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Registos: 30 | 02 ms
[68602]  Show Record 
Technical Centre For Agricultural and Rural Cooperation
Realisation of Africa's potential for food production / Technical Centre For Agricultural and Rural Cooperation. - Amesterdão : CTA, . - 25 p. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Sector agrícola | Aquicultura | África
Cota: 63 CTA|IPAD
[68603]  Show Record 
Technical Centre For Agricultural and Rural Cooperation
Erosion control in the tropics / Technical Centre For Agricultural and Rural Cooperation. - Holanda : Technical Centre For Agricultural and Rural Cooperation, . - 73 p. : gráficos ; 21 cm
Descritores: Erosão | Sector agrícola
Cota: 63 CTA|IPAD
[68604]  Show Record 
Technical Centre For Agricultural and Rural Cooperation
Elevage de lapins dans la basse-cour sous les tropiques / Technical Centre For Agricultural and Rural Cooperation. - Amesterdão : Technical Centre For Agricultural and Rural Cooperation, . - 77 p. : quadros, desenhos ; 21 cm
Descritores: Produção animal
Cota: 63 CTA|IPAD
[68605]  Show Record 
Technical Centre For Agricultural and Rural Cooperation
L' apiculture sous les tropiques / Technical Centre For Agricultural and Rural Cooperation. - Amesterdão : Technical Centre For Agricultural and Rural Cooperation, . - 90 p. : desenhos ; 21 cm
Descritores: Sector agrícola | Aquicultura
Cota: 63 CTA|IPAD
[68606]  Show Record 
Technical Centre For Agricultural and Rural Cooperation
La défense des sols contre l' erosion dans les tropiques / Technical Centre For Agricultural and Rural Cooperation. - Amesterdão : Technical Centre For Agricultural and Rural Cooperation, . - 72 p. : desenhos ; 21 cm
Descritores: Erosão | Sector agrícola
Cota: 63 CTA|IPAD
[68607]  Show Record 
Technical Centre For Agricultural and Rural Cooperation
Biotechnology and the agricultural industry : current status and prospects for research and development in biotechnology / Technical Centre For Agricultural and Rural Cooperation. - Holanda : Technical Centre For Agricultural and Rural Cooperation, . - 148 p. ; 21 cm
Descritores: Sector agrícola | Agro-indústria | Desenvolvimento agrícola | Biotecnologia
Cota: 63 CTA|IPAD
[68608]  Show Record 
Technical Centre For Agricultural and Rural Cooperation
Elevage de porcs sous les tropiques / Technical Centre For Agricultural and Rural Cooperation. - Amesterdão : Technical Centre For Agricultural and Rural Cooperation, . - 59 p. : desenhos ; 21 cm
Descritores: Produção animal | Suinicultura | África
Cota: 63 CTA|IPAD
[68609]  Show Record 
Technical Centre For Agricultural and Rural Cooperation
Matching livestock systems with available feed resources in tropical countries / Technical Centre For Agricultural and Rural Cooperation. - Holanda : Technical Centre For Agricultural and Rural Cooperation, . - 26 p. : tabelas ; 21 cm
Descritores: Sector agrícola | Produção animal | Produção alimentar
Cota: 63 CTA|IPAD
[68611]  Show Record 
Technical Centre For Agricultural and Rural Cooperation
Rapport annuel : 1990 / Technical Centre For Agricultural and Rural Cooperation. - Bélgica : Technical Centre For Agricultural and Rural Cooperation, . - 117 p. : il. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Sector agrícola | Desenvolvimento agrícola | Cooperação agrícola
Cota: 63 CTA|IPAD
[68612]  Show Record 
Technical Centre For Agricultural and Rural Cooperation
Rapport annuel : 1996 / Technical Centre For Agricultural and Rural Cooperation. - Bélgica : Technical Centre For Agricultural and Rural Cooperation, . - 96 p. : il. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Sector agrícola | Desenvolvimento agrícola | Cooperação agrícola
Cota: 63 CTA|IPAD
[68613]  Show Record 
Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation
Annual report : 2002 / Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation. - Holanda : CTA, . - 92 p. : tabelas ; 25 cm
Descritores: Cooperação agrícola | Desenvolvimento agrícola | Sector agrícola
Cota: 63 CTA|IPAD
[68614]  Show Record 
Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation
Premier seminaire du CTA 2-6 Avril 1984 - Reunion des Delegues / Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation. - Wageningen : CTA, . - 160 p. : fotos, quadros ; 24 cm
Descritores: Cooperação agrícola | Desenvolvimento agrícola | Sector agrícola
Cota: 63 CTA|IPAD
[68615]  Show Record 
Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation
First seminar of CTA 2-6 April 1984 - meeting of delegates / Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation. - Holanda : CTA, . - 146 p. : fotos, tabelas ; 24 cm
Descritores: Cooperação agrícola | Desenvolvimento agrícola | Sector agrícola
Cota: 63 CTA|IPAD
[68617]  Show Record 
Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation
Scientific and technical information concerning agricultural and rural development in the ACP States / Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation. - França : CTA, . - 31 p. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Sector agrícola | Desenvolvimento agrícola | Países ACP | Pacífico | África | Caraíbas
Cota: 63 CTA|IPAD
[68620]  Show Record 
Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation
Proceedings of the conference of ministers on the realization of Africa's potential for food production / Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation. - Amesterdão : CTA, . - 157 p. : tabelas ; 29 cm
Descritores: Cooperação agrícola | Desenvolvimento agrícola | Sector agrícola | Convenção de Lomé
Cota: 63 CTA|IPAD
[68622]  Show Record 
Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation
Proceedings of the seminar on seed production / Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation. - Holanda : CTA, . - 369 p. : tabelas ; 29 cm
Descritores: Cooperação agrícola | Desenvolvimento agrícola | Sector agrícola | Convenção de Lomé
Cota: 63 CTA (vol. I)|IPAD
[68623]  Show Record 
Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation
Proceedings of the seminar on seed production / Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation. - Holanda : CTA, . - 369 p. : tabelas ; 29 cm
Descritores: Cooperação agrícola | Desenvolvimento agrícola | Sector agrícola | Convenção de Lomé
Cota: 63 CTA (vol. II)|IPAD
[68624]  Show Record 
Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation
Manutention, conservation et transformation du poisson sous les tropiques : partie 2 / Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation. - Londres : CTA, . - 144 p. : desenhos ; 29 cm
Descritores: Cooperação agrícola | Desenvolvimento agrícola | Sector agrícola | Convenção de Lomé
Cota: 63 CTA|IPAD
[68626]  Show Record 
Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation
Improving fish preservation and processing in West Africa / Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation. - Senegal : CTA, . - 69 p. ; 29 cm
Descritores: Cooperação agrícola | Desenvolvimento agrícola | Sector agrícola | Senegal | Convenção de Lomé
Cota: 63 CTA|IPAD
[68627]  Show Record 
Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation
Final report of the meeting of directors of fisheries of West African countries / Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation. - Gambia : CTA, . - 34 p. ; 29 cm
Descritores: Cooperação agrícola | Desenvolvimento agrícola | Sector agrícola | Convenção de Lomé
Cota: 63 CTA|IPAD
[68628]  Show Record 
Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation
Improving citrus and banana production in the Caribbean through phytosanitation / Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation. - St. Lucia : CTA, . - 268 p. : tabelas ; 29 cm
Descritores: Cooperação agrícola | Desenvolvimento agrícola | Sector agrícola | Convenção de Lomé
Cota: 63 CTA|IPAD
[68629]  Show Record 
Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation
Proceedings of the seminar on an international research network on drought resistance / Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation. - Burkina Faso : CTA, . - 177 p. : tabelas ; 29 cm
Descritores: Cooperação agrícola | Desenvolvimento agrícola | Sector agrícola | Convenção de Lomé
Cota: 63 CTA|IPAD
[68630]  Show Record 
Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation
Rapport annuel : 1989 / Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation. - Bélgica : CTA, . - 88 p. : tabelas ; 25 cm
Descritores: Cooperação agrícola | Desenvolvimento agrícola | Sector agrícola | Convenção de Lomé
Cota: 63 CTA|IPAD
[68631]  Show Record 
Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation
Rapport annuel : 1990 / Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation. - Bélgica : CTA, . - 117 p. : il. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Cooperação agrícola | Desenvolvimento agrícola | Sector agrícola | Convenção de Lomé
Cota: 63 CTA|IPAD
[68632]  Show Record 
Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation
Rapport annuel : 1993 / Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation. - Bélgica : CTA, . - 104 p. : il. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Cooperação agrícola | Desenvolvimento agrícola | Sector agrícola | Convenção de Lomé
Cota: 63 CTA|IPAD
[68633]  Show Record 
Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation
Rapport annuel : 2001 / Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation. - Bélgica : CTA, . - 134 p. : il. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Cooperação agrícola | Desenvolvimento agrícola | Sector agrícola | Convenção de Lomé
Cota: 63 CTA|IPAD
[68634]  Show Record 
Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation
Rapport annuel : 2003 / Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation. - Bélgica : CTA, . - 105 p. : il. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Cooperação agrícola | Desenvolvimento agrícola | Sector agrícola | Convenção de Lomé
Cota: 63 CTA|IPAD
[68727]  Show Record 
Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation
The composition of foods : commonly eaten in East Africa / Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation. - Holanda : CTA, . - 84 p. : tabelas ; 29 cm
Descritores: Produtos alimentares | África
Cota: 641 CTA|IPAD
[69021]  Show Record 
Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation
Annual report : 2004 / Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation. - Holanda : Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation, . - 100 p. : tabelas ; 25 cm
Descritores: Sector agrícola | África | Países ACP | Caraíbas | Pacífico | União Europeia | Cooperação internacional | Desenvolvimento agrícola
Cota: 63 CTA|IPAD
