Pesquisa bibliográfica

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[19006]  Show Record 

West Áfrican trade and coast society : a famaly study / Margaret Priestley. - London : Oxford University Press, (Bristol : Western Printing Services Ltd
Descritores: África | Cultura | Comercialização
Cota: D 396|UCDA
[207343]  Show Record 

The Ounce in eighteenth-century west Áfrican trade / Marion Johnson
In: The Jounal of Áfrican History. Vol. VII, nº 2 (1966), p. 197-214
Descritores: África | Comércio
Cota: PP467|AHM
[207345]  Show Record 

The ounce in eighteenth century west Áfrican trade / Marion Johnson
In: The Journal of Áfrican History. - Vol. VII, nº 2 (1966), p. 197-214
Descritores: África | Comércio
Cota: PP467|AHM
[276057]  Show Record 

West african trade : a study of competition, oligopoly and monopoly in a changing economy / P. T. Bauer. - London : Routledge & Kegan Paul, . - XIX, 450 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: Exportação | Importação | Tabela de preços | Política económica | Gana | Costa do Ouro | Nigéria | África Ocidental
[203179]  Show Record 

Sortings and Ounce trade in the west Áfrican slave trade / Karl Polan. - Ilustrado
In: The Journal of Áfrican History. - Vol. V, nº 3 (1964), p. 381-393
Descritores: Oeste de África | escravatura | Comércio de escravos
Cota: PP467|AHM
[227636]  Show Record 

The chemical composition of west african fish, the west african shad : ethmalosa dorslais : C. L. V. from the Sierra Leone river estatuary / J. C. D. Watte
In: Bulletin del Institut Français d'Afrique Noire. - Nº 19 (1957), p. 539-547
Descritores: África Ocidental | Ciências da vida | Biologia | Política da pesca | Investigação haliêutica | Peixe
Cota: PP471|AHM
[386117]  Show Record 
Fighting the slave trade west african strategies / ed. Sylviane A. Diouf. - Oxford : James Currey, . - 243 p. ; 24 cm
Descritores: História | Escravatura | África
Cota: EA.AOC 6 Fig|ISCTE
[201120]  Show Record 

The royal african company of england's west african correspondece, 1681-1699 / Robin Law. - Contém notas bibliograficas
In: History in África : A Journal of Method. - Vol. 20 (1993), p. 173-184
Descritores: África | Competência administrativa | África Central | Correspondência
Cota: PP1015|AHM
[687]  Show Record 
West Africa during the Atlantic slave trade : archaeological perspectives / edited by Christopher R. DeCorse. - London : Leichester University Press, . - XI, 194 p. - New approaches to anthropological archaeology)
Descritores: Arqueologia | Escravatura | Culturas africanas | África
Cota: 902(6)|ULFL
[51540]  Show Record 

Trade and authorati in West África from 1850 to 1880 / Colin W. Newbury
In: The history and politics of colonialism: 1870- 1914/ LH. Gann; Peter Dvignan, ed. lit.- Cambridge: University Press, 1973.- p. 66- 99
Descritores: África Lusófona | Colonialismo | História
Cota: H.E. 495- G|ISEG
[199694]  Show Record 

Trade unions and politics in French west África during the fourth republic / Guy pfeffermann
In: Áfrican Affairs. - Vol. 66, nº 264 (1967), p. 213-230
Descritores: África | Política governamental
Cota: PP446|AHM
[201803]  Show Record 

Trade unions and economic planning in west África / Francis L. Luyimbazi
In: Civilisations. - Vol. 16, nº 2 (1966), p. 190-208
Descritores: África | África Ocidental | Economia
Cota: PP439|AHM
[211698]  Show Record 

Markets and trade in west África : policy issues for the poorest members of Ecowas / J. Mark Ellis, Philip Morgan. - Contém bibliografia.
In: África Studies Review. - Vol. 27 nº 3 (Set. 1984), p. 67-76
Descritores: África Meridional | Comércio | Mercado internacional
Cota: PP958|AHM
[252028]  Show Record 
West Africa during the atlantic slave trade : archaeological perspectives / ed. Christopher R. DeCorse. - London : Leicester University Press, . - [XIV], 194 p.. - New approaches to anthropological archaeology)
Descritores: Historia | Arqueologia | Escravatura | África
Cota: EA.AOC 6 Wes|ISCTE
[256472]  Show Record 
International African Seminar, 10th, Freetown, 1969
The development of indigenous trade and markets in West Africa / ed. Claude Meillassoux ; pref. Daryll Forde. - London : Oxford University Press, . - 444 p.
Descritores: História económica | Comércio | Mercado | Africa
[274511]  Show Record 
International African Seminar, 10th, Freetown, 1969
The development of indigenous trade and markets in West Africa / ed. Claude Meillassoux ; pref. Daryll Forde. - London : Oxford University Press, . - 444 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: História económica | Comércio | Mercado | Colóquios | África Ocidental
[274664]  Show Record 
Letters on west Africa and the slave trade : Paul Erdmann Isert's journey to Guinea and the Caribbean Islands in Columbia / trad., ed. Selena Axelrod Winsnes. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, . - [X], 278 p. ; 24 cm. - Union académique internationale : Fontes historiae africanae : Series varia. 7)
Descritores: Comércio de escravos | Viagem | História económica e social | África Ocidental
Cota: EA.AOC 6 Let|ISCTE
[329337]  Show Record 
India's trade prospects with west indies with special reference to Trinidad and Tabago. - Nova Delhi : Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, . - IV, 50 p. : il. pb, tabelas ; 25 cm
Descritores: Acta de reunião | Comércio externo | Mercado | Estrutura económica | Índia
Cota: S/cota|Directorate of Archives and Archaelogy
[369196]  Show Record 
West Africa during the atlantic slave trade archaeological perspectives / ed. Christopher R. DeCorse. - London : Leicester University Press, . - [XIV], 194 p. : il. ; 25 cm
Descritores: História | Arqueologia | Comércio | África
Cota: EA.AOC 6 Wes|ISCTE
[369439]  Show Record 
West Africa during the atlantic slave trade archaeological perspectives / ed. Christopher R. DeCorse. - London : Leicester University Press, . - [XIV], 194 p. : il. ; 25 cm
Descritores: História | Arqueologia | Comércio | África
Cota: EA.AOC 6 Wes|ISCTE
