Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 02 | 132 ms
[340445]  Show Record 

Travel and ethnology in the renaissance : South India through European eyes, 1250-1625 / Joan-Pau Rubiés. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, . - xxii, 443 p.. - Past and present publications)
Descritores: Etnologia | Literatura | Viagem | Europa | India
Cota: 910(540)"12/16"/RUB|FO
[221433]  Show Record 

Old portuguese records in the history of scientific ethnology and cultural change in South África / V. H. Valez-Grilo
In: South Áfrican Journal of Science. - Vol. 55, nº 3 (1959), p. 57-63
Descritores: África do Sul | História | Colonialismo | Etnologia | Cultura
Cota: PP476|AHM
