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[14912]  Show Record 
The slave trade from the fifteenth to the nineteenth century / UNESCO. - Paris : United Nations. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, . - 330 p.. - The general history of África: studies and documents. 2)
Descritores: África | África lusófona | História | Escravatura
Cota: 326-9356|UCDA
[14913]  Show Record 

Reactions to the problem of the slave trade : an historical and ideological study / Michèle Duchet. - Paris : United Nations. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, . - The general history of África: studies and documents. 2)
In: The slave trade from the fifteenth to the nineteenth century / UNESCO. - Paris : United Nations. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 1979. - p.31-54.
Descritores: África | África lusófona | História | Escravatura
Cota: 326-9356|UCDA
[14914]  Show Record 

The slave trade and the Atlantic economies, 1451-1870 / Joseph E. Inikori. - Paris : United Nations. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, . - The general history of África: studies and documents. 2)
In: The slave trade from the fifteenth to the nineteenth century / UNESCO. - Paris : United Nations. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 1979. - p.56-87.
Descritores: África | África lusófona | História | Escravatura
Cota: 326-9356|UCDA
[14915]  Show Record 

The slave trade in the Caribbean and Latin America / José Luciano Franco. - The general history of África: studies and documents. 2)
In: The slave trade from the fifteenth to the nineteenth century / UNESCO. - Paris : United Nations. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 1979. - p.88-100.
Descritores: África | África lusófona | História | Escravatura
Cota: 326-9356|UCDA
[14920]  Show Record 

The slave trade in the Indian Ocean : problems facing the historian and research to the undertaken / Hubert Gerbeau. - The general history of África: studies and documents. 2)
In: The slave trade from the fifteenth to the nineteenth century / UNESCO. - Paris : United Nations. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 1979. - p.184-207.
Descritores: África | África lusófona | História | Escravatura
Cota: 326-9356|UCDA
[14923]  Show Record 

The slave trade and the peopling of Santo Domingo / Jean Fouchard. - The general history of África: studies and documents. 2)
In: The slave trade from the fifteenth to the nineteenth century / UNESCO. - Paris : United Nations. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 1979. - p.270-288.
Descritores: África | África lusófona | História | Escravatura
Cota: 326-9356|UCDA
[41039]  Show Record 

Angoche the slave trade and the portuguese, C. 1844-1910 / M.D.D. Newitt
In: The Journal of Áfrican History - ISSN 0021-85 - Vol XIII, nº 4(1972), p. 659-672
Descritores: Moçambique | História | Tráfico de Pessoas | Escravatura
Cota: 137-E|Soc. Geog. Lx.
[203727]  Show Record 

The volume angl/sexration and Áfrican impactof the slave trade : some refinements of Paul Lovejoy`sreview of the literature / David Eltes
In: Journal of Áfrican History. - Vol. 31, (1990), p. 485-492
Descritores: África | História
Cota: PP467|AHM
[233518]  Show Record 

The shell money of the slave trade / Jan Hogendorn, Marion Johnson. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, . - XV, 230 p. - African studies series. 49)
Descritores: História económica | Comércio | Relações de troca | Moeda--cauri | África Subsaariana
[244696]  Show Record 

The shell money of the slave trade / Jan Hogendorn, Marion Johnson. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, . - XV, 230 p. - African studies series. 49)
Descritores: História económica | Comércio | Relações de troca | Moeda--cauri | África Subsaariana
[256341]  Show Record 

The abolition of the slave trade in southeastern Nigeria, 1885-1950 / A. E. Afigbo. - Rochester : University of Rochester Press, . - XV, 213 p.. - Rochester studies in african history and the diaspora)
Descritores: História social | Escravatura | Africa
[274294]  Show Record 

The shell money of the slave trade / Jan Hogendorn, Marion Johnson. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, . - XV, 230 p. ; 22 cm. - African studies series. 49)
Descritores: História económica | Comércio | Relações de troca | Moeda--cauri | África Subsaariana
[274687]  Show Record 

Documents illustrative of the history of the slave trade to America / Elizabeth Donnan. - New York : Octagon Books, . - v. ; 22 cm. - Vol.1: 1441-1700. - 495 p.
Descritores: História económica e social | Comércio de escravos | Escravatura | America | África Subsaariana
Cota: EA.ASS 6 DON*Doc v.1|ISCTE
[311076]  Show Record 

The navy and the slave trade : the supression of the African slave trade in ... / Christopher Lloyd. - London : Frank Cass, . - XIII, 314 p., [9] f. : il. ; 22 cm
Descritores: Escravatura | África
CDU: 326
Cota: CEHU-3705|IICT
[318760]  Show Record 

The navy and the slave trade / Christopher Lloyd. - London : Frank Cass & Co., . - XIII, 314 p., [9] f. il ; 22 cm
Descritores: Escravatura | África
CDU: 326
Cota: CEHU-2015|IICT
[326314]  Show Record 
The congress agains the slave trade : . - Retirado da "English section" do boletim.
In: Boletim do governo ecclesiastico da diocese de S. Thomé de Meliapor. - Vol. II, n.º 2 (Setembro de 1889), p. 18-20
Descritores: Índia | Portugal | África | Missões religiosas | Catolicismo | Escravatura
Cota: 10-5-21-8|BGUC
[369274]  Show Record 
Africa and the Americas interconnections during the slave trade / ed. José C. Curto, Renée Soulodre-La France. - Trenton : Africa World Press, . - VII, 338 p. ; 23 cm
Descritores: História | Comércio | Identidade cultural | África
Cota: EA.ASS 6 Afr,2 ex.2|ISCTE
[369515]  Show Record 
Africa and the Americas interconnections during the slave trade / ed. José C. Curto, Renée Soulodre-La France. - Trenton : Africa World Press, . - VII, 338 p. ; 23 cm
Descritores: História | Comércio | Identidade cultural | África
Cota: EA.ASS 6 Afr,2 ex.2|ISCTE
[378401]  Show Record 

The abolition of the slave trade in southeastern Nigeria, 1885-1950 / A. E. Afigbo. - Rochester : University of Rochester Press, . - XV, 213 p.
Descritores: História | Escravatura | África
[392175]  Show Record 

Memories of the slave trade ritual and the historical imagination in Sierra Leone / Rosalin Shaw. - Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, . - 312 p. : il. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Comércio | Tradição oral | Antropologia | África
[415446]  Show Record 

Memories of the slave trade ritual and the historical imagination in Sierra Leone / Rosalin Shaw. - Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, . - 312 p. : il. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Comércio | Tradição oral | Antropologia | África
[14917]  Show Record 

Portuguese participation in the slave trade : opposing forces, trends of opinion within portuguese society. Effects on Portugal's socio-economic development / Françoise Latour da Veiga Pinto, assisted by A. Carreira. - The general history of África: studies and documents. 2)
In: The slave trade from the fifteenth to the nineteenth century / UNESCO. - Paris : United Nations. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 1979. - p.119-147.
Descritores: África | África lusófona | História | Escravatura
Cota: 326-9356|UCDA
[14922]  Show Record 

Portuguese research on the slave trade / António Carreira. - The general history of África: studies and documents. 2)
In: The slave trade from the fifteenth to the nineteenth century / UNESCO. - Paris : United Nations. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 1979. - p.250-264.
Descritores: África | África lusófona | História | Escravatura
Cota: 326-9356|UCDA
[16072]  Show Record 

The slave trade, racism and capitalism / Walter Rodney
In: The Cambridge history of África, IV / ed. Richard Gray ; pref. Roland Oliver, J. D. Fage. - 1ª. - London : Cambridge University Press, 1975. - p. 589-597
Descritores: História | África lusófona | Colonialismo | Escravatura
Cota: 96-8362|UCDA
[24598]  Show Record 

Portugal and the slave trade / Luciano Cordeiro. - Lisboa : [s.n.], . - Pag. var.
Descritores: Tráfico de pessoas | Portugal
Cota: 49-C-Vol.IV||Soc. Geog. Lx.
[28511]  Show Record 

Nourishing a stateless society during the slave trade : the rise of balanta paddy-rice production in Guinea-Bissau / Walter Hawthorne
In: Journal of Áfrican history. - ISSN 0021-8537. - vol. 42, nº 1 (2001), p. 1-24
Descritores: Guiné-Bissau | Tráfico de pessoas | Escravatura
Cota: 137-E|Soc. Geog. Lx.
[28512]  Show Record 

The slave trade and descentralization societies / Martin Klein
In: Journal of Áfrican history. - ISSN 0021-8537. - vol. 42, nº 1 (2001), p.49-65
Descritores: Tráfico de pessoas | Escravatura | História | África lusófona | Portugal | África
Cota: 137-E|Soc. Geog. Lx.
[193180]  Show Record 

Ethnicity and the slave trade : Lucumi and Nago as ethnonyms in West África / Robin Law
In: History in África : A Journal of Method. - Vol. 24 (1997), p. 205-219
Descritores: África | Escravatura | Tráfico de pessoas
Cota: PP1015|AHM
[197139]  Show Record 

Ethnicity and the slave trade : Lucumi and Nago as ethnonyms in West África / Robin Law
In: History in África : A Journal of Method. - Vol. 24 (1997), p. 205-219
Descritores: África | Escravatura | Tráfico de pessoas
Cota: PP1015|AHM
[205711]  Show Record 

Dahomey and the slave trade : reffections on the historiography of the rise of Dahomey / Robin Law. - Contém resumo em língua inglesa
In: The Journal of Áfrican History. - Vol. 27, nº 2 (1986), p. 237-267
Descritores: África | Oeste | Dahomey | História | Comércio de escravos
Cota: PP467|AHM
[225732]  Show Record 

The slave trade, depopulation and human sacrifice in Benin histrory : the general approach / James D. Grahan. - Possui bibliografia
In: Cahiers d'Études Áfricaines. - Vol. 5, nº 18 (1965), p. 317-334
Descritores: África Ocidental | Benim | Escravatura
Cota: PP459|AHM
[251450]  Show Record 
Fighting the slave trade : west african strategies / ed. Sylviane A. Diouf. - Oxford : James Currey, . - 243 p.
Descritores: Escravatura | História | Africa
Cota: EA.AOC 6 Fig|ISCTE
[251765]  Show Record 

Dahomey and the slave trade : an analysis of an archaic economy / Karl Polanyi ; colab. Abraham Rotstein ; foreword Paul Bohannan. - Seattle : University of Washington Press, . - XXVI, 204 p.
Descritores: História económica | Escravatura | Africa
[251767]  Show Record 

The slave trade in Northern Ghana / Benedict G. Der. - Accra : Woeli Publishing Services, . - [6], 38, [1] p.
Descritores: História económica | Escravatura | Africa
[251848]  Show Record 

Memories of the slave trade : ritual and the historical imagination in Sierra Leone / Rosalin Shaw. - Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, . - 312 p.
Descritores: Escravatura | Africa
[267413]  Show Record 

The slave trade / James Walvin. - Phoenix Mill : Sutton Publishing, . - 110 p. ; 20 cm. - Sutton pocket histories)
Descritores: História | Comércio de escravos | Abolicionismo | África Subsaariana
[274664]  Show Record 
Letters on west Africa and the slave trade : Paul Erdmann Isert's journey to Guinea and the Caribbean Islands in Columbia / trad., ed. Selena Axelrod Winsnes. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, . - [X], 278 p. ; 24 cm. - Union académique internationale : Fontes historiae africanae : Series varia. 7)
Descritores: Comércio de escravos | Viagem | História económica e social | África Ocidental
Cota: EA.AOC 6 Let|ISCTE
[276301]  Show Record 

The slave trade of eastern Africa / R. W. Beachey. - London : Rex Collings, . - 324 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: História económica e social | Escravatura | Comércio de escravos | Abolicionismo | Oceano Índico | África
[363756]  Show Record 
Climate, ecosystem resilience and the slave trade / James Fenske ; Namrata Kala. - Londres : CEPR, . - Discussion paper series)
Descritores: Escravatura | Clima | Angola | Moçambique
Cota: Serial 388//9449|ISEG
[363922]  Show Record 
Climate, ecosystem resilience and the slave trade / James Fenske ; Namrata Kala ; Discussion paper series. - Londres : CEPR,
Descritores: Escravatura | Clima | Angola | Moçambique
Cota: Serial 388//9449|ISEG
[366280]  Show Record 
Climate, ecosystem resilience and the slave trade / James Fenske ; Namrata Kala. - Londres : CEPR, . - Discussion paper series)
Descritores: Escravatura | Clima | Angola | Moçambique
Cota: Serial 388//9449|ISEG
[378517]  Show Record 
From chains to bonds the slave trade revisited / ed. Doudou Diène. - Paris : Berghahn Books, . - [XXVI], 470 p.
Descritores: História | Escravatura | Cultura | África
Cota: EA.ASS 6 Fro|ISCTE
[386117]  Show Record 
Fighting the slave trade west african strategies / ed. Sylviane A. Diouf. - Oxford : James Currey, . - 243 p. ; 24 cm
Descritores: História | Escravatura | África
Cota: EA.AOC 6 Fig|ISCTE
[205422]  Show Record 

The mixed commissions for the suppression of the transatlantic slave trade in the nineteenth century / Leslie Bethell
In: The Journal of Áfrican History. - Vol. VII, nº 1 (1966), p. 79-93
Descritores: África | História | Política
Cota: PP467|AHM
[203179]  Show Record 

Sortings and Ounce trade in the west Áfrican slave trade / Karl Polan. - Ilustrado
In: The Journal of Áfrican History. - Vol. V, nº 3 (1964), p. 381-393
Descritores: Oeste de África | escravatura | Comércio de escravos
Cota: PP467|AHM
[14918]  Show Record 

The slave trade and the population drain from Black África to North África and the Middle East / I. B. Kake. - The general history of África: studies and documents. 2)
In: The slave trade from the fifteenth to the nineteenth century / UNESCO. - Paris : United Nations. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 1979. - p.164-174.
Descritores: África | África lusófona | História | Escravatura
Cota: 326-9356|UCDA
[369281]  Show Record 

King Guezo of Dahomey, 1850-52 1852 the abolition of the slave trade on the west coast of Africa / s.a.. - London : The Stationery Office, . - 232 p. ; 19 cm
Descritores: História | Comércio | África
Cota: EA.AOC 6 Kin|ISCTE
[369522]  Show Record 

King Guezo of Dahomey, 1850-52 1852 the abolition of the slave trade on the west coast of Africa / s.a.. - London : The Stationery Office, . - 232 p. ; 19 cm
Descritores: História | Comércio | África
Cota: EA.AOC 6 Kin|ISCTE
[14921]  Show Record 
Summary report of the meeting of experts on the Áfrican slave trade. - The general history of África: studies and documents. 2)
In: The slave trade from the fifteenth to the nineteenth century / UNESCO. - Paris : United Nations. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 1979. - p.209-229.
Descritores: África | África lusófona | História | Escravatura
Cota: 326-9356|UCDA
[30090]  Show Record 

The volume of the atlantic slave trade : a synthesis / Paul E. Lovejoy
In: The Journal of Áfrican History.- ISSN 0021-85.- vol. 23, nº 4, (1982), p. 473-501
Descritores: África lusófona | História | Colonialismo | Escravatura
Cota: 137-E|Soc. Geog. Lx.
