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[311373]  Show Record 

The state' in change : processes and contestations in local China : an introduction / Linda Chelan Li
Descritores: China | Alterações do estado | Governo local
Cota: PP231/PR|FO
[338649]  Show Record 

The state in change : processes and contestations in local China : an introduction / Linda Chelan Li
In: The Pacific review. - V.19, n. 1 (March 2006), pp. 1-12
Descritores: China | Governo local
Cota: PP231/PR|FO
[356454]  Show Record 

The peasant and the state studies in agrarian change in Ethiopia 1950s-2000s / Dessalegn Rahmato. - Addis Ababa : Addis Ababa University Press, . - 355 p.
Descritores: História | Economia | Sociedade rural | Desenvolvimento rural | Reforma agrária | Africa
[362478]  Show Record 

The peasant and the state studies in agrarian change in Ethiopia 1950s-2000s / Dessalegn Rahmato. - Addis : Ababa Addis Ababa University Press, . - 355 p.
Descritores: História | Reforma agrária | África
[422673]  Show Record 

The peasant and the state studies in agrarian change in Ethiopia 1950s-2000s / Dessalegn Rahmato. - Addis Ababa : Addis Ababa University Press, . - 355 p.
Descritores: História económica | Sociedade rural | Desenvolvimento agrícola | Reforma agrária | Direitos fundiários | África
[332912]  Show Record 
State and nation in the context of social change / ed. T. V. Sathyamurthy. - Delhi : Oxford University Press, . - 365 p. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Ciência política | História | Nacionalismo | Economia | Sociologia | India
Cota: GR6623(CS)|CLP Goa
[366757]  Show Record 
The state, education and equity in post-apartheid South Africa the impact of state policies / ed. Enver Motala, John Pampallis. - Aldershot : Ashgate, . - XI, 236 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: Política da educação | Financiamento da educação | Pós-apartheid | África do Sul | África Austral
Cota: EA.AAU 3 Sta|ISCTE
[385859]  Show Record 
The state, education and equity in post-apartheid South Africa the impact of state policies / ed. Enver Motala, John Pampallis. - Aldershot : Ashgate, . - XI, 236 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: Política da educação | Financiamento da educação | Pós-apartheid | África do Sul | África Austral
Cota: EA.AAU 3 Sta|ISCTE
[422706]  Show Record 

The state and the social state formation in Botswana and its pré-colonial and colonial genealogies / Ornulf Gulbrandsen. - New York : Berghahn Books, . - XIX, 343 p.
Descritores: História | Política | Etnologia | África
[213066]  Show Record 

Agricultural development and population change in the context of the settlement patterns in Tanzania / W. F. I. Mlay
In: UTAFITI. - Vol. 6, nº 1 (1984), p. 23-33
Descritores: África | Tanzânia | Sector agrícola | Desenvolvimento económico
Cota: PP980|AHM
[219480]  Show Record 

Continuity and change in traditional Nigerian theater among the Igbo in the era of colonial politics / J. Ndukaku Amankulor, Chinyere G. Okafor
In: Ufahamu. - Vol. 26, nº 3 (1988), p. 35-50
Cota: PP1020|AHM
[422859]  Show Record 
The gods in retreat continuity and change in african religions (the nigerian experience) / ed. Emefie Ikenga Metuh. - Enugu : Fourth Dimension Publishers, . - [XVI], 298 p.
Descritores: Sociologia | Religião | Islão | África
Cota: EA.AOC 1 God|ISCTE
[206668]  Show Record 

The state, settlers, and indigenes in the evolution of land law and policy in colonial Malawi / The International Journal of Áfrican historical Studies. - Vol. 23, nº 1 (1990), p 27-58
Descritores: Malavi | Lei de terras | Sector agrícola
Cota: PP1024|AHM
[321234]  Show Record 

The romance of the state, and the fate of dissent in the tropics / Ashis Nandy. - Oxford : University Press, . - ix, 218 p. ; 21 cm
Descritores: Ciência política | Religião | História | India
Cota: GR21389|CLP Goa
[369342]  Show Record 
In the balance debating the state of democracy in South Africa / ed. Paul Graham, Alice Coetzee. - Cape Town : IDASA, . - 103 p. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Democracia | Sociedade civil | África
[369583]  Show Record 
In the balance debating the state of democracy in South Africa / ed. Paul Graham, Alice Coetzee. - Cape Town : IDASA, . - 103 p. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Democracia | Sociedade civil | África
[387924]  Show Record 

Ghana recurrence and change in a post-independence african state / Akwasi P. Osei. - New York : Peter Lang, . - X, 167 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: História política | Economia política | Estado | Pós-colonialismo | Gana | África Ocidental
[374965]  Show Record 

The more things change, the more they stay the same in India : the Bahujan and the paradox of the "democratic upsurge" / K. K. Kailash
In: Asian Survey. - V. 52, nº 2 (Mar./Abr. 2012), pp. 321-347
Descritores: Eleição | Democracia | India
Cota: PP007/AS|FO
[13899]  Show Record 

The concept of the party in the afro-marxist state / L. Adele Jinadu
In: Documentatieblad / Afrika-Studiecentrum. - Leiden : Afrika-Studiecentrum. Vol. 21, nº 3 (1990), p. 128
Descritores: Moçambique | Ideologia política
Cota: s/cota|UCDA
[221841]  Show Record 

The state, the party and the female peasantry in Mozambique / Sonia Kruks; Ben Wisner
In: Journal of Southern Áfrican Studies. - Vol. 11, nº 1 (Out. 1984), p. 106-127
Descritores: África | Moçambique | Vida política | Vida social | Mulher
Cota: PP938|AHM
[319148]  Show Record 

Taiwan's economy and the role of the State in the age of globalization / Johnny Chi-Chen Chiang
Descritores: Economia | Taiwan | Globalização
Cota: PP238/DA|FO
[326844]  Show Record 

Taiwan's economy and the role of the state in the age of globalization / Johnny Chi-Chen Chiang
In: Daxiyangguo : Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Asiáticos. - Nº 3 (1º semestre 2003), p. 43-65
Descritores: Ciências sociais | Macau | Portugal
Cota: CS-2036|FCM
[364053]  Show Record 

The myth of the powerless state governing the economy in a global era / Linda Weiss. - Cambridge : Polity Press, . - 260 p. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Estado | Economia | Japão
Cota: S.193 WEI*Myt|ISCTE
[383413]  Show Record 

The nature of human tick fever in the Eastern part of the Congo free state : with notes on the distribution and bionomics of the tick / J. Everett Dutton, John L. Todd. - London : Williams and Norgate, . - 26, [8] p. : il, 1 desdobr.
Descritores: Parasitologia | Febres | Acaros | Carraças | Imunidade | Ornithodoros moubata | Bionómica | Congo
CDU: 616.981.711
Cota: I-4|IHMT
[412403]  Show Record 

The nature of human tick fever in the Eastern part of the Congo free state : with notes on the distribution and bionomics of the tick / J. Everett Dutton, John L. Todd. - London : Williams and Norgate, . - 26, [8] p. : il, 1 desdobr.
Descritores: Parasitologia | Febres | Acaros | Carraças | Imunidade | Ornithodoros moubata | Bionómica | Congo
CDU: 616.981.711
Cota: I-4|IHMT
[422276]  Show Record 

The quest for expression the state and the university in Ethiopia under three regimes, 1952-2005 / Randi Ronning Balsvik. - Addis Ababa : Addis Ababa University Press, . - 190 p.
Descritores: História social | Universidade | Estudante | África
[18612]  Show Record 

Ethnohistory in the study of culture change in Southeast África / Charles Edward Fuller
In: Continuity and change in african culture / Melville J. Herskovits, William R. Bascom. - Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 1959. - p. 113-129
Descritores: África lusófona | Diferença cultural | Cultura | Etnologia | História | Usos e costumes
Cota: D- 185|UCDA
[204944]  Show Record 

Change in religion and the arts in a Zairian Village / Alan P. Merriam. - Ilustrações
In: Áfrican Arts. - Vol. VII, nº 4 (1974), p. 46-53
Descritores: África Central | Zaire | Religião | Artes
Cota: PP453|AHM
[221433]  Show Record 

Old portuguese records in the history of scientific ethnology and cultural change in South África / V. H. Valez-Grilo
In: South Áfrican Journal of Science. - Vol. 55, nº 3 (1959), p. 57-63
Descritores: África do Sul | História | Colonialismo | Etnologia | Cultura
Cota: PP476|AHM
[392076]  Show Record 

Land reform under structural adjustment in zimbabwe land use change in the mashonaland provinces / Sam Moyo. - Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, . - 225 p. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Sociologia | Política | África
[415743]  Show Record 

Land reform under structural adjustment in zimbabwe land use change in the mashonaland provinces / Sam Moyo. - Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, . - 225 p. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Sociologia | Política | África
[418611]  Show Record 

Socioeconomic change and land use in Africa the transformation of property rights in Maasailand / Esther Mwangi. - New York : Palgrave Macmillan, . - XVI, 219 p.
Descritores: Pastorismo | Reforma agrária | África
[466240]  Show Record 

Socioeconomic change and land use in Africa the transformation of property rights in Maasailand / Esther Mwangi. - New York : Palgrave Macmillan, . - XVI, 219 p.
Descritores: Pastorismo | Reforma agrária | África
[203353]  Show Record 

Change and evolution in the stracture of the Kenya coffee industry / Alan Rufus Waters
In: Áfrican Affairs. - Vol. 71 nº 283 (1972), p. 163-175
Descritores: Indústria | Café
Cota: PP446|AHM
[220836]  Show Record 

The influence of enviroment in inducing culture change at the Kalambo Falls prehistoric site / J. Desmond Clark. - il. possui bibliografia
In: <The >South Áfrican Archalogical Bulletin. - Vol. XIX, nº 76 (1964), p. 93-101(463): i
Descritores: África do Sul | Ciências sociais
Cota: PP477|AHM
[273882]  Show Record 

Community perspectives on climate change impacts and the responses in the southern lowlands of Ethiopia / Aklilu Amsalu, Alebachew Adem. - Addis Ababa : Forum for Social Studies, . - 19 p. ; 28 cm
Descritores: Mudança climática | Degradação do ambiente | Impacto sócio-económico | Etiópia | Corno de África
[356456]  Show Record 

Community perspectives on climate change impacts and the responses in the southern lowlands of Ethiopia / Aklilu Amsalu, Alebachew Adem. - Addis Ababa : Forum for Social Studies, . - 19 p.
Descritores: Clima | Degradação do ambiente | Africa
[362480]  Show Record 

Community perspectives on climate change impacts and the responses in the southern lowlands of Ethiopia / Aklilu Amsalu, Alebachew Adem. - Addis Ababa : Forum for Social Studies, . - 19 p.
Descritores: Mudança climática | Ambiente | África
[369043]  Show Record 
Voices of the transition the politics, poetics and practices of social change in south Africa / ed. Edgar Pieterse, Frank Meintjies. - Sandown : Heinemann Pubishers, . - XVI, 366 p. : il. ; 17 cm
Descritores: Mudança social | África
Cota: EA.AAU 1 Voi|ISCTE
[369370]  Show Record 

The regime change of Kwame Nkrumah epic heroism in Africa and the diaspora / Ahmad A. Rahman. - Basingstoke : New York Palgrave MacMillan, . - XVI, 250 p. ; 21 cm
Descritores: Biografias | Politicos | Liderança politica | África
Cota: EA.01 RAH*Reg|ISCTE
[369611]  Show Record 

The regime change of Kwame Nkrumah epic heroism in Africa and the diaspora / Ahmad A. Rahman. - Basingstoke : New York Palgrave MacMillan, . - XVI, 250 p. ; 21 cm
Descritores: Biografias | Politicos | Liderança politica | África
Cota: EA.01 RAH*Reg|ISCTE
[374552]  Show Record 

Pioneers of change in Ethiopia The reformist intellectuals of the early twentieth century / Bahru Zewde. - Oxford : Oxford James Currey, . - 228 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: Intelectuais | Mudança cultural | Mudança social | Historia | Africa
[394066]  Show Record 
WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION. Department for International Development
The resilience of water supply and sanitation in the face of climate change : summary and policy implications / Department for International Development. - Geneva : WHO, . - 1 cd rom. - Vision 2030)
Descritores: Água Potável | Abastecimento tratamento e consumo | Saneamento | Alterações climáticas | Saúde e desenvolvimento
CDU: 628.1
Cota: 93/2010|IHMT
[459413]  Show Record 
WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION. Department for International Development
The resilience of water supply and sanitation in the face of climate change : summary and policy implications / Department for International Development. - Geneva : WHO, . - 1 cd rom. - Vision 2030)
Descritores: Água Potável | Abastecimento tratamento e consumo | Saneamento | Alterações climáticas | Saúde e desenvolvimento
CDU: 628.1
Cota: 93/2010|IHMT
[69977]  Show Record 

State and class in Guinea-Bissau in view of the November 1980 coup / Lars Rudebeck
In: Dokumentation zum staatsstreich in Guine-Bissau : im November 1980 = Documentação sobre o golpe de Estado na Guiné : Novembro de 1980 / Ulrich Schiefer, Silke May, Ingrid Stukenbrock. - Munster : Institut fur coziologie der Westfalischen Wilhelms, 1982. - P. 454-464
Descritores: Guiné-Bissau | Estado | Classe social | Violência política
[336629]  Show Record 

Role of the state in Chinese entreprises listed in Kong Kong / Ma Shu-Yun
In: The Pacific Review. - V.15, nº 2 (2002), pp. 279-298
Descritores: China | Papel do estado | Privatização | Empresa
Cota: PP231/PR|FO
[369023]  Show Record 

South Africa in the twentieth century a political history - in search of a nation state / James Barber. - Oxford : Blackwell Publishers, . - 332 p. : il. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Pós-apartheid | Democratização | Apartheid | História política | África do Sul | África Austral
[369163]  Show Record 

South Africa in the twentieth century a political history - in search of a nation state / Barber, James. - Oxford : Blackwell Publishers, . - 332 p. : il. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Democratização | Apartheid | Historia | África
[369220]  Show Record 
Africa in world politics the african state system in flux / ed. John W. Harbeson, Donald Rothchild. - Boulder : Westview Press, . - XII, 396 p. ; 23 cm
Descritores: História | Política internacional | Regime político | África
Cota: EA.ASS 1 Afr,20|ISCTE
