QARLUQ, Abduresit Jelil
Towards a "harmonious society"? : a brief case study of the post-liberation settlement in Beijing of Uyghur intellectuals and their relations with the majority society / Abduresit Jelil Qarluq, Donald Hugh McMillen
In: Asian Ethnicity. - V. 12, nº 1 (Fev. 2011), p. 1-31
Descritores: Etnologia |
Cota: PP226/AE|FO
QARLUQ, Abduresit Jelil
Towards a "harmonious society"? : a brief case study of the post-liberation settlement in Beijing of Uyghur intellectuals and their relations with the majority society / Abduresit Jelil Qarluq, Donald Hugh McMillen
In: Asian Ethnicity. - V. 12, nº 1 (Fev. 2011), p. 1-31
Descritores: Etnologia |
Cota: PP226/AE|FO
CRUZ, Gaspar da
Tractado das coisas da China / Frei Gaspar da Cruz ; trad. Hino Hiroshi. -
Tóquio : Editora Shin Jinbuto Ârai,
1996. - LXXVI, 264 p.. - ^aTradução japonesa e coment rios de Hino Hiroshi acompanhados do fac-símile da primeira edição existente na Biblioteca Geral da Universidade de Coimbra
Descritores: Viagens |
Usos e costumes |
China |
Cota: CHI 910.4 CRU,G.=521|FO