Our common interest report of the commission for Africa. - East : Kilbride Commission for Africa, . - 461 p.
Descritores: Desenvolvimento humano | Segurança internacional | África
Cota: EA.02 Our|ISCTE
[366746]  Show Record 
Our common interest report of the commission for Africa. - East Kilbride : Commission for Africa, . - 461 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: Desenvolvimento humano | Governação | Segurança internacional | Comissão para África | Relatório 2005 | África
Cota: EA.02 Our|ISCTE
[385849]  Show Record 
Our common interest report of the commission for Africa. - East Kilbride : Commission for Africa, . - 461 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: Desenvolvimento humano | Governação | Segurança internacional | Comissão para África | Relatório 2005 | África
Cota: EA.02 Our|ISCTE
